Who diffs who in a Bo5?
Jaw >= Buzz Trent > iZu JonahP >= Stax Valyn > Sylvan Leaf <= Meteor
Nah,T1 will clean G2
Looks like there is no unity among Americans.
He is jinxing bro
g2 obviously
G2 isn't dropping a single map.
say that again
Buzz=Jaw Izu=Trent Stax>>>>>>Jonahp Sylvan<Valyn Meteor>Leaf Stax=Valyn (igl)
Izu = Trent is absolute insanity
come back to this tomoroww when izu drops 50 every map
Bro does not want us to come back
I really want you to come back lmao
I never said G2 was gonna beat T1 and also izu literally bottom fragged lmaoooo
on current form Buzz > Jawgemo iZu <= trent stax < JonahP Valyn > Sylvan leaf >= meteor
idk why people still rate iZu low the guy is insane
Not as insane as trent has been
I don't care bro, i just hope its a banger going to map 5 and all
Buzz > Jaw Izu << Trent Stax > Jonahp Sylvan < valyn Meteor < leaf
this game is either gonna be a g2 blowout or a close game, either way i’ll either have a reason to cheer or be entertained
Looks like it was the latter