gaming + college + life

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hey guys. im currently a senior in highschool and i am going to college/university this upcoming fall. i haven't really played any valorant or video games in general the past 2 months or so since i've been locked in for school. i dont really have a strong urge to start playing, but a part of me at times wants to start again. i love like the peripherals, aiming, and just that side of gaming a lot. for those who do, how do you guys manage gaming, effectively studying, and like exercise and stuff. do you guys think i should start gaming in college again or nah.


Personally I have a lot of time to do all 3


skip class, stay unemployed, gym doesnt take too long and u can grind a lot if u follow these tips :D

jackb2016 [#2]

Personally I have a lot of time to do all 3

if i may ask, what does your schedule kinda look like in your day. also wht major are you


Just start smoking pot once you go to college. Gaming is for nerds

kfan4238173 [#3]

skip class, stay unemployed, gym doesnt take too long and u can grind a lot if u follow these tips :D

got it. ill try this out


I go gym like 3 times a week rest of the days I use that time to game and at the same time I complete my college work on time gives me like 2-3 hours of time to Game daily.

5percentTINT [#5]

Just start smoking pot once you go to college. Gaming is for nerds

Valid pot is goated

kfan4238173 [#3]

skip class, stay unemployed, gym doesnt take too long and u can grind a lot if u follow these tips :D



U gotta find the right people in college to balance it all


The tip to balancing things is to... not actually balance them. Instead, u set up priority tiers and go down the list. Suppose studying is at the top - u didnt fill ur study quota for the week, but u also have a gym/gaming session scheduled for today? Scrap everything else and fill ur quota for studying, since its at the top of the tier list or vice/versa.

Then after that, you go do whats next on the priority list if you have time


ig it depends how much of a social life you have outside of classes-studying/getting good grades in classes wont stop you from gaming, but depending how social you are it effects the time. Im not super involved in stuff like clubs/sports as I was in HS, so I have much more time even with social studd


make sure to spend lots of time with friends, which might involve gaming with them too! i stopped wanting to game while doing random things with friends. but i do know lots of people who like their alone time gaming as a break from the work. no reason to force yourself to start gaming again but it sounds like you want to from this post, just do it casually


I have been living on my own now for a year so its been hard to balance work, cooking, cleaning, other chores, and streaming and making youtube videos. I barely actually just play video games anymore and when I do its like 10 pm to 1 am and then i suffer the next day because I only get 5-6 hours of sleep. I would prioritize school 100% and play video games if you have the time. Like go to classes, after class go to the gym or whatever, go home and do assignments and then with whatever time you have left in the day, prioritize video games or hanging out with friends and or family and other fun things.


Depends on what your major is and how much you value your school work imo

5percentTINT [#5]

Just start smoking pot once you go to college. Gaming is for nerds

U will fuck up with schedule if u to serious for rank,
I prefer some enjoy mobility game like gaming in phone soo u cannot to much f up ur schedule

simo98 [#16]

U will fuck up with schedule if u to serious for rank,
I prefer some enjoy mobility game like gaming in phone soo u cannot to much f up ur schedule

Wait wrong comment lmao

seofps [#4]

if i may ask, what does your schedule kinda look like in your day. also wht major are you

Wake up at 6, go to gym, get back around 7:30, shower, make breakfast.

After that it depends on the day. Currently i only have 1-2 classes per day, except for Wednesday where I have 4. Lets just say on average im done with my day around 2 (including studying). Then from 2-10 i do pretty much whatever. My first passion is actually cooking (and eating lol) so i usually spend more of my time doing that, and I don't play valorant much, as im playing other games more but i still find myself with time to play valorant even. I go to sleep somewhere between 9-10.

My major is Financial Mathematics and Statistics, it is not as time intensive as some of the engineering majors, but is definitely "more difficult" than humanities and you will have to put in the effort of your average stem degree. I am lucky too that I got done with over a 1/3 of my credits in highschool so I am only taking ~14 quarter units (would be 12, but I take an extra 2 as part of the honors college program), instead of the typical 16 quarter units. My current classes are:

  • Methods of Analysis (Intro to proofs in Real Analysis)
  • Regression Analysis (Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression)
  • Stochastic Processes (Markov Chains and Poisson Process)
  • Blackbody Radiation / Thermodynamics Seminar
jackb2016 [#18]

Wake up at 6, go to gym, get back around 7:30, shower, make breakfast.

After that it depends on the day. Currently i only have 1-2 classes per day, except for Wednesday where I have 4. Lets just say on average im done with my day around 2 (including studying). Then from 2-10 i do pretty much whatever. My first passion is actually cooking (and eating lol) so i usually spend more of my time doing that, and I don't play valorant much, as im playing other games more but i still find myself with time to play valorant even. I go to sleep somewhere between 9-10.

My major is Financial Mathematics and Statistics, it is not as time intensive as some of the engineering majors, but is definitely "more difficult" than humanities and you will have to put in the effort of your average stem degree. I am lucky too that I got done with over a 1/3 of my credits in highschool so I am only taking ~14 quarter units (would be 12, but I take an extra 2 as part of the honors college program), instead of the typical 16 quarter units. My current classes are:

  • Methods of Analysis (Intro to proofs in Real Analysis)
  • Regression Analysis (Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression)
  • Stochastic Processes (Markov Chains and Poisson Process)
  • Blackbody Radiation / Thermodynamics Seminar

thank you sm this helps. alot.

im going to be majoring in chemistry.
i have AP Credits for AP bio, chem, physics 1, world, gov, US history, seminar, and research.


gaming sucks, go live real life.


It all depends on what major you choose. Anything business/financial you’ll have all the time you want. All other fields are a grind and you get out what you put in. Just make sure you have a strong set of priorities and expectations before you start college

jackb2016 [#18]

Wake up at 6, go to gym, get back around 7:30, shower, make breakfast.

After that it depends on the day. Currently i only have 1-2 classes per day, except for Wednesday where I have 4. Lets just say on average im done with my day around 2 (including studying). Then from 2-10 i do pretty much whatever. My first passion is actually cooking (and eating lol) so i usually spend more of my time doing that, and I don't play valorant much, as im playing other games more but i still find myself with time to play valorant even. I go to sleep somewhere between 9-10.

My major is Financial Mathematics and Statistics, it is not as time intensive as some of the engineering majors, but is definitely "more difficult" than humanities and you will have to put in the effort of your average stem degree. I am lucky too that I got done with over a 1/3 of my credits in highschool so I am only taking ~14 quarter units (would be 12, but I take an extra 2 as part of the honors college program), instead of the typical 16 quarter units. My current classes are:

  • Methods of Analysis (Intro to proofs in Real Analysis)
  • Regression Analysis (Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression)
  • Stochastic Processes (Markov Chains and Poisson Process)
  • Blackbody Radiation / Thermodynamics Seminar

bro got his life TOGETHER.

seofps [#19]

thank you sm this helps. alot.

im going to be majoring in chemistry.
i have AP Credits for AP bio, chem, physics 1, world, gov, US history, seminar, and research.

sounds like you will be set up well for college

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