that we are in such a good yoru meta and the biggest yoru lover and believer is not here to play him 🥲
Hades_Loves_Rb [#2]Fr :( Best yoru itw stuck on flex because hes playing with shitters like j0ngg and s0mething
I think he meant Tenz
Hades_Loves_Rb [#2]Fr :( Best yoru itw stuck on flex because hes playing with shitters like j0ngg and s0mething
Yistyy [#4]biggest yoru lover and believer is not here to play him
Fr, we need to get Nachtel in the pro scene asap.
Laundry [#6]I’m really curious if no one left the team who would be on yoru. Like ofc on non omean maps he would be, but would Kaplan go for full TenZ yoru or just yoru flex on non omen maps
If it was full time yoru, then kaplan wud probably have zekken on it. Tenz's hard entry capabilities cant match up against zekken in this day and age. G2 literally use jawgemo as a dog, and tenz struggles a lot mentally if he keeps dying early
Hades_Loves_Rb [#2]Fr :( Best yoru itw stuck on flex because hes playing with shitters like j0ngg and s0mething
i think he gonna play yoru in split 1
Clucker [#22]This is not a good look unc
LMAOO i need coffee
it’s too early and apparently im dyslexic
im so tired clucker send help