Flag: Scotland
Registered: December 7, 2021
Last post: February 8, 2025 at 7:02 AM
Posts: 112
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he's the reason they didn't close it out 2-0 and win haven against drx
and he's now the reason they didn't win split to close it out 3-1 against gen g

lets see if it costs them again like it did yesterday

posted 1 month ago

wardell 😂

posted 1 month ago

Being ghosted never feels good and I'm sorry that happened to you. That said, high effort doesn't mean high quality. I'm going to give you the advice that I've given to every aspiring analyst/strategic coach who's asked me for feedback on documentation like this.

Having this level of depth is great and some coaches will value it highly, but for 90% of use cases, this is absolutely useless.

Something that was driven home to me very quickly in my time in private equity was that if you can communicate what needs to be communicated in fewer words, do it. A firm's partner isn't going to read a 25 page report, they'll read your 1-page summary and that 1-page summary better be excellent. In top tier esports it may not be a partner who's reading, but it's a player. For how much of your report will their attention span hold? and how much of what they cover in that attention span will they actually retain in a way that it's actionable?

When I anti, could I produce this sort of document? Sure. Do I though? Absolutely not. I provide a 12 - 20 slide "elevator pitch" style deck that communicates core concepts in as easy-to-retain a format possible, and then I provide a 1-pager in addition to that that's basically 8-15 bullet points of 1-3 sentences each that give very concise actionable conclusions with linked references.

I have all my rough notes that I can use to cite/further explain if needed, but I'm not going to waste my time formatting those into a comprehensive report that no one other than me should need to read if I'm doing my job well enough.

Even then, how a HC wants their reports provided is preferential. It feels bad to have your hard work feel like it wasn't respected or given due consideration, but not you, not I, not anyone, is entitled to that at the end of the day. The approach I've always taken and recommend: seek feedback, value it when it's given, don't feel entitled or wronged when it's not given, and "just do shit." Keep working hard, and if you work hard enough long enough, you'll become undeniable.

posted 1 month ago

does anyone know the m80 roster?

pretty sure currently its

bahn bao
wedid (may not be on m80)

idk who the last is and idk if they need an IGL or who is playing smokes between wedid and bahn bao

posted 2 months ago

Im talking about zellsis he was playing this poorly for most of last year too but it was okay because he could help with strats as a result of john being on senti

narrate is playing poorly on senti but he showed what hes capable of last year if you just get him in the right places

posted 4 months ago

just be glad as a fan they are getting humbled this hard

NO ONE and i mean NO ONE will let them forget about the time NRG slapped them around twice in their own office and in their own tournament

these guys need to sharpen up and get a healthy dose of where this team is at if they are going to get better anytime soon

posted 4 months ago

The only reason I see Johnqt playing initiator is calling better

but what is the point of zellsis if he doesn't mid round/ use util / get kills consistently enough

zekken has been shut down both times against NRG but running these roles makes 0 sense

you can't have two players getting bare minimum kills every series and expect to consistently win

posted 4 months ago

how can you call Brazilian teams boring LOL

arguably the best player in the game is Brazilian

a Brazilian team won champs

and they were never boring to watch either

you must have started watching this year only because every year except this one Brazilian teams have put up a pretty good showing regionally and internationally

posted 5 months ago

that logo needs to be destroyed its a disgusting template AI looking eyesore and it would be embarrassing for a team as good as they are to parade around with that as their badge

posted 5 months ago

Rocket Bullets legit doesn't leak a single thing his claim to fame is piggybacking off of what Flynn was doing but instead all he does is include info that's already leaked including a lot of wrong shit he doesn't know a single thing and is the most unsufferable of them all too. He should be in a tier of his own 5 tiers below everyone else

posted 7 months ago

Sacy is far and away one of the top 3 most underrated players in the world lmao and people will only truly understand his intangible impact after he is no longer on sentinels

posted 7 months ago

NRG are not going to blow up their roster AGAIN after spending what they spent this season lmao they are likely to just add a coach to work with whats there and only if absolutely necessary replace 1 player at most

