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deadass question, does anyone else in tier 1 valorant have 5 seasons to win a trophy and deliver absolutely nothing?

not even a finals appearance??

He had access to any korean he wanted until 2024, and since 2024 two korean teams have won.

Shameless, his fangirls are gonna be in here acting like he gave free1ng and hyunmin their first mouse and taught them how to aim. They'd be good regardless he didnt develop shit, DRX academy developed them

Promote the academy coach and be done with it


Respect termi

He cook good strats but have 0 adaption or improvisation in strats
He is good scout too


Wait idk why all of a sudden termi hate is flooding the site, this might be the most reactionary take. There's so many reasons why termi is all-respected from the entire t1 stratosphere...


t0rmid has less adaptation than a turtle regional farmer


hey gamergirl, you got absolutely cooked with this topic before, and its unwarranted + its braindead.

Dreoxx [#3]

Wait idk why all of a sudden termi hate is flooding the site, this might be the most reactionary take. There's so many reasons why termi is all-respected from the entire t1 stratosphere...

Yeah if the same players did the same for drx people wouldn’t have bribing the termi hate

The_Preacher [#2]

Respect termi

He cook good strats but have 0 adaption or improvisation in strats
He is good scout too

cope, 5 seasons no finals

his assistant coaches are probably doing more strat work than him

Autumn was able to improve stax's IGL to levels much better than termi did, thats actual good coaching

Also he aint scout shit, getting the best player in ascension isn't scouting, getting one of the highest rated players in JP t2 isnt ascension

anyone with eyes can be like wow theyre one of the best players in t2 lets trial them scouting my ass lmfao

yellow_donkey [#5]

hey gamergirl, you got absolutely cooked with this topic before, and its unwarranted + its braindead.

good coach just not good enough for a trophy apparently



yellow_donkey [#5]

hey gamergirl, you got absolutely cooked with this topic before, and its unwarranted + its braindead.

I didn't get cooked, youre all emotional fangirls,

there is no logical justification to hold mako hostage to a trash coach

find another coach who has the budget, and pull of DRX for 5 season and wins nothing while autumn and solo with less budget, less pull win

as a mako fan, its frustrating having to watch mako igl because t0rmi is braindamaged


has termi ever had a roster as good as this t1(beside the potential of this current roster)

Meteor is probably the best player pacific, BuZz has always been good, but he left DRX on his own. The DRX’ manager even spoke about it on the forum that they really tried their best to resign him but couldn’t compete. stax is a good igl, and played probably his best tournament here. iZu was the best player on T1 last year, the t1 who qualed to a masters. Like this team is way better than any previous iteration of DRX.

SleepingSnorlax [#6]

Yeah if the same players did the same for drx people wouldn’t have bribing the termi hate

its players fault when they lose and the coaches get credit when they win

0 accountability at all

buzz and stax are the exact same as before, except now autumn is there to improve stax calling

gamergirl [#10]

I didn't get cooked, youre all emotional fangirls,

there is no logical justification to hold mako hostage to a trash coach

find another coach who has the budget, and pull of DRX for 5 season and wins nothing while autumn and solo with less budget, less pull win

as a mako fan, its frustrating having to watch mako igl because t0rmi is braindamaged

wtv you say man, even when other pro players and coaches say otherwise, keep going gamergirl.

merciless-pity8989-89 [#11]

has termi ever had a roster as good as this t1(beside the potential of this current roster)

Meteor is probably the best player pacific, BuZz has always been good, but he left DRX on his own. The DRX’ manager even spoke about it on the forum that they really tried their best to resign him but couldn’t compete. stax is a good igl, and played probably his best tournament here. iZu was the best player on T1 last year, the t1 who qualed to a masters. Like this team is way better than any previous iteration of DRX.

buzz = buzz
mako >>>>>>>> sylvan
rb<<izu (kinda)
zest<<<<<<<<meteor (not similar roles but the meta is diff now)

not to mention this roster had multiple seasons to mesh together and get it right. This is T1's first tournament

heres the difference between termi and autumn




gamergirl [#12]

its players fault when they lose and the coaches get credit when they win

0 accountability at all

buzz and stax are the exact same as before, except now autumn is there to improve stax calling

