bro folded over a retard on twitter lmao
TheAceGamer30 [#7]Apologising for saying retard 😭
Just say you don’t have a brother with special needs, my brother has a severe lack of development in his brain due to issues relating to birth. Only stupid people say it’s just a word
glittering_yard [#6]all the edgy "its just a word" people in shambles rn
I can guarantee zellsis does NOT care, it's just a pr tweet
TheOnion [#10]Just say you don’t have a brother with special needs, my brother has a severe lack of development in his brain due to issues relating to birth. Only stupid people say it’s just a word
Yeah I agree but it’s not like he said to someone disabled
uwukitten [#11]I can guarantee zellsis does NOT care, it's just a pr tweet
he 100% cares, most of his fans are the "soft" people on twt. He was the guy who got all defensive and mad at mooda because "he said I said the N word!" lmao. Even if its a PR tweet, he could just not tweet anything, but he still posted it, he cares and you would care too if you knew someone with special needs
TheAceGamer30 [#14]Yeah I agree but it’s not like he said to someone disabled
Yeah I know, but the way you worded it made it seem like it’s something that shouldn’t ever be apologised for.
glittering_yard [#15]he 100% cares, most of his fans are the "soft" people on twt. He was the guy who got all defensive and mad at mooda because "he said I said the N word!" lmao. Even if its a PR tweet, he could just not tweet anything, but he still posted it, he cares and you would care too if you knew someone with special needs
he cares about losing his fans yes, he doesn't care about the r word itself and probably says it way more in private
EndMePleaseUwU [#20]wait he lives in USA doesn't that violate is rights of freedom of speech?
glittering_yard [#15]he 100% cares, most of his fans are the "soft" people on twt. He was the guy who got all defensive and mad at mooda because "he said I said the N word!" lmao. Even if its a PR tweet, he could just not tweet anything, but he still posted it, he cares and you would care too if you knew someone with special needs
i would care if someone used it in a mean way to make fun of mentally disabled people,saying something or someone is retarded is just a synonym for dumb the term mental retardation is not even a real medical term anymore and nobody associates that word with intellectually challenged people expect these twitter people
theres no comparison bro ..
EndMePleaseUwU [#23]I thought they are aloud to curse?
he wont get arrested or charged for it, but people don't have to like it lmao
Trapyy_ [#4]
how the fuck is he apologizing for this, what a dumbass
zetydy [#25]he wont get arrested or charged for it, but people don't have to like it lmao
ahh I see, but aren't we trying to be better at CS? those guys were interviewing Tyloo they were cursing so much 😂
SAMPV6 [#27]how the fuck is he apologizing for this, what a dumbass
the orgs made him most likely, or maybe he is too nice
it might be the 2nd option since n4rrate didnt, or the orgs just didnt care
either way its best to apologize regardless of sincerity, that same kid posted n4rrate saying the r word, sen replied just so ppl wont get mad
Neuvillette [#32]Isn't retard or retarded like normal word?? pls I'm confused
Haha same ... never thought it was a slur wtf
TheOnion [#10]Just say you don’t have a brother with special needs, my brother has a severe lack of development in his brain due to issues relating to birth. Only stupid people say it’s just a word
Retarded is a valid insult. Just like idiot and imbecile are. Those other words used to be used for mentally disabled people in the past and "retarded" was adopted to be more sensitive. Now retarded has passed into the realm of insult. I would not call genuinely disabled people any of those names and Zellsis didn't either.
charleser [#35]Retarded is a valid insult. Just like idiot and imbecile are. Those other words used to be used for mentally disabled people in the past and "retarded" was adopted to be more sensitive. Now retarded has passed into the realm of insult. I would not call genuinely disabled people any of those names and Zellsis didn't either.
but can we not see that "oh just bcos i didnt aim it at that person" doesnt make it ok. its the same as the n word lmao. go plaster that all over a tweet n see where it gets you
CarnageBTC [#33]Lol i was today years old when i realised "retard" is a slur ... hear pelple using that all the time lol
must be living under a rock its been used like that since like 1990/ early 2000s
Trapyy_ [#4]
same person who got offended by zellesis saying a word btw
EndMePleaseUwU [#20]wait he lives in USA doesn't that violate is rights of freedom of speech?
I have news for you if you think America actually has free speech with all the companies running around free to do what they like.
penpen [#37]must be living under a rock its been used like that since like 1990/ early 2000s
Maybe bcoz english isnt my first language .... that word seems so common to me that i didnt bother looking up lol
CarnageBTC [#40]Maybe bcoz english isnt my first language .... that word seems so common to me that i didnt bother looking up lol
Nah, It has always been common and only the minority has considered it a slur tho that minority is growing so maybe soon it would be majorly considered a slur
cameran [#29]the orgs made him most likely, or maybe he is too nice
it might be the 2nd option since n4rrate didnt, or the orgs just didnt care
either way its best to apologize regardless of sincerity, that same kid posted n4rrate saying the r word, sen replied just so ppl wont get mad
It's the orgs bro come on, Zellsis won't do this himself