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A couple months ago, Zikz and 100T put out an open call for coaching.


I spent 2 weeks putting a tremendous amount of time and effort to create these two analysis reports:

100T Icebox

FNC Haven

Despite the effort, despite reaching out to Zikz two weeks after the deadline for any word, I was ghosted. Only to find out that your average VCT scouting/analysis report is 1/200th the size.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm tired of seeing Nadeshot and 100 Thieves continue the narrative that they are trying everything they can. They simply are not. They are just continuing the one thing that has plagued esports, cronyism. The normal size of an analysis report in VCT is 1-2 pages. For a game that is supposed to be "TACTICAL" ... how do you fit a scouting report into one page?

How does Nadeshot and the 100T organization pay for such mediocracy when people put real effort into their applications? Esports needs to stop being a revolving door.


Skimmed through this. While its a ton of info there's not an easily readable amount of information. While you included executes and what they used I don't see a default section at all. Only player movements. My advice in the future is to break it down in a simple direction. Most teams will use one of a number of defaults when working map control. Obviously these can be faked however your team would then at least know off of maybe a recon and stun what the enemy team is roughly doing and their positions. A lot what you included isn't actually helpful except for some of the postplant locations. Its an impressive amount of work but its focused in the wrong areas to help a team.


This for instance is much more helpful because you'll see this actually happen immediately a lot. By going over this my players would know roughly where the enemy team is and can weigh whether they want to take space or overrotate or be ready for something.


yeah i dont give a fuck dont gimme these dogshit recommendations ever again cuz im a arrogant asf :(


Unfortunately in the world of competitive sports we are measured by wins and losses. No offense but I'm going to pass on your advice.


Maryville Esports
Total Wins: 5
Total Losses: 12
Record: 5-12

Total Wins: 4
Total Losses: 4
Record: 4-4

The Guard
Total Wins: 7
Total Losses: 9
Record: 7-9

Gen.G Esports
Total Wins: 3
Total Losses: 13
Record: 3-13


Surely someone as gifted with numbers as you are understands that's not the actual win loss accumulation of those teams right?


Hey! I know everyone has been supportive, but I'd like to offer an alternative perspective of why this is the way it is

Scouting reports are made for the players and Head Coach to look at and develop a gameplan, or to find specific antis that will win them a few rounds. These players are busy people, and I can promise you that it's far more worth their time to play 1 scrim than read 113 pages of information that won't even enter their heads. They know what Icebox is, they don't need to know that it's based on Bennet Islands...

Something that teams genuinely look for when finding people to do these kind of reports is the ability to keep things short, sweet, easy to interpret, and easy to implement. Most of my reports are ~20 pages tops for all 7 maps, and most of that is pictures rather than text (especially stuff that looks VERY AI written - sorry)

I'm sure the effort was appreciated, but I think if you put the same amount of effort into the details that you did the overarching context and irrelevant things, you might find some stuff that can help win games rather than just describe them


I don't really appreciate the feedback you gave. It feels dismissive of the effort and detail I put into the report. Everyone has their own approach, and it seems like my work doesn’t align with your expectations, but that doesn’t mean it was without value.


okay bro relax, first of all someone said you used chatgpt. also video essay would be alot more easier than reading pieces of paper. you are literally trying to teach adhd adderall addicts and you brought a 100 page paper? thats like fingering a donut.


I'm willing to defend my work and die on a hill for it. I stand by all my claims and only used ChatGPT for grammar purposes.


Being ghosted never feels good and I'm sorry that happened to you. That said, high effort doesn't mean high quality. I'm going to give you the advice that I've given to every aspiring analyst/strategic coach who's asked me for feedback on documentation like this.

Having this level of depth is great and some coaches will value it highly, but for 90% of use cases, this is absolutely useless.

Something that was driven home to me very quickly in my time in private equity was that if you can communicate what needs to be communicated in fewer words, do it. A firm's partner isn't going to read a 25 page report, they'll read your 1-page summary and that 1-page summary better be excellent. In top tier esports it may not be a partner who's reading, but it's a player. For how much of your report will their attention span hold? and how much of what they cover in that attention span will they actually retain in a way that it's actionable?

When I anti, could I produce this sort of document? Sure. Do I though? Absolutely not. I provide a 12 - 20 slide "elevator pitch" style deck that communicates core concepts in as easy-to-retain a format possible, and then I provide a 1-pager in addition to that that's basically 8-15 bullet points of 1-3 sentences each that give very concise actionable conclusions with linked references.

I have all my rough notes that I can use to cite/further explain if needed, but I'm not going to waste my time formatting those into a comprehensive report that no one other than me should need to read if I'm doing my job well enough.

Even then, how a HC wants their reports provided is preferential. It feels bad to have your hard work feel like it wasn't respected or given due consideration, but not you, not I, not anyone, is entitled to that at the end of the day. The approach I've always taken and recommend: seek feedback, value it when it's given, don't feel entitled or wronged when it's not given, and "just do shit." Keep working hard, and if you work hard enough long enough, you'll become undeniable.