I will always be doubting autumn the maps would have not been close if T1 didn’t lose leads on their best maps

gamergirl [#10]

I didn't get cooked, youre all emotional fangirls,

there is no logical justification to hold mako hostage to a trash coach

find another coach who has the budget, and pull of DRX for 5 season and wins nothing while autumn and solo with less budget, less pull win

as a mako fan, its frustrating having to watch mako igl because t0rmi is braindamaged

I used share the same opinions like you about him. But once you realize just how much termi does for DRX to keep it functional and world class, you might change ur mind.

merciless-pity8989-89 [#11]

has termi ever had a roster as good as this t1(beside the potential of this current roster)

Meteor is probably the best player pacific, BuZz has always been good, but he left DRX on his own. The DRX’ manager even spoke about it on the forum that they really tried their best to resign him but couldn’t compete. stax is a good igl, and played probably his best tournament here. iZu was the best player on T1 last year, the t1 who qualed to a masters. Like this team is way better than any previous iteration of DRX.

I would actually disagree slightly.

2022 drx in champs was on par, we had top 1/2 flex Rb, top 1 smokes MaKo, top 3 duelist BuZz, top 5 initiator Zest, and top 4 igl stax

gamergirl [#14]

buzz = buzz
mako >>>>>>>> sylvan
rb<<izu (kinda)
zest<<<<<<<<meteor (not similar roles but the meta is diff now)

not to mention this roster had multiple seasons to mesh together and get it right. This is T1's first tournament

heres the difference between termi and autumn




Wtf Zest is known to be initiator bro how are you comparing with meteor ?

gamergirl [#14]

buzz = buzz
mako >>>>>>>> sylvan
rb<<izu (kinda)
zest<<<<<<<<meteor (not similar roles but the meta is diff now)

not to mention this roster had multiple seasons to mesh together and get it right. This is T1's first tournament

heres the difference between termi and autumn




BuZz 2023/2022 < BuZz 2025
MaKo >>>> sylvan
rb < IZu(not kinda)
Zest <<<<<<<<< Meteor
Stax 2023/2022 < Stax 2025

Look at you pretending that players don’t get better over time

gordonramsay [#16]

I used share the same opinions like you about him. But once you realize just how much termi does for DRX to keep it functional and world class, you might change ur mind.

who's fault is it if players choke on one team and are winning grand finals on another

you cannot logially derive that rb zest stax mako and buzz are all chokers

the common denominator is termi, its simple

yellow_donkey [#13]

wtv you say man, even when other pro players and coaches say otherwise, keep going gamergirl.

theres a reason why buzz ran when he had a chance bro

SleepingSnorlax [#18]

Wtf Zest is known to be initiator bro how are you comparing with meteor ?

the roles are just different between the teams theres no equal comparision

T1 stritly play double duelist where drx strictly played double init

merciless-pity8989-89 [#19]

BuZz 2023/2022 < BuZz 2025
MaKo >>>> sylvan
rb < IZu(not kinda)
Zest <<<<<<<<< Meteor
Stax 2023/2022 < Stax 2025

Look at you pretending that players don’t get better over time

players get better with better coaches

gamergirl [#14]

buzz = buzz
mako >>>>>>>> sylvan
rb<<izu (kinda)
zest<<<<<<<<meteor (not similar roles but the meta is diff now)

not to mention this roster had multiple seasons to mesh together and get it right. This is T1's first tournament

heres the difference between termi and autumn




You are acting like T1 has no established synergy already. You have no ball knowledge.

