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Are France, North America and Spain the VCLs with the most viewers? What about Japan and Brazil?


japan has the most viewers and its not even close lmao


its crazy how many viewers VCL france has, the level , its hurts my eyes

kaesra [#2]

japan has the most viewers and its not even close lmao



I'm gonna check, I'll answer in a sec

It's not all Split 1 but y'all can get an idea

  1. Jp 147 Peak 84 Average (Holy shit) https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-japan-split-1
  2. France Edit 2: Nvm I checked the wrong split lol, can't go back now, escorts won't let me
  3. NA 30 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-north-america-stage-1
  4. Spain 24 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-spain-stage-1
  5. LAS 18 Peak 5 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-las-stage-1-ace-masters
  6. Brazil 10 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-brazil-stage-1-final-qualifier
  7. SEA 9 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-southeast-asia-split-1
  8. Turkey 8 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-turkiye-birlik-kickoff-split

That's all escharts will let me check without paying. If anyone wanna check the missing ones feel free to add them. Probably wanna check NorthEast, Kr, Germany and idk if I'm missing something else


BR peaked with 13k and average 4k on split 2
prob will be better this season with academy, new orgs, and big football teams on it

Mortadelo [#5]

I'm gonna check, I'll answer in a sec

It's not all Split 1 but y'all can get an idea

  1. Jp 147 Peak 84 Average (Holy shit) https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-japan-split-1
  2. France Edit 2: Nvm I checked the wrong split lol, can't go back now, escorts won't let me
  3. NA 30 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-north-america-stage-1
  4. Spain 24 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-spain-stage-1
  5. LAS 18 Peak 5 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-las-stage-1-ace-masters
  6. Brazil 10 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-brazil-stage-1-final-qualifier
  7. SEA 9 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-southeast-asia-split-1
  8. Turkey 8 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-turkiye-birlik-kickoff-split

That's all escharts will let me check without paying. If anyone wanna check the missing ones feel free to add them. Probably wanna check NorthEast, Kr, Germany and idk if I'm missing something else

Japanese scene is insane holy shit
Spain and probably France too are are doing good too
I'm surprised NA is relatively low considering the fact that their VCL is still one league
DACH league has less viewers than France, idk if it's because the game isn't popular in Germany or the lack of German orgs

Mortadelo [#5]

I'm gonna check, I'll answer in a sec

It's not all Split 1 but y'all can get an idea

  1. Jp 147 Peak 84 Average (Holy shit) https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-japan-split-1
  2. France Edit 2: Nvm I checked the wrong split lol, can't go back now, escorts won't let me
  3. NA 30 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-north-america-stage-1
  4. Spain 24 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-spain-stage-1
  5. LAS 18 Peak 5 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-las-stage-1-ace-masters
  6. Brazil 10 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-brazil-stage-1-final-qualifier
  7. SEA 9 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-southeast-asia-split-1
  8. Turkey 8 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-turkiye-birlik-kickoff-split

That's all escharts will let me check without paying. If anyone wanna check the missing ones feel free to add them. Probably wanna check NorthEast, Kr, Germany and idk if I'm missing something else

Ok, Murash is really driving Jp viewerships lol

Can't wait to see Murash vs Riddle because this match essentially pits 2 streamers into one match.

Mortadelo [#5]

I'm gonna check, I'll answer in a sec

It's not all Split 1 but y'all can get an idea

  1. Jp 147 Peak 84 Average (Holy shit) https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-japan-split-1
  2. France Edit 2: Nvm I checked the wrong split lol, can't go back now, escorts won't let me
  3. NA 30 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-north-america-stage-1
  4. Spain 24 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-spain-stage-1
  5. LAS 18 Peak 5 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-las-stage-1-ace-masters
  6. Brazil 10 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-brazil-stage-1-final-qualifier
  7. SEA 9 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-southeast-asia-split-1
  8. Turkey 8 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-turkiye-birlik-kickoff-split

That's all escharts will let me check without paying. If anyone wanna check the missing ones feel free to add them. Probably wanna check NorthEast, Kr, Germany and idk if I'm missing something else

crazy how SEA used to have 10K averages in each sub region and now 3K combined 6 sub regions. SOOP really kills the scene.

goofyahh1447 [#7]

Japanese scene is insane holy shit
Spain and probably France too are are doing good too
I'm surprised NA is relatively low considering the fact that their VCL is still one league
DACH league has less viewers than France, idk if it's because the game isn't popular in Germany or the lack of German orgs

its because the dach scene itself is not very popular and well known among the german playerbase, there are more casual players than ppl who watch vcl, if that wouldnt be the case we would had similar viewers as spain prob, orgs tho are really good

kaesra [#2]

japan has the most viewers and its not even close lmao

Yet they have the least players in their own league

MrBlooBloom [#11]

