All 2024 events/stages played in:
Kickoff - 10th rated player, won Kickoff, only flex above is Victor
Madrid - 8th rated player, won Madrid, only flex rated higher is Narrate
Stage 1 - 7th rated player, didn't make playoffs, only "flex" above him is Cryo who just plays smokes/jett/chamber
Stage 2 - 9th rated player, playoffs 1st round eliminated, only flex above is Mazino
Champions - 13th rated player, Legit half the ppl in front played multiple roles pretty much only duelists one tricks that weren't
This proves that Tenz performed extremely well whether SEN was winning events or not. He also proved himself as arguably the best Flex player of 2024.
Hate all you want but he was performing well wayyy too consistently to not consider him a great player. Especially compared to other Flex players where none were as consistent as he was.