If orgs were billionaires could they hypothetically sign 35 players, 5 for each map? Or is there a limit on players set by riot
Yistyy [#3]I think 10 is the max but I also might be completely lying.
EVIL geniuses fan lying... expected
Yistyy [#3]I think 10 is the max but I also might be completely lying.
yisty taking so many L's recently
there's only so many players that can compete at the tier 1 level, if you increase that number by 7 times you'd be putting players at the low t2 and even the high t3 level into play. A tier 1 player would be better on even one of their worst maps than a high tier 3 level player would be even if they played one map over and over again.
Side note: you could technically perma-ban one map so you'd only need 30 players instead of 35 :)
229fn [#6]there's only so many players that can compete at the tier 1 level, if you increase that number by 7 times you'd be putting players at the low t2 and even the high t3 level into play. A tier 1 player would be better on even one of their worst maps than a high tier 3 level player would be even if they played one map over and over again.
Side note: you could technically perma-ban one map so you'd only need 30 players instead of 35 :)
The only thing I can think of these extended rosters being useful for is having one player each for a couple agents across one role, for example having a designated Jett player, Raze, Yoru, Neon, etc....
The problem with this is that there's so many different team comps so there'd be a new combination of players every map so their teamwork would be shit
Laundry [#11]You can sign 30 and perma ban a map
I said that already in #6 lol
229fn [#9]The only thing I can think of these extended rosters being useful for is having one player each for a couple agents across one role, for example having a designated Jett player, Raze, Yoru, Neon, etc....
The problem with this is that there's so many different team comps so there'd be a new combination of players every map so their teamwork would be shit
Lore-accurate roster with each player playing a single agent
their teamwork seems alright in the trailers
SleepingSnorlax [#18]EG is the prime Example of doing shit for money in both CS and Val you can check the EG video by a cs creator on YouTube
Phy cs my goat :)
Prathades [#17]If orgs are billionaires, no language barrier and there's no import limit rule then this is my 5 roster and coach.
are you retarded? two sentis?