Riot should just cut all the brazilian teams. They make the most boring matches plus the skill level of the teams are so bad that it looks like ranked games.
now replace "brazilian teams" with "elderly people". not looking so good now is it?
if there was 3 teams comprised of just elderly people i would want them gone yeah
fns - ange1 - nismo - boaster - hiko
goes crazy ngl
they get 2 kills combined
LOUD looks good, MIBR has aspas and beat C9
Idk what you’re basing this off of
Babysasuke when hes not baiting is the best vlr account
as his number one glazer hop off bro 😭
This is the worst thing I have seen all day
what an awful rage bait are you even trying?
yeah sure, lets cut a region that even won champs 1 time.