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

just wait until they have to play against FPX thats when they're really gonna test u lol

posted 7 months ago

Overall they need a jett player to either replace sacy or zekken (I would rather they replace sacy) and I wasn't worried before but johnqts calling has looked extremely readable post playoffs like even with time off to practice teams have good reads on what the team are going to do what feels like every round

posted 7 months ago

nah just take the L dude that is their best map they wouldnt have picked it otherwise and given how bad they looked on haven its gonna be an early exit no map veto would have saved that

posted 7 months ago

Embarrass yourselves in playoffs
"We will make this right"
Pick Haven
look lost on attack throw man advantage rounds
look lost on defense die to A lurk that has been happening since 100T game
Extremely readable
Duelist goes 7-19
0-2 on pistol rounds

Feels good man my sentinels is back 🤩

posted 7 months ago

please no think about the hate zekken is currently getting for this performance and then multiply it by the hate tenz gets from just existing

posted 7 months ago

I knew it was chalked when im seeing them still continue to die on A long lurk the exact same way they did against 100T 💀

posted 7 months ago

he's just not a good jett its not his fault but he has never been comfortable on it all of his greatest performances have been raze

posted 7 months ago

great player and when he's on he's the best player on the team but he has never looked comfortable on the agent even when they were winning in madrid - and im not like the rest of these morons that pick up the pitchfork every other week

posted 8 months ago

they need u boss send them the application

posted 8 months ago

IF they do make champs I'd expect to see a more focused and co-ordinated team than we have in the last two weeks

with johnqt going to urgent care a day before their game and sacy's dog dying after the G2 game it's obviously distracting them even if they weren't going to play good enough to win regardless

especially with the bitter disappointment of bombing out of playoffs like this and having to rely on lev I'd imagine they want to do everything they can to write their wrongs and show a better version of themselves

posted 8 months ago

just keep zellsis good flex secondary caller and vibes although he's not hugely popular
and not every team needs a specific vibe player but those other 4 are the quietest ppl ever they will never hype the team

+n4rrate i can agree with it makes too much sense because you can get zekken off jett where has never looked comfortable and plug the role gaps fairly easily

posted 8 months ago

it's really not an issue of setting him up if you saw any of the things he has said about playing jett or the sideshow video you will see why despite being a good player and fragger able to get value out of jett abilities he cant play the role of entry duelist which is what jett will be 99% of the time

posted 8 months ago

he can play it but not as an entry which is what it has evolved into now :/

posted 8 months ago

probably someone who can play jett and flex like n4rrate or a similar profile and on jett maps have zekken on sova/fade

im starting to think that their playstyle of setting up tenz/zekken for success with the other 3 essentially playing support isn't sustainable long term especially when either of them hit a slump/bad game(s)

edit* for all people saying tenz do you not understand what the jett has to do? in solo duelist comps jett has to dash in site make space entry take duels tenz has failed on this role and personally hates it this has been EXTREMELY well documented.... like how are we still at the point of wanting tenz to play entry duelist in 2024.

posted 8 months ago


mwzera https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/VK%20mwzera%234324/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all
cNed https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ACE%20cNed%23carry/overview?season=all
TenZ https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/SEN%20TenZ%230505/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all

mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here https://imgur.com/StiJmpg
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it https://www.vlr.gg/29398/sentinels-vs-100-thieves-champions-tour-north-america-stage-3-challengers-playoffs-gf/?game=46692&tab=overview)

mwzera have been delivering insane stats since 2020, he managed to get an ACS of 300+ a single tourney back in 2020

while i cant deny that aspas is very talented, there is literally no comparison between them
mwzera is constantly dropping amazing numbers with different class of agents, he have been to multiple teams with different people with different IGLs and his performance simply doesnt decrease, for an insane amount of rounds, for months, for years!

