gamergirl [#44]
bro geng lost meteor because of money
lakia did not look better on geng than he ever did that is pure delusion and you have not watched tier 2 in 2022 if you believe this, hell i dont think you actually watched kr back then
either way termi circle jerked with both k1ng and lakia, lakia ended up barely playing
they then got zest who is worse than both instead of just keeping a 5 man roster,
what does this sound like 2023, another termi classic fuckup swapping between buzz and foxy9 randomly like a child absolutely ruining any chance of winning anything
people act like glow isnt there and is just some kid, in most teams head coaches have to deal with mentality and roster decisions where assistants are more free to work on analytics and strategy. this is another generally accepted fact that you will try to dispute with an emotional bias towards him
again, youre clearly hurt, stop replying
GENG only lost because the competitor was T1 and meteor wanted T1.
Lakia with IGZ and Dplus Kia was not better than Lakia in GENG. He's my fav player and i watched through his entire run with IGZ and Dplus and nope, Shot wise, util wise, he was the best in GENG.
did you even read? Lakia had an injury and couldn't scrim in maps apart from bind/icebox. how is that even termi's fault when it was his only choice with injury.
Foxy9 was overheating, getting caught up with stax's util because he couldnt find the timing right. termi did mess up but it wasnt entirely his fault and buzz back to duelist and zest as int/viper looked way more stable.
zest came back from a break which was due to his injury, rb moved to senti and he could flex so k1ng went out on loan.
zest was better than lakia in 2022 and he even took up the igl role for a short while
in korea, most of the times people mention termi, glow, and argency (which you mentioned 0 times) all together when they talk about DRX's strats.
why would i be hurt when KR team won masters, buzz/stax won their deserving masters. if anyone's hurt, it would be you since M8 is prolly getting relegated and Americas lost the final.