ag to the final!!
AG高玩会 trash roster actually get better players
Ez win for BLG
The goat GuanG is stopp BLG
BLGknight play like shit in both two game(val and LOL) and same time.
Nova win con is 0o0o0 & obone not going double negative.With swerl nova gonna stomp blg.
agreed they are both trash. The GuanG and Swerl duo is gonna carry when stage 1 starts
NOVA probably has the best Split in CN bar EDG
was just about to comment this 😭. They look even more prepped on it now too after the EDG loss
NOVA will win this tournament even without Swerl damn
trace vs nova better fight than this BLG low tier team
2-3 thrifty 5v4 post plant thrifty 4-13 hoamm chinese valorant
adding commentator just to make it looks real
If NOVA is this good without SWERL...
they gon at least make playoffs but maybe int
I believe they will make international