Due to personal issues and time constraints we couldn't play premier last week on lotus, so we now can't make any mistakes to qualify to playoffs; but that also allowed us to play with our original roster of 🇨🇦 Askrial, 🇨🇦 Cloudberry, 🇺🇸 Kamui, 🇯🇴 Prancer, and 🇨🇳 Wukong this week.
This week's map was pearl, one of the Cloudberries more played maps and a map they felt confident on. For the first match Cloudberries played a double sentinel double initiator comp with no duelist. After a strong showing on the pistol and anti-eco rounds Cloudberries looked forward to a dominant half, however they had a difficult time getting on site without a duelist and that led to an 8-4 half. Losing the Pistol and Bonus led to the Clouberries making less than ideal decision and lost them the game 5-13.
Due to such a one sided match, Cloudberries took a little break to reset mental and change comp. For the second match of the week Cloudberries played a Double duelist comp, a como they haven't played before. With this new comp Cloudberries felt more confident to make more aggressive plays and overwhelm the enemy team letting them win the Pistol Round and Bonus leading to a 10-2 half. Riding off the confidence of the first half Cloudberries quickly won the match 13-3.
A/N: Next week is bind, a map we have played multiple comps on and have a lot of reps on , we look forward to playing and hopefully getting both our wins quickly.
Also we have started a minecraft server for cloudberries hosted by our resident pakola lover Aayan. You can join through the discord server or just join the discord to speak to very interesting individuals.