If I didnt include someone its because I dont watch them not because they are bad
- TMV-------Good mix of funny and strategic anaylsis, always going insane, actually reacts to the (intresting) games with emotions
- Shanks---------The funniest/most entertaining watch partier, but has little/no strategic anaylsis-you will laugh but you wont learn
- Chobra----------Is this bias? yes, but imo hes super funny and has very good strategic anaylsis as well as lots of behind the scenes knowlege for Pacific, also his smaller community lets it feel like you are watching with him vs watching him watch like most other
- Sliggy----------Has the best strategic analysis out of almost anyone, but lacks in the entetaining department, isnt that funny (which hes not trying to be) just a chill guy anaylsising
- Sacy-----Is very enteertaining and has great strategic imput, is only lower because my portugeuse isnt that good
- Ardiis----extremly funny, but little/no strategic imput
- Sean Gares-----Prob the best analysis in the scene and also has lots of inside knowlege on Americas, would be higher but I dont watch him that much
- Sideshow----he is very funny and has good strategic takes, but his streams tend to go off the rails and is not about the game anymore
- Marved-----Little/no strategic input but is funny and has top notch acting skills
- TenZ---could maybe be a bit higher, but his reactions are usally very dry
- Bren----same as sideshow but his streams go off topic more often
- Mimi---similar to Bren/Sideshow but has lots of Western bias so shes lower for me as a big fan of the East
- Main Strean----if you are looking just to focus and 0 in on the gameplay than its perfect
HM Tarik-0 personality sellout, lost all his personality mid way through 2023-is the face of valorant watch partying but that just means hes uniform-barely pays attention to any games, and the games he does pay attention too he has no strategic imput and not that funny