Obv BuZz stax has synergy from DRX
BuZz Meteor have been long-time acquaintances
Sylvan iZu know each other as well
stax Sylvan know each other closely

and DRX has not been in a stable roster since 22/23. 2023 was the failed six man project, 2024 was messy with rb zest stax out fb beyn in plus fb having to step out for a bit, 2025 had BuZz foxy9 leave, hyunmin free1ng in

So what the fuck are you insinuating? At least try to ponder on what you're stating before you mention this absolute slippery dipfuckery you are spewing.

gamergirl [#20]

who's fault is it if players choke on one team and are winning grand finals on another

you cannot logially derive that rb zest stax mako and buzz are all chokers

the common denominator is termi, its simple

I mean the truth is stax and buzz already admitted they feel more free and less pressured on T1 compared to their DRX days. But can we really call Termi a fraud for that? He already does everything else, he just needs his players to perform consistently, thats a 50/50 fault on the players and the coaches lol

gamergirl [#21]

theres a reason why buzz ran when he had a chance bro

kinda funny how you straight up ignore

other pro players and coaches say otherwise

Autumn and Solo with less budget? T1 splashed so much cash even when Autumn was clueless for 2 years and T1 is literally the richest org in Korea, GENG also pays more than DRX and DRX is not known to have much money. Why do you think 2022 DRX Worlds winning team kept none of their players except beryl.

gamergirl [#12]

its players fault when they lose and the coaches get credit when they win

0 accountability at all

buzz and stax are the exact same as before, except now autumn is there to improve stax calling

didnt meteor call out autumn for lack of macro stuff during timeouts, and stax had to teach him about holding angles more efficiently? seems like you don't know whats going on in KR scene, or Pacific in general. Carpe became their strat coach from 2025 and autumn seems to be telling T1 players more about macro stuff during the timeouts too.
where were you when autumn was failing in 2023/2024 despite T1 bringing in new players for him.


pretty much all of the latam players except saadhak

gamergirl [#23]

players get better with better coaches

mate you didn't watch Korea from 2021-2022 nor pacific from 2023 onwards to be spewing nonsense. its clear that you lack the knowledge. I would rather focus on your flair instead of trying to force this stupid agenda.


At the very least, he is good at youth development. Lowkey might be better for him to do Academy team stuff and just improve those young players instead of being main team but I dont think anyone is crazy enough to demote themselves like that


i honestly can't take shit seriously when the OP has openly yapped about breaking up in a valorant forum and even linking an imgur page to show vlr how he looked like an emo child.

Dreoxx [#17]

I would actually disagree slightly.

2022 drx in champs was on par, we had top 1/2 flex Rb, top 1 smokes MaKo, top 3 duelist BuZz, top 5 initiator Zest, and top 4 igl stax

just had to meet fns's optic. close series though.


half the teams internationally copy drx's strats every year, people who think termi is the issue with drx need to be assigned to an asylum

darklord69 [#33]

half the teams internationally copy drx's strats every year, people who think termi is the issue with drx need to be assigned to an asylum

they wont listen because simply hating is easier. gamergirl mentioned about being factual but also said termi had more budget than T1 and GENG while refusing to argue when people bring up facts that actually have proof, or about how other professionals regard termi. I mean I got all that from reading the comments but haters including the OP is just using this to vent out their anger from the wack ass life I guess.

yellow_donkey [#29]

mate you didn't watch Korea from 2021-2022 nor pacific from 2023 onwards to be spewing nonsense. its clear that you lack the knowledge. I would rather focus on your flair instead of trying to force this stupid agenda.

the fact that you think there is no plausability to anything I say just kinda proves your bias here, you're not a drx fan youre a termi fan. I like mako and would prefer he win than he lose with termi, but thats just me, youre free to your own opinion

even if you think termi is a good coach you have to understand after a certain point keeping him is just bad for both parties

ive openly said termi could very well win a major on a different team

gamergirl [#35]

the fact that you think there is no plausability to anything I say just kinda proves your bias here, you're not a drx fan youre a termi fan. I like mako and would prefer he win than he lose with termi, but thats just me, youre free to your own opinion

even if you think termi is a good coach you have to understand after a certain point keeping him is just bad for both parties

ive openly said termi could very well win a major on a different team

hm idk imagine being VS fan since first strike all the way until now, only to have someone repping USA flag and M8 flair telling me im not a drx fan. you dont know the scene, all you do is watch a few drx games in int tournaments and ignore everything else.

