predict how high I'll finish this act
I just deranked to plat 1
I'm ready to get roasted
EDIT: forgot to put in off topic mb gang
ATBSniper [#2]Depends on your tolerance n how many grams you have. Also dk what it has to do w your rank
very funny
I don't smoke
Galactc [#10]You can get to diamond with the right luck ngl just play and see what happens
thank you man I wish I believed in myself like you believe in me
MissesHisShots [#11]thank you man I wish I believed in myself like you believe in me
I'm serious until very recently I had like an 80% win rate at like a 0.8 kd and got to diamond play alright and play for a long time it will come eventually (just don't tilt queue be patient)
Galactc [#12]I'm serious until very recently I had like an 80% win rate at like a 0.8 kd and got to diamond play alright and play for a long time it will come eventually (just don't tilt queue be patient)
funny story, I'm in a game rn and I tilt queued into it
I went 3 16 to lose the game and 30 rr
MissesHisShots [#13]funny story, I'm in a game rn and I tilt queued into it
I went 3 16 to lose the game and 30 rr
Log off and come back tomorrow go play unrated if you still want to play valorant