this guy crying full tears when he losing but shooting body? have some respect bro
no hate to him just need to see good sportsmanship you guys understand?
omegaishere [#2]Bro either looks like a penguin or angry bird and idk which one
Keep down fragging girls
khayso [#4]you're the one crying rn
im not crying. if you like demon1 talk shit then go shoot body its fine. but dont cry then go do, understand?
laeDLaer [#9]im not crying. if you like demon1 talk shit then go shoot body its fine. but dont cry then go do, understand?
"im not crying" proceeds to cry
laeDLaer [#9]im not crying. if you like demon1 talk shit then go shoot body its fine. but dont cry then go do, understand?
he didnt cry because ppl were toxic.. are u dumb?? he cried because he let HIMSELF down in his eyes. No relation
Jedeco [#19]It's kinda expected from n4rrate though if you actually watch his stream. NGL though these BMs in games make it more interesting than just a bunch of serious guys shooting eachother.
exactly bro people take things like shooting bodies and teabagging way too seriously
Toph_ [#18]Lmao quiet when G2 does it and crying when SEN does it. SEN has such a choke hold on this community it’s insane.
its not an issue when SEN does it, only when n4rrat0r does it