why do people think global adding patrickwho makes them into a good team, no offense to patrickwho but hes just not that good
MrBlooBloom [#3]It's still an upgrade and they've looked quite decent during kickoff. At least not as bad as they usually do
nah they looked like shit in kickoff, beating secret isnt really a feat tbh
JustHaveFun44 [#5]Patrick is not the best but better than Deryeon. The team will perform better than kickoff with Patrick.
patrickwho literally bot fragged 3/5 matches in the off season with ge
cxrsedval [#4]nah they looked like shit in kickoff, beating secret isnt really a feat tbh
Played considerablly well against DFM if you see PRX lmao and almost beated Talon if didnt choke that was a close game with rounds going pretty close but map ban was shit tho
Bro what's ur problem can't u just fuck off? Like no body asked ur opinion and for ur answer ge have practiced more with Patrick who, 2 months in the off season and now he gets 2 more weeks , while deryeon had only 2-3 weeks with ge , not to mention there's difference in roles and playstyles and there's a big difference since the coach picked the team thus he picked patrick considering how he will fit into the team while he didn't pick deryeon for the team originally
Devanshhhhhh [#7]Played considerablly well against DFM if you see PRX lmao and almost beated Talon if didnt choke that was a close game with rounds going pretty close but map ban was shit tho
literally dosent mean shit lol are u dumb, both played abyss where prx got more rounds but 2nd map is a completely different map, and they didnt almost beat talon it was a pretty huge stomp
KClaw [#8]Bro what's ur problem can't u just fuck off? Like no body asked ur opinion and for ur answer ge have practiced more with Patrick who, 2 months in the off season and now he gets 2 more weeks , while deryeon had only 2-3 weeks with ge , not to mention there's difference in roles and playstyles and there's a big difference since the coach picked the team thus he picked patrick considering how he will fit into the team while he didn't pick deryeon for the team originally
this is a forum for opinions lol you should fuck off if you cant handle them pussy, and no way you think that practice matters when its a totally new meta
cxrsedval [#9]literally dosent mean shit lol are u dumb, both played abyss where prx got more rounds but 2nd map is a completely different map, and they didnt almost beat talon it was a pretty huge stomp
Huge stomp?? Wtf Talon got destroyed in split alsp abyss was a hella close game with okay maybe not that close but ot wasnt a white wash lotus was overcooked tho
Completely diff maps doesnt matter still GE would have one round atleast the game was close and even went into OT
cxrsedval [#10]this is a forum for opinions lol you should fuck off if you cant handle them pussy, and no way you think that practice matters when its a totally new meta
Bruh but nobody asked your opinion did they? So maybe u should suck ur own dick
KClaw [#12]Bruh but nobody asked your opinion did they? So maybe u should suck ur own dick
Same can be said to your opinion.
Devanshhhhhh [#11]Huge stomp?? Wtf Talon got destroyed in split alsp abyss was a hella close game with okay maybe not that close but ot wasnt a white wash lotus was overcooked tho
Completely diff maps doesnt matter still GE would have one round atleast the game was close and even went into OT
yea split was a stomp but abyss and lotus were stomps too, global won both pistols on abyss but still lost 13-9 and lotus was just a stomp
KClaw [#12]Bruh but nobody asked your opinion did they? So maybe u should suck ur own dick
no one asked for yours too with ur fuckass logic
Prathades [#13]Same can be said to your opinion.
But I never gave my opinion, i just stated the facts
cxrsedval [#14]yea split was a stomp but abyss and lotus were stomps too, global won both pistols on abyss but still lost 13-9 and lotus was just a stomp
So what? Still a 13-9 no way u call 13-9 a stomp it was still a way better show off and high potential then many other teams
cxrsedval [#18]you literally gave your opinion
No i just stated facts about the team as well as countered your dumbass opinion
cxrsedval [#19]yes lol tf?
Patrick who not that good is an absurd take tho he is pretty good just he hasnt played alot of games yet so still a mystery
Devanshhhhhh [#20]So what? Still a 13-9 no way u call 13-9 a stomp it was still a way better show off and high potential then many other teams
13-9 is definitely a stomp if you read the fucking fact where they won both pistols
delighted [#22]PatrickWHO is currently showing promise, but no one knows if this momentum will continue
Absolutely true
Devanshhhhhh [#24]Patrick who not that good is an absurd take tho he is pretty good just he hasnt played alot of games yet so still a mystery
it isnt really an absurd take tho its just the fact no?
delighted [#22]PatrickWHO is currently showing promise, but no one knows if this momentum will continue
he hasnt played a single tier 1 game idk what promise ur talking about
cxrsedval [#27]it isnt really an absurd take tho its just the fact no?
