t1 vs drx? surely the international tournament should have international matches
elysxxm [#3]This is good no? If g2 win and one of pacific win then we get 1 of each region. That’s a international tournament bro
equity ≠ competitiveness
Dreoxx [#4]equity ≠ competitiveness
lets say g2 went against one of them anyway, and g2 won. what would change?
elysxxm [#5]lets say g2 went against one of them anyway, and g2 won. what would change?
g2 aren't better than t1 or drx though
Hynix [#8]g2 aren't better than t1 or drx though
- 5 maps vs sen
- diddled by EDG
- probablly will lose to TL
0/8 bait
elysxxm [#9]0/8 bait
got ur stars taken away and yapping about bait?
this version of g2 has only beaten shit teams be honest
elysxxm [#5]lets say g2 went against one of them anyway, and g2 won. what would change?
the fact that you started with a hypothetical situation (being "lets say g2 wins") shows a flaw in what you are trying to counterargue.
what about if g2 lost?
what about if g2 won?
and to answer your original question, yes, there would be significant changes (albeit not in the results). since the team that won is the team that deserves to advance to the knockout stage (essentially a rite of passage), by having g2 win against either drx or t1, you can objectively say that g2 was the better team in the given point.
comparisons aside, given are the scenarios:
Scenario 1 (current)
DRX v T1
G2 v TL
APAC guaranteed 1 but only 1 team, and either AMER gets a team into KO stage, or EMEA gets two and AMER is out
and then we have
Scenario 2
DRX v G2
T1 v TL
Scenario 3
T1 v G2
APAC either has 0, 1, or 2 teams advance, AMER either gets knocked out or has 1 team qual, EMEA either has 1 or 2 teams advance
Scenario 1: AMER 0/1 EMEA 1/2 APAC 1 CN 1
Scenario 2/3: AMER 0/1 EMEA 1/2 APAC 0/1/2 CN 1
mathematically, the only difference is the number of APAC slots
scenario 1
if drx won --> 1 APAC team quals
if t1 won --> 1 APAC team quals
scenario 2/3
if g2 won, tl won --> 0 APAC teams qual
if g2 won, t1 won --> 1 APAC team quals
if g2 won, drx won --> 1 APAC team quals
if drx won, t1 won --> 2 APAC teams qual
by the scenarios, it's a worthwhile risk to have APAC teams face non-APAC teams even if it might mean we might send 0 representatives. for complexity reasons, i decided not to use likeliness to win since that's (relatively) subjective and if I did, I probably wouldn't differ from what I'm saying now. plus, if you REALLY want the feel of an international tournament, its hypocritical to have yet ANOTHER t1 v drx regional matchup for the THIRD time in 2025 ALONE. ideally, you would want to see APAC against non-APAC, so that we can have more non-regional matchups before knockouts, where 2/4 of the 1-1 pooled teams will get eliminated.
since we're guaranteed this regional matchup, in ko stage we'll have no regional matchups.
but if we avoid the regional matchup and either send 2 EMEA or 2 APAC, there's still a good chance there won't be a regional matchup either in the ko stage, which fits YOUR description of an "international tournament" better than merely the inclusion of all region's teams.
if you're still confused, i can probably explain it further. have a nice day
Dreoxx [#12]the fact that you started with a hypothetical situation (being "lets say g2 wins") shows a flaw in what you are trying to counterargue.
what about if g2 lost?
what about if g2 won?and to answer your original question, yes, there would be significant changes (albeit not in the results). since the team that won is the team that deserves to advance to the knockout stage (essentially a rite of passage), by having g2 win against either drx or t1, you can objectively say that g2 was the better team in the given point.
comparisons aside, given are the scenarios:
Scenario 1 (current)
DRX v T1
G2 v TL
APAC guaranteed 1 but only 1 team, and either AMER gets a team into KO stage, or EMEA gets two and AMER is outand then we have
Scenario 2
DRX v G2
T1 v TL
Scenario 3
T1 v G2
APAC either has 0, 1, or 2 teams advance, AMER either gets knocked out or has 1 team qual, EMEA either has 1 or 2 teams advanceScenario 1: AMER 0/1 EMEA 1/2 APAC 1 CN 1
Scenario 2/3: AMER 0/1 EMEA 1/2 APAC 0/1/2 CN 1
mathematically, the only difference is the number of APAC slotsscenario 1
if drx won --> 1 APAC team quals
if t1 won --> 1 APAC team qualsscenario 2/3
if g2 won, tl won --> 0 APAC teams qual
if g2 won, t1 won --> 1 APAC team quals
if g2 won, drx won --> 1 APAC team quals
if drx won, t1 won --> 2 APAC teams qualby the scenarios, it's a worthwhile risk to have APAC teams face non-APAC teams even if it might mean we might send 0 representatives. for complexity reasons, i decided not to use likeliness to win since that's (relatively) subjective and if I did, I probably wouldn't differ from what I'm saying now. plus, if you REALLY want the feel of an international tournament, its hypocritical to have yet ANOTHER t1 v drx regional matchup for the THIRD time in 2025 ALONE. ideally, you would want to see APAC against non-APAC, so that we can have more non-regional matchups before knockouts, where 2/4 of the 1-1 pooled teams will get eliminated.
since we're guaranteed this regional matchup, in ko stage we'll have no regional matchups.
but if we avoid the regional matchup and either send 2 EMEA or 2 APAC, there's still a good chance there won't be a regional matchup either in the ko stage, which fits YOUR description of an "international tournament" better than merely the inclusion of all region's teams.if you're still confused, i can probably explain it further. have a nice day
holy fucking yap im not reading any of that
Hynix [#11]got ur stars taken away and yapping about bait?
this version of g2 has only beaten shit teams be honest
none of what u said abt stars or teams is true