finally some delicious fucking valorant
furia is here
we will eat some ass and shoot some heads
glittering_yard [#7]whos playing duelist in Leviatan?
who knows 💀
probably tex tho. jett maps might be demon1
kfan4238173 [#8]who knows 💀
probably tex tho. jett maps might be demon1
their roster rn looks so confusing, they have like 3 players that could play raze, 4 if Demon1 stops being allergic to Raze satchels
Average_VCT_fan [#10]is the brazil/main roster ready to go or is it the NA roster?
main roster is back
glittering_yard [#7]whos playing duelist in Leviatan?
it doesnt matter the roster is already dead from what ive heard they have won a single scrim all month but im pretty sure it varies map to map they have been trying everyone and nothing is working
kyro1 [#13]it doesnt matter the roster is already dead from what ive heard they have won a single scrim all month but im pretty sure it varies map to map they have been trying everyone and nothing is working
i heard that their coach arrived to LA few days ago and coincidentally they were winning in scrims but we don’t know against who
catNmouse [#12]lev are cooked if they can’t beat jetlagged furia
after what we saw with c9 vs nrg and bbl vs fnatic, i genuinely think BR furia can actually win
furia is looking like the best brazil team it wouldnt be that weird honestly lev hasnt been together for long enough to figure out the roles on the new maps of this rotation so if furia can start beating lev they would get momentum