you keep talking shit about termi but when told about facts by people who knows the scene (including me), you turn to "You're not drx fan! you are being emotional! bias!"

like 99% of comments that disagree with you are about how outrageous and factually wrong your points are. you dont know whats going on, but just spewing all that? thats the part people don't agree with you. idk how many times you chose to create a thread about this but move the fck on.

yellow_donkey [#26]

kinda funny how you straight up ignore

other pro players and coaches say otherwise

Autumn and Solo with less budget? T1 splashed so much cash even when Autumn was clueless for 2 years and T1 is literally the richest org in Korea, GENG also pays more than DRX and DRX is not known to have much money. Why do you think 2022 DRX Worlds winning team kept none of their players except beryl.

geng doesnt budget in val

also when i say that i kind of imply the fact that until 2023 it was inarguable that even outside the starting 5 DRX had a lot of the best KR players

are we gonna ignore that DRX had lakia, they had k1ng

lakia even won a trophy before drx, way past his prime


Didnt you make a post yesterday hating on termi

Now youre doing it again LMFAO

gamergirl [#37]

geng doesnt budget in val

also when i say that i kind of imply the fact that until 2023 it was inarguable that even outside the starting 5 DRX had a lot of the best KR players

are we gonna ignore that DRX had lakia, they had k1ng

lakia even won a trophy before drx, way past his prime

had lakia with his wrist injury, which led him to only scrim on certain maps. forcing DRX to play 6 men roster.

Lakia looked better in GENG than he ever was. you don't know shit about KR and it shows.

GENG's CFO (if im not mistaken) has openly said that they will be investing in GENG valorant more

DRX is not known to have much money

even outside the starting 5 DRX had a lot of the best KR players

you mean that 1 time in 2021.

idk why you are trying to be so smart about a scene that you obviously aren't familiar with.

yellow_donkey [#36]

hm idk imagine being VS fan since first strike all the way until now, only to have someone repping USA flag and M8 flair telling me im not a drx fan. you dont know the scene, all you do is watch a few drx games in int tournaments and ignore everything else.

you keep talking shit about termi but when told about facts by people who knows the scene (including me), you turn to "You're not drx fan! you are being emotional! bias!"

like 99% of comments that disagree with you are about how outrageous and factually wrong your points are. you dont know whats going on, but just spewing all that? thats the part people don't agree with you. idk how many times you chose to create a thread about this but move the fck on.

i watch the scene, you're wrong and you've been proven wrong by the events of previous tournaments

what you're telling me is purely subjective, you have literally no proof that glow is not the one who is strategically advancing most of DRX

i dont create these thread for termi fans, i think you need to stop replying since your feelings are hurt, t1 just won and i get it

I have done nothing but present actual facts while you're speaking as a fan with absolutely 0 knowledge on anything other than emotional think pieces

mfs wanna act like theyre correct, the only facts are 5 seasons 0 trophies, justify that with subjective opinions however you like

gamergirl [#40]

i watch the scene, you're wrong and you've been proven wrong by the events of previous tournaments

what you're telling me is purely subjective, you have literally no proof that glow is not the one who is strategically advancing most of DRX

i dont create these thread for termi fans, i think you need to stop replying since your feelings are hurt, t1 just won and i get it

I have done nothing but present actual facts while you're speaking as a fan with absolutely 0 knowledge on anything other than emotional think pieces

mfs wanna act like theyre correct, the only facts are 5 seasons 0 trophies, justify that with subjective opinions however you like

you have literally no proof that glow is not the one who is strategically advancing most of DRX

do you? I watch small interviews of DRX coaches and players and termi more often than not comes up with the tactics.

Why would i get hurt when T1 is winning, i genuinely feel happy for them.
You keep ignoring everyone else's arguement and try to ram your own opinions.