Yet they have the least players in their own league


Ryandr [#12]


He's saying Jp imports a lot(by Apac standards) . I don't like this situation too. Glad I got to see Zeta AC vs Reject tho, I believe this match will serve as a wake up call to Jp orgs to develop their own players instead of taking shortcuts

IonlywatchvcjXD [#13]

He's saying Jp imports a lot(by Apac standards) . I don't like this situation too. Glad I got to see Zeta AC vs Reject tho, I believe this match will serve as a wake up call to Jp orgs to develop their own players instead of taking shortcuts

Brother Japan does not import a lot, very few leagues have less imports than Jp

Mortadelo [#14]

Brother Japan does not import a lot, very few leagues have less imports than Jp

Sry, I forgot to add "by APAC standards". In other region maybe it's common, but in Asia Jp is definitely an anomaly imo

IonlywatchvcjXD [#13]

He's saying Jp imports a lot(by Apac standards) . I don't like this situation too. Glad I got to see Zeta AC vs Reject tho, I believe this match will serve as a wake up call to Jp orgs to develop their own players instead of taking shortcuts

If that is what he means then as a french that guy can't say that about Japan league lol. He should check the France challengers league first

Mortadelo [#5]

I'm gonna check, I'll answer in a sec

It's not all Split 1 but y'all can get an idea

  1. Jp 147 Peak 84 Average (Holy shit) https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-japan-split-1
  2. France Edit 2: Nvm I checked the wrong split lol, can't go back now, escorts won't let me
  3. NA 30 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-north-america-stage-1
  4. Spain 24 Peak 13 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-spain-stage-1
  5. LAS 18 Peak 5 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-las-stage-1-ace-masters
  6. Brazil 10 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-brazil-stage-1-final-qualifier
  7. SEA 9 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-southeast-asia-split-1
  8. Turkey 8 Peak 3 Average https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2025-turkiye-birlik-kickoff-split

That's all escharts will let me check without paying. If anyone wanna check the missing ones feel free to add them. Probably wanna check NorthEast, Kr, Germany and idk if I'm missing something else

(Numbers in non k)
NE: 2 673 peak, 540 average (irregular broadcast gonna tank those stats ngl)

France and Dach 2025 split 1 doesnt have stats atm
DACH is sitting at 1k average generally (and like 4k when Bucher streams)

But 2024 split 2 stats for anyone who cares

Dach: 7 829 peak, 1 833 average
France: 36 239 peak, 10 592 average

Ryandr [#16]

If that is what he means then as a french that guy can't say that about Japan league lol. He should check the France challengers league first

I mean I can content a little knowing local players are gradually replacing imports naturally. this split alone is much better compared to last year lol

Huitzilopochtli [#10]

its because the dach scene itself is not very popular and well known among the german playerbase, there are more casual players than ppl who watch vcl, if that wouldnt be the case we would had similar viewers as spain prob, orgs tho are really good

+ we dont have that movement between t1 and t2 the other regions have

way harder to gain fans for a region when the majority of viewers arent exposed to any of the players

Ryandr [#16]

If that is what he means then as a french that guy can't say that about Japan league lol. He should check the France challengers league first

I'm the first to say that the French teams have completely fallen from the top of the fps scene and I don't think France will ever regain the place it had between 2013 and 2022

foythvlr [#6]

BR peaked with 13k and average 4k on split 2
prob will be better this season with academy, new orgs, and big football teams on it

and sacy wp

targuin [#17]

(Numbers in non k)
NE: 2 673 peak, 540 average (irregular broadcast gonna tank those stats ngl)

France and Dach 2025 split 1 doesnt have stats atm
DACH is sitting at 1k average generally (and like 4k when Bucher streams)

But 2024 split 2 stats for anyone who cares

Dach: 7 829 peak, 1 833 average
France: 36 239 peak, 10 592 average

actually better than i thougt for dach, kuba is prob carrying when Fokus plays but still

targuin [#19]

+ we dont have that movement between t1 and t2 the other regions have

way harder to gain fans for a region when the majority of viewers arent exposed to any of the players

i think we will have more dach players in T1 in the future, atm we have great orgs and many young german players who are looking quite good, for example nxts whole teams purpose is to help young players

Tuiron [#21]

and sacy wp

sacy alone will bring 10k+

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