I think dream is more right here, his vid showed more info and explanations and seemed to be less biased, debunking the "mom harassment"(was just being nice and telling her to try to stay out of stupid twitter drama)and apologized for his use of the r word.
Tommys vid was mainly just him saying shit for 4 mins, allegating that he's a pedo and harasser and saying dream doesn't care ABT his stuff as much as he does.
This is kinda stupid and sad of me to pay attention to but I used to watch them when I was younger so obviously I'm paying attention to the drama
Dreams vid:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W0wGkH9i-YE&pp=ygUFZHJlYW0%3D
Tommy's vid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uh6r9tjdAY&t=180s&pp=ygUFZHJlYW0%3D
I think why more people are siding with Tommy is that it's mainly the ex dsmp stans who still think of dream as a villain in a story, while I think overall people who side with dream are just not expressing their opinion BCOS this doesn't matter to them at all
hopefully last dream drama shit