That's my question. Are you sure that's how it works? For example say, they place 6th and 7th. Do they both get the chance to go to Ascension? Because that would make the format of Ascension real weird with a variable amount of teams. Also would mean there is a chance no one ascends at all that year and I'm not sure Riot wants that.
The way I understood the format, was if 1 of the 2 teams maintains the spot or goes to Ascension the other has to be relegated for it to make sense. But then again I'm not sure I might be wrong
I'm pretty sure it is, as weird as it is, you still have to earn your slot, obviously G2 won't move until they are somewhat placed into the league (instead of c9 for exemple). if APK is water in T1 but too good for T2 then they will be forced to invest into a T1 team, but yet again this is pretty weird and I hope changes are coming soon, in the foreseeable future