aspas have what? like 20 matches as a pro?
you cant compare them

aspas also play for the best br team atm, a team who have been stomping every single team in brazil, which is also a massive boost in his stats, his job is basically to press mouse1 while most of his enemies are stunned/blind
remove saadhak+sacy from his team and then we can see how he performs and his real level of fragging power

here is what happened when they faced eachother with teams of same level
mwzera +19, 11-1 FK, 200 ADR, 335 ACS
One of the most iconic performances of all time

posted 8 months ago

cultured chinese fans moment poorly translating english and then attacking zekken with racist abuse when the chinese nationalism kicks in

posted 9 months ago

the g2 flairs are worse imo i've seen like 1 g2 flair before they got to playoffs

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

with older cs players they are often failures in valorant unless they are IGLing, there are a few exceptions but generally you need the experienced leader with good macro ideas to herd the younger flashier players with good util that fit the valorant mould easily. some of the older cs players couldnt adapt as well as others to the fast pace and adaptability that valorant needs at the top level

posted 10 months ago

u guys are all going to look silly when u see the strat in motion smh

posted 10 months ago

so true king im surprised these sen players aren't fnatic in disguise 😹😹😹

they must have been getting choking lessons from boaster and the boys 😹😹😹😹

sen can't even be the best charity event winners because fnatic won that instead 😹😹😹😹

they can't even be the best chokers either because prx will never win anything of value 😹😹😹

sen truly a mediocre team in all aspects 😹😹😹 why gas these guys up😹😹😹 they're not even good at being bad 😹😹😹

posted 10 months ago

people aren't aware of the chinese superteam winning in their home country

Masters Shanghai belongs to Ji Tu

posted 10 months ago

It’s worse and less significant than all of them, even lock in if that makes you happy. I’m reading SEN fans on this site defend such a worthless trophy with their lives like it’s the last they’ll be seeing, they have 0 hope for their team to win something actually significant. I saw someone here say that they were content with SEN bombing out the rest of the year because they won the most useless trophy of the three this year loool it’s so depressing

just accept that nobody gives a fuck about an 8 team charity event with the most random teams of all time qualifying (4/8 teams were FPX, TH, KC, and GENG lol) because of a singular bo3. Look for the next two majors that actually hold meaning to them and live on. There’s like a billion of you on this site crying 24/7 about an event that ended a month ago, your “best player in the world” got dethroned off a single group stage series for a reason, nobody cares about Madrid.

I’m really really not, if you believe that the extremely vast majority of VCT teams wouldn’t replace their duelist for something over picking up a flex player like f0rsaken then you are on drugs. The fact that you had to use LEV as an example on why they wouldn’t pick up something when they have fucking aspas is proof you have no idea what you’re talking about.

We are again treating this like something and f0rsaken are displaying the same level of gameplay when that’s not the case at all. There is a very real gap in terms of skill between something and f0rsaken, f0rsaken is in no way a big enough threat to be a reasonable candidate to replace every player on every team.

posted 10 months ago

doesn’t mean the same rule will apply to Demon1, why don’t SEN glazers understand this? Never in zekken’s career has he once been a better player/duelist than aspas whereas you can’t say the same for Demon1 during Masters Tokyo and Champions. zekken can’t hang.

for the idiots that say aspas will still be better than Demon1 no matter what happens during LEV vs NRG because he has a way worse team, how do you explain LEV 2-0 SEN then? Aren’t precious Madrid winners supposed to be the best team in the world, better than NRG? How’d aspas stomp them then? Are we saying NRG is technically a better team then SEN and that Madrid holds no meaning?

By the logic you idiots have been using, aspas is expected to stomp NRG and Demon1 even harder then SEN and zekken because the latter are supposed to be better, right? No? Aren’t they the Masters winners?

there’s levels to this, aspas vs Demon1 will be an infinitely closer matchup then whatever embarrassment you guys were hyping up. It’s either we accept that fact or admit Madrid is the least significant major of all time.

