I just found a twix at the bottom of the vending machine in my flat, thought it'd just fallen out or something, took it and only realised it went out of date in November after I ate it. Am I clinically retarded or is this a reasonable L?
Kirya [#7]Reasonable L
There were stories of someone in japan poisoning stuff and putting it at the bottom of vending machine on purpose and it got multiple people killed
I mean it was still sealed so surely there's no way that happened?
my-dad-ate-my-toes [#9]I mean it was still sealed so surely there's no way that happened?
Idk abt that one
You should be fine tho
meadows [#6]Using VLR as google lmao and yeah you’ll be fine brother
Nah I know I'll be fine physically I just wanted to know if I was retarded for that