5 years and 0 trophy! is your only facts. which does not make termi a coach you are describing him as.

you saying Termi didnt develop shit - turned mako into one of the best smokes, turned buzz into top tier duelist, turned stax into IGL that he is now, made rb a great flex player in 2022 - 2023, flashback and beyn all improved with termi after signing with main roster. Freeing was full time SENTI since 2020 but he looked comfy on sova and mastered tejo, hyunmin's playstyle got more thorough with DRX compared to his CGZ days
No proof of autumn "improving" stax's calling. stax has meteor to help midrounding now.
since you think im being emotional, i'll say it again

"funny how other professional coaches of GENG, T1, and international team's coaches respect termi and acknowledges him as top coach but a vlr know it all begs to differ" <- you ignored this for like countless times now. opinions of actual professionals

Dreoxx [#24]

You are acting like T1 has no established synergy already. You have no ball knowledge.

Obv BuZz stax has synergy from DRX
BuZz Meteor have been long-time acquaintances
Sylvan iZu know each other as well
stax Sylvan know each other closely

and DRX has not been in a stable roster since 22/23. 2023 was the failed six man project, 2024 was messy with rb zest stax out fb beyn in plus fb having to step out for a bit, 2025 had BuZz foxy9 leave, hyunmin free1ng in

So what the fuck are you insinuating? At least try to ponder on what you're stating before you mention this absolute slippery dipfuckery you are spewing.

i mean he thinks he knows the scene better than actual Koreans who has been with the scene for almost 5 years now so... yea this guy is a maniac who can't take NO for an answer.

elendooo1 [#38]

Didnt you make a post yesterday hating on termi

Now youre doing it again LMFAO

never seen anyone having this much hatred against a coach that doesn't even coach his team like what. serious mental retardation by gamergirl and he somehow tops his previous delusion with new posts.

yellow_donkey [#39]

had lakia with his wrist injury, which led him to only scrim on certain maps. forcing DRX to play 6 men roster.

Lakia looked better in GENG than he ever was. you don't know shit about KR and it shows.

GENG's CFO (if im not mistaken) has openly said that they will be investing in GENG valorant more

DRX is not known to have much money

even outside the starting 5 DRX had a lot of the best KR players

you mean that 1 time in 2021.

idk why you are trying to be so smart about a scene that you obviously aren't familiar with.

bro geng lost meteor because of money

lakia did not look better on geng than he ever did that is pure delusion and you have not watched tier 2 in 2022 if you believe this, hell i dont think you actually watched kr back then

either way termi circle jerked with both k1ng and lakia, lakia ended up barely playing

they then got zest who is worse than both instead of just keeping a 5 man roster,

what does this sound like 2023, another termi classic fuckup swapping between buzz and foxy9 randomly like a child absolutely ruining any chance of winning anything

people act like glow isnt there and is just some kid, in most teams head coaches have to deal with mentality and roster decisions where assistants are more free to work on analytics and strategy. this is another generally accepted fact that you will try to dispute with an emotional bias towards him

again, youre clearly hurt, stop replying

yellow_donkey [#41]

you have literally no proof that glow is not the one who is strategically advancing most of DRX

do you? I watch small interviews of DRX coaches and players and termi more often than not comes up with the tactics.

Why would i get hurt when T1 is winning, i genuinely feel happy for them.
You keep ignoring everyone else's arguement and try to ram your own opinions.

5 years and 0 trophy! is your only facts. which does not make termi a coach you are describing him as.

you saying Termi didnt develop shit - turned mako into one of the best smokes, turned buzz into top tier duelist, turned stax into IGL that he is now, made rb a great flex player in 2022 - 2023, flashback and beyn all improved with termi after signing with main roster. Freeing was full time SENTI since 2020 but he looked comfy on sova and mastered tejo, hyunmin's playstyle got more thorough with DRX compared to his CGZ days
No proof of autumn "improving" stax's calling. stax has meteor to help midrounding now.
since you think im being emotional, i'll say it again