🤡 🤡 🤡 clown ahh social media thought it was a duel between the best, SEN Demon1 isn’t real unfortunately https://x.com/sentinels/status/1778837027712381417?s=46&t=KE1tSZ9z1srMutPCCsT3xw 😹😹😹😹

posted 10 months ago

" Are you stupid? He farmed the Japanese league like a madman you idiot, it’s why PRX considered signing him in the first place. PRX didn’t make something the player he already is. You’re acting like something wouldn’t still dominate if he was on a different team, he’s your region’s Demon1 you idiot. His playstyle isn’t some complex black magic he plays like any other aggro duelist but better.

Congrats on severely downplaying your team’s best player to prove a false point though. Maybe one day he’ll leave the team to find fans who don’t believe he’s unironically less valuable than f0rsaken. "

posted 10 months ago

😘 can't wait
dinner ?

posted 10 months ago

what does that matter ? they still came nowhere close to winning anything.... sen lose 3 games to teams that have tons of footage on them and are playing well and suddenly its the biggest falloff ever. They're gonna bounce back and will at the least make champs which will already be better than ACEND... you are a moron

posted 10 months ago

you asked for the biggest falloff but now you want to move the goalposts so you can decide what counts and what doesn't


posted 10 months ago

it wouldn't be much of a 200IQ strat if drew just told people would it?

come on man we're better than this

posted 10 months ago

Acend has joined the chat

did u start watching valorant this year?

posted 10 months ago

nah dude they weren't trying haven't you been watching

theres no other reason the madrid champs lose its just a 200IQ play to disarm everyone sense of security for the champs run in

posted 10 months ago

that is miserable dude... you can't stop people from clowning and shitting on you in fact if you look at valorant fans they will do it always anyway regardless.

How is it fun as a fan not to feel excited and hope that your team wins. If you're closing yourself off to that just cause it sucks to lose its not gonna be that fun for you in the first place when they win

posted 10 months ago

lol pacific 0 trophies and turning your nose up at a masters

posted 10 months ago

all good brother + masters win + 6 champs points + no new strats shown

this all just means we've been saving strats and now we have some prep time and anti time for split 2, will give us the perfect springboard for champs

posted 10 months ago

Doc asks Marty to meet him that night at the Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 a.m.. Marty asks him where he's been all week. Marty's girlfriend Jennifer (Claudia Wells) is his classmate at high school where Marty is always in trouble for being friends with Doc. Marty's dad George is a big league loser. & puts up with all kinds of nonsense from his supervisor Biff who totally rides rod-shod over George. Marty's mum Lorraine behaves like a nun & doesn't allow Marty any kind of freedom with Jennifer. The town clock tower was stuck by lightning 30 yrs ago & has been shut ever since. Marty has brother Dave & sister Linda. Lorraine's brother Joey was in jail & is just being released. Lorraine also reveals how she met George. George was in a tree, & was hit by Lorraine's dad's car who brought him home when he fell. Lorraine asked George to prom out of sympathy & when George kissed him at the dance, she decided to marry him.

at 1 am Marty heads to twin pines mall to meet Doc who is with his modified Delorean car. Doc demonstrates that his car is a time machine, works on Plutonium & starts at 88 mph. Doc reveals that he got the Plutonium from Libyan terrorists who wanted a bomb, but Doc delivered a fake. Libyans attack & kill Doc. Marty hide in the car & accelerate to 88 mph & travel back in time to 1955 (the year Doc discovered the time machine formula). Marty realizes he has landed in the past & tries to find Doc. He finds young George being bullied by young Biff. George has a penchant for peeping & falls from a tree on to the path on an oncoming car. Marty pushes him & gets hit himself. The car owner takes Marty home. Marty wakes to young Lorraine looking seductively at Marty.

Marty finds Doc & shows him the car to prove that he is from future. Doc promises Marty to get him back to 1985. The car required 1.21 GW, & in absence of plutonium only a lightning bolt will work. MArty remembers that the clock tower was stuck by lightning in 1955 & tells Doc. Doc also tells Marty that his messing with events in 1955 can impact the future. Already Marty can see his brother disappear from his wallet family photo.

posted 10 months ago

I dont give a fuck who wins i want all americas teams to lose at shanghai ~ maybe not lev

posted 10 months ago
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