Just a random thought that came to mind
Botinels: Zekken( all timer)
100 shvitcans: Eeiu (very good and super nice player, been insane since duo with ANDROID days)
Mibr: Aspas( top5 all timer)
LOUD: Cauanzin( Sadhaak/Sacy certified)
KRU: Keznit (Legend from the SA)
G2: Jawgemo (one the best in the world)
LRG: mada/Verno (super bright future)
EG: Icy( will be Elige of NA Val)
Furia: Mw( needs to get unleashed, has all timer potential)
C9: Oxy( top tier player)
Lev: nataNk ( Absolutel TANK, will show Americas what AGGRESSION looks like, just wait for his Phoenix)
Don't know shvit about 2G, mb.