I get that you’ve got your “elevator pitch” approach down, but honestly, not everyone’s going to be satisfied with a 1-page summary. Your advice to keep things short and sweet? Sure, it works for some, but it's clear you’re missing the bigger picture of what’s required. I’ll keep doing things my way, thanks—if people can’t handle the effort I put into my work, that’s on them, not me.


100% a chatgpt response right here

no way he actually said that


couldn't find his response chat gpt cooked for me tho


Presentation >>>

It doesn't matter how great your work is if it's not clear and concise. Remember, you are presenting your report to a busy coach and esports professionals, not a science board. I think it's fine to work hard and do a tonne of research, but for the purpose of this role, it is more important to provide actionable points that a coach can weave into a game plan, especially during tournaments when time is very limited. Best of luck!


wait why are we duplicating the thread lmao


cuz im bored and class doesn't start until 2 PM est


Lets see how you respond to nonconstructive criticism. This is the most disgusting useless waste of time analysis that I have ever read in my life. Forget tier 1 analysis, I wouldn’t even hire you if you were offering to analyze elite division premier games for free. Chatgpt document, providing player location info with ZERO context, saying generic shit like “derke getting kills in this area means that he is incentivised to play aggressively” ????? Which areas are you even talking about? Any specifications? I guarantee you that the nonformatted dogshit 10 minute google doc analysis I made for my premier team provides leagues more relevant and useful information than your 100+ page “analysis” does and heres proof.


45 vlr readers believe picture books are better than research. I'm shocked. (edited for clarity)


king mCe




This is fantastic. I am the head coach of the head coach of 100 thieves. Please forward this to my team. You are hired. Zikz will be moved down to assistant coach effective immediately.


Maybe apply for something more your level like a challengers or T3 team!


Presentation >>>

It doesn't matter how great your work is if it's not clear and concise. Remember, you are presenting your report to a busy coach and esports professionals, not a science board. I think it's fine to work hard and do a tonne of research, but for the purpose of this role, it is more important to provide actionable points that a coach can weave into a game plan, especially during tournaments when time is very limited. Best of luck!


First, none of this truly matters. If you're reading this post please consider donating to the victims of the Los Angeles fires:


Second, someone cool helped me out with my submission and I want to give him a shoutout, Nabil Elouahabi, basically gave me a bunch of dialogue that I created a fun video for my submission. He has a Cameo page and you should check it out ( https://www.cameo.com/valorant1973 )

Third, I think a couple of important people jumped to conclusions about my work. I don’t think you can fit my system into the traditional way of doing things. While I appreciate their critiques, their time spent was a bit misguided.

I would also like to take the time to again point out the current state of the landscape. We see what the current work leads to. My comments about the size of the analysis that is handed over to players should alarm you as a viewer. You cannot truly believe that handing a one page response to a player is anything close to professional. If you disagree with me, I would point you to HBO specials like Hard Knock: https://www.hbo.com/hard-knocks . Just look at the binders they carry around. That sort of preparation is what leads to amazing sports moments. Talent needs knowledge to thrive. Many people do not have this knowledge required so they make it about other things.

Thank you to the people who took the time to read my work. Good or bad, if you actually took the time to read it, I appreciate you.

The context that is missing from the critiques is that my work leads to discussions. The number one rule in any sort of strategy effort is that your perfect plan is going to fail. The sizing of this is supposed to acknowledge that. There needs to be a foundation from which knowledge can grow.

A one page analysis of your analysts thoughts and conclusions is not going to get you there. You don’t know any of the inputs such as their skill and knowledge of the subject, how they are feeling, what experience they have in composing documents that require them to be non-bias or even if they had a bad breakfast.

I spent some time on individual players. But I think many of my critics think it is just the 100T and FNC players. Nope, it was 19 different teams.


I didn’t feel like I could adequately give an analysis report without doing the film. So in addition to my work and research into the players, I needed to see the games that the past teams played to see if there were any adjustments in the way they played. An analysis would be pointless if it was an entirely different roster/comp/coach.

So what I did was cut every single game into rounds. From each of those rounds I created a mini-map focused video. This way I could see at a high level what is usually missed in analysis work if you were purely using VCT footage.


Once again, the goal of my work is not the output. It’s the path I journey to get to a place of expertise that can then be utilized by the organization.

I'm not going to attack anyone individually but I would just like to point out that my work is a direct attack on theirs. To see what someone is capable of and then to have to look at your work product can produce jealousy. As people in positions of privilege they should look at my work and applaud it. I tried and produced something of value. It's just weird that you would take 10 minutes of skimming it to try and destroy it. That's some shameful stuff. Do better.


actually tho that first file is completely useless. why would you ever need theese stats just copied out of VLR or other stat sites when you have thoose stat sites
also ranked stats in general, just why?

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