"funny how other professional coaches of GENG, T1, and international team's coaches respect termi and acknowledges him as top coach but a vlr know it all begs to differ" <- you ignored this for like countless times now. opinions of actual professionals

you will not find professionals in tier 1 speaking bad about eachother

especially when termi was teammates with most of the coaches or coached most of KR t1 by now, but i dont think you've actually watched CS or know who these people are behind this game. It's very rare to see anything but glaze, justified or not in these interviews

also this is like complete delusion, apparently termi is singlehandedly responsible for all of korean talent, there is no natural progression of players lmfao

flashback and beyn have been on the academy, credit the academy coach? No. credit termi? yes!

delusion, emotional bias, and mental illness, seek help and stop replying

gamergirl [#44]

bro geng lost meteor because of money

lakia did not look better on geng than he ever did that is pure delusion and you have not watched tier 2 in 2022 if you believe this, hell i dont think you actually watched kr back then

either way termi circle jerked with both k1ng and lakia, lakia ended up barely playing

they then got zest who is worse than both instead of just keeping a 5 man roster,

what does this sound like 2023, another termi classic fuckup swapping between buzz and foxy9 randomly like a child absolutely ruining any chance of winning anything

people act like glow isnt there and is just some kid, in most teams head coaches have to deal with mentality and roster decisions where assistants are more free to work on analytics and strategy. this is another generally accepted fact that you will try to dispute with an emotional bias towards him

again, youre clearly hurt, stop replying

GENG only lost because the competitor was T1 and meteor wanted T1.

Lakia with IGZ and Dplus Kia was not better than Lakia in GENG. He's my fav player and i watched through his entire run with IGZ and Dplus and nope, Shot wise, util wise, he was the best in GENG.

did you even read? Lakia had an injury and couldn't scrim in maps apart from bind/icebox. how is that even termi's fault when it was his only choice with injury.
Foxy9 was overheating, getting caught up with stax's util because he couldnt find the timing right. termi did mess up but it wasnt entirely his fault and buzz back to duelist and zest as int/viper looked way more stable.

zest came back from a break which was due to his injury, rb moved to senti and he could flex so k1ng went out on loan.
zest was better than lakia in 2022 and he even took up the igl role for a short while

in korea, most of the times people mention termi, glow, and argency (which you mentioned 0 times) all together when they talk about DRX's strats.

why would i be hurt when KR team won masters, buzz/stax won their deserving masters. if anyone's hurt, it would be you since M8 is prolly getting relegated and Americas lost the final.

gamergirl [#45]

you will not find professionals in tier 1 speaking bad about eachother

especially when termi was teammates with most of the coaches or coached most of KR t1 by now, but i dont think you've actually watched CS or know who these people are behind this game. It's very rare to see anything but glaze, justified or not in these interviews

also this is like complete delusion, apparently termi is singlehandedly responsible for all of korean talent, there is no natural progression of players lmfao

flashback and beyn have been on the academy, credit the academy coach? No. credit termi? yes!

delusion, emotional bias, and mental illness, seek help and stop replying

who even said that termi is singlehandedly responsible? all the players ive mentioned were in DRX or still in DRX. Its just true that buzz/mako/rb/stax all benefitted from termi.

notice how i said "main roster"? obv Anaks played a good part in their early stages but when they were called up, it is up to termi, glow, and argency (funny you only mention glow).

im not even going to bother replying anyway because you can't comprehend the truth and seriously lacks emotional capacity to argue with people who actually knows the scene.

bye bye emo kid. also, this is like your 5th post about termi in the last few months. weird ass child.

yellow_donkey [#46]

GENG only lost because the competitor was T1 and meteor wanted T1.

