no way sideshow says you remove forsaken for patmen what is he even thinking😭😭 and mimi out there saying change the owner and coach AHAHA
5percentTINT [#2]You should not take anything for granted whatever these plat clowns say
his take was so bad , he got replaced by other guy live
sideshowsbaldhead [#5]vlr when plat chat is on is so funny bc people get so legitimately angry at a show that is so not that serious 😭
not mad , but i thought or expected someone to agree on that take and give explaination
loloscum [#10]i read foreskin instead of forsaken and was confused for a few minutes
This happens to someone on every thread about foresaken
TwentySeven [#13]do you people even hear everything theyre saying or do you just take a statement and fly to the moon with it?
like surely you could use some critical thinking and figure out why they are saying what they said
Brain off only rage
TwentySeven [#13]do you people even hear everything theyre saying or do you just take a statement and fly to the moon with it?
like surely you could use some critical thinking and figure out why they are saying what they said
Yes I did hear everything sideshow was saying , his opinion he wants to reform Paper Rex by removing few players and building a new system , followed by mini/mimi (idk what her name is) saying they could get a new coach as well and try something different etc.
But saying Patman to replace Forsaken was wild
fontea [#14]Nah the misinformation is crazy he was saying if you want to restructure prx to remove all the craziness you'd start by removing jingg and then as a second player maybe remove forsaken
Nah but then TMV mentioned u could remove only one person , so he was like "maybe forsaken" and proceeds to explain. I did hear everything they said , ofc im lazy enough to post everything they said so I summarized his answer to TMV's question.
omsinzz [#22]Remember This podcast ranked T1 lowest in BKK
was still the correct take at the time and anyone who says otherwise is being revisionist
pussyjinxman [#21]platchat is just vlr who can cast
Far too responsible and respectful for that to be true