he literally bot fragged 3/5 games in the offseason idk wtf ur talking about
Bro topfragged 2 games cmon are u dumb GE Offseason event he played pretty well his acs was low cuz he died on entries
he topped frag one fucking game, one.
So wtf? U expect him to top frag all games he went positive KD in all games except 1
he literally bot fragged 3/5 games bro
He didnt bot frag he had more kills than several team members but he had low ACS cuz he died alot while entrying are u dumb?
Bhai he has more kills then several teammates see kills dumb his acs low cuz he died on entries🤣🤣 are u dumb or smth wtf, rankings on vlr are based on acs and assits and everything!!! Not purely kills
open ur fucking eyes and look at his rating lol
ps stop fake flagging
Lmao ok