Lakia with IGZ and Dplus Kia was not better than Lakia in GENG. He's my fav player and i watched through his entire run with IGZ and Dplus and nope, Shot wise, util wise, he was the best in GENG.

did you even read? Lakia had an injury and couldn't scrim in maps apart from bind/icebox. how is that even termi's fault when it was his only choice with injury.
Foxy9 was overheating, getting caught up with stax's util because he couldnt find the timing right. termi did mess up but it wasnt entirely his fault and buzz back to duelist and zest as int/viper looked way more stable.

zest came back from a break which was due to his injury, rb moved to senti and he could flex so k1ng went out on loan.
zest was better than lakia in 2022 and he even took up the igl role for a short while

in korea, most of the times people mention termi, glow, and argency (which you mentioned 0 times) all together when they talk about DRX's strats.

why would i be hurt when KR team won masters, buzz/stax won their deserving masters. if anyone's hurt, it would be you since M8 is prolly getting relegated and Americas lost the final.

so in short poor roster management and failed 6 man rosters

lakia's situation is termis fault because he didnt have to ruin team chemistry by playing weird rotations every match

then once lakia was healed he got dumped almost immediately and shipped to tier 2 while they kept zest (lol)

merciless-pity8989-89 [#11]

has termi ever had a roster as good as this t1(beside the potential of this current roster)

Meteor is probably the best player pacific, BuZz has always been good, but he left DRX on his own. The DRX’ manager even spoke about it on the forum that they really tried their best to resign him but couldn’t compete. stax is a good igl, and played probably his best tournament here. iZu was the best player on T1 last year, the t1 who qualed to a masters. Like this team is way better than any previous iteration of DRX.

bro weren't you saying BuZz is a choker and would never win anything in playoffs, why is he suddenly an always good player for you now

Dreoxx [#3]

Wait idk why all of a sudden termi hate is flooding the site, this might be the most reactionary take. There's so many reasons why termi is all-respected from the entire t1 stratosphere...

idk what you are talking about i hated him while he won and he hated him while he lost

gamergirl [#48]

so in short poor roster management and failed 6 man rosters

lakia's situation is termis fault because he didnt have to ruin team chemistry by playing weird rotations every match

then once lakia was healed he got dumped almost immediately and shipped to tier 2 while they kept zest (lol)

lakia still has the same injury from before and only started to see major improvements. so much for "knowing the scene"

jixk [#50]

idk what you are talking about i hated him while he won and he hated him while he lost

ok you're just saying you're a hater in general? what're you tryna say

gamergirl [#48]

so in short poor roster management and failed 6 man rosters

lakia's situation is termis fault because he didnt have to ruin team chemistry by playing weird rotations every match

then once lakia was healed he got dumped almost immediately and shipped to tier 2 while they kept zest (lol)

i feel like atp you're just branching your own points and just throwing all of yellow_donkey's rebuttals out the window by not properly addressing them

genuinely, you're trying so hard to act like you have an in-depth knowledge about the KR scene, but you're pivoting around the same point over and over, being that everything is solely termi's fault. you mention how glow is a vital part (which is valid), but it seems like you're being hypocritical by not giving termi his flowers. termi was put in difficult roster situations and pinning the blame entirely on him (and not DRX management, known to be lacking in the organizational and the financial sectors compared to T1/GEN) is blown out of proportion and at minimum, mildly ridiculous.

and if we ever say otherwise, we're apparently blinded by the "fan-girl" bias you are conjuring out of thin air. hello?

Seo_w [#49]

bro weren't you saying BuZz is a choker and would never win anything in playoffs, why is he suddenly an always good player for you now

all i said was that he does a little choking in big maps, which usually ends up costing the team. This doesn’t change much for me, since I never said he was bad. But imagine t1 lost that map 4, everyone would’ve been looking at buzz as the reason

Dreoxx [#52]

ok you're just saying you're a hater in general? what're you tryna say

it wasn't sudden i been here grinding brick by brick t0rmi either under cooks or overcooks at every international they go to and the players have to over perform constantly DRX had genuine chance at this trophy
but t0rmid decides to have a singular comp for 7/7 maps making there bad maps a free read and making there good maps predictable and arguably more anti able then before even with the pac tape
had the entire VS core labeled as chokers when under different conditions they go crazy foxy9 is still recovering from all the roster bs he pulled

half hate half truth comment aside he has had too many chances with too many good players to get ZERO results not mention his talent pool is KR the best itw so it is even worse tbh

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