It's insane that RIOT is unable to schedule events in a way where for all fans can enjoy. The time from Reykjavik to the first Eastern tournament was roughly 2 years, and the time from the last event we had in Americas to the next one will be 1 year and 9 months. This is ridiculous for people from all regions to not be able to view events in their own timezone for nearly 2 years at a time considering Valorant promotes diversity among all people across the world. There is most definitely a fix for this, and while organizing tournaments and finding host cities is difficult, a company as large as RIOT should be able to do so. I have found an extremely easy solution to this problem: Rotational Regional Tiers. Think of this like a three-sided wheel. Once you reach the top, you get put back on the bottom.
This would ensure every region gets one scheduled events per year, but also that each region gets a champs every 3 years meaning no region is left a long time without the most prestigious tournament. Also in my chart, I rotate NA/SA, China/Pacific and Eastern/Western EU to continue to improve diversity between these tournaments.
I completely understand that there is an extremely low chance a RIOT employee or Leo Faria actually reads this, but this system seems like one that should've been implemented a long time ago. Thank you for reading.
TL;DR rotate regions one slot per year (2025 asia masters 1, 2026 asia masters 2, 2027 asia champs) and repeat for every region for parity between regions.