Bro played considerably well in such a short time bro idk wtf u talking about
Devanshhhhhh [#29]Bro played considerably well in such a short time bro idk wtf u talking about
he literally bot fragged 3/5 games in the offseason idk wtf ur talking about
cxrsedval [#28]he hasnt played a single tier 1 game idk what promise ur talking about
he has high ahh stats in PH tier 2
cxrsedval [#30]he literally bot fragged 3/5 games in the offseason idk wtf ur talking about
Bro topfragged 2 games cmon are u dumb GE Offseason event he played pretty well his acs was low cuz he died on entries
cxrsedval [#28]he hasnt played a single tier 1 game idk what promise ur talking about
Many good players this year have come from tier 2 without a single tier 1 game. Pretty sure there are 2 in your own team. So you can say he may not perform well because you think he is not good but saying it is because he is a tier 2 player is kind of odd. You do you tho
Devanshhhhhh [#34]Bro topfragged 2 games cmon are u dumb GE Offseason event he played pretty well his acs was low cuz he died on entries
he topped frag one fucking game, one.
cxrsedval [#37]he topped frag one fucking game, one.
So wtf? U expect him to top frag all games he went positive KD in all games except 1
Devanshhhhhh [#39]So wtf? U expect him to top frag all games he went positive KD in all games except 1
he literally bot fragged 3/5 games bro
cxrsedval [#40]he literally bot fragged 3/5 games bro
He didnt bot frag he had more kills than several team members but he had low ACS cuz he died alot while entrying are u dumb?
Denjisideals [#35]Many good players this year have come from tier 2 without a single tier 1 game. Pretty sure there are 2 in your own team. So you can say he may not perform well because you think he is not good but saying it is because he is a tier 2 player is kind of odd. You do you tho
the thing is he hasnt even proven himself in tier 1
Devanshhhhhh [#41]He didnt bot frag he had more kills than several team members but he had low ACS cuz he died alot while entrying are u dumb?
cxrsedval [#43]
Bhai he has more kills then several teammates see kills dumb his acs low cuz he died on entries🤣🤣 are u dumb or smth wtf, rankings on vlr are based on acs and assits and everything!!! Not purely kills
Devanshhhhhh [#44]Bhai he has more kills then several teammates see kills dumb his acs low cuz he died on entries🤣🤣 are u dumb or smth wtf, rankings on vlr are based on acs and assits and everything!!! Not purely kills
open ur fucking eyes and look at his rating lol
ps stop fake flagging
the chinese guy..just to let u know.. not even 1 year has been completed since patrickwho went pro he was literally silver during ep6 or 7 and then suddenly got serious towards the game and has been immortal ever since..calling someone shit who has such raw talent is kinda outrageous give him some time..he might actually be good..no hate to ur opinion tho
cxrsedval [#47]fake flagger detected opinion rejected😭😭😭😭
Dude the coach said Patrick was meant to be a guy who didn't care abt dying as long as his team mates got to entry, he wanted a. Fearless no care in the world duelist and he got that
cxrsedval [#6]patrickwho literally bot fragged 3/5 matches in the off season with ge
Holy fuck dude you are a tier 1 hater bro
tamatar [#48]the chinese guy..just to let u know.. not even 1 year has been completed since patrickwho went pro he was literally silver during ep6 or 7 and then suddenly got serious towards the game and has been immortal ever since..calling someone shit who has such raw talent is kinda outrageous give him some time..he might actually be good..no hate to ur opinion tho
bro called me the chinese guy
PessiPenaldo17 [#2]Rumours has it that he is 100x better than zmjjkk and GE will win every international event going forwards
I love the copium, I'm onboard
cxrsedval [#51]bro called me the chinese guy
Felt lazy to read out your name and since you're only person who's criticizing him
over vlr rn..so just thought to mention the flag😆
tamatar [#53]Felt lazy to read out your name and since you're only person who's criticizing him
over vlr rn..so just thought to mention the flag😆
theres many people critisicing him too lol