You don't fight with your coach three days before the grand finals. Also sim0n has gone insane. He needs some whooping from Muggle
This was a needed character development. EDG might come back scarier than ever
alpine007 [#10]???source?
There is clip of Muggle scratching KKs hair, and then KK stood up and slightly confronted him (it was on stage cam). You can probably find the clip on Reddit
Courtesy to #13
Rita-nae [#14]Muggle really said "good boy "
That shit was weird but idk if it's a cultural thing, even if it is, they are not related + kk is grown ass man
arin2016 [#13]
crazy how he is still mad after winning a game and couldn't be patient enough to wait until the pracc room and talk it out like professionals
grisx23 [#15]That shit was weird but idk if it's a cultural thing, even if it is, they are not related + kk is grown ass man
Exactly. He glared like Muggle disrespected his family or something.
And doing it on camera too is pretty disrespectful. Also, it's kind of obvious that he didn't want to play Yoru and Muggle probably told him to play it, he looked very frustrated on Tarik's stream after the match.
Nef0r0 [#16]crazy how he is still mad after winning a game and couldn't be patient enough to wait until the pracc room and talk it out like professionals
Aura overflow.
In all seriousness, hopefully this was an ego check and he bounces back.
grisx23 [#12]There is clip of Muggle scratching KKs hair, and then KK stood up and slightly confronted him (it was on stage cam).
You can probably find the clip on RedditCourtesy to #13
......WTF? ok maybe the crashout was valid
arin2016 [#21]Aura overflow.
In all seriousness, hopefully this was an ego check and he bounces back.
I mean we will see i guess :D If he doesn't understand he was at fault, then he will decline. IF he does, well then we didn't see prime kangkang yet
CarnageBTC [#22]muggle trolled the vetos this tournament tho ... all good hope the new duelist ends this yoru meta and we back :)
still top3 for masters is not bad lol ... idk why people are going so crazy over this ; edg has seen worse days
I would do that too if I was him.
Also, did you see the plays EDG were making? Their loss was NOT completely because of vetos. 90% of the fault goes to how they played that.
13 first deaths and 5 first kills (vs G2) is criminal work. Absolute stinker class.
Nef0r0 [#16]crazy how he is still mad after winning a game and couldn't be patient enough to wait until the pracc room and talk it out like professionals
grisx23 [#15]That shit was weird but idk if it's a cultural thing, even if it is, they are not related + kk is grown ass man
If I was kk I would wait after the stage
arin2016 [#25]I would do that too if I was him.
Also, did you see the plays EDG were making? Their loss was NOT completely because of vetos. 90% of the fault goes to how they played that.
13 first deaths and 5 first kills (vs G2) is criminal work. Absolute stinker class.
i mean yeah but they have never faced this kind of pressure ... they were always underdogs ; this is the first time they came in expecting something .. btw u can watch the press conference rn ... they admit putting too much expectations and pressure on themselves ... all good tho ...