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im so happy there's finally a new broken agent man

every new agent since chamber has felt really weak or mediocre. most of them were really weak on release, so they riot had to buff them (neon, harbor, deadlock, iso, vyse)

i hope they dont nerf him to the ground once riot realizes how powerful the character is


not overpowered


Seems overpowered at first sight but he's not that op imo.


if riot wants to balance the character, one thing I can suggest is reducing the missile dmg from 70 to 50 or make the skills a bit more expensive (example: his drone goes from 300 credits to 400 or 500)


only his E is op but other abilities are fine


only his E is op but other abilities are fine

he doesnt have enough info abilities to replace sova imo


i feel like it’s less about there being a new agent and more about there being an agent that’s actually viable in any given meta

agents like clove vyse deadlock etc all have their uses on certain maps but it never felt as though they had any place in the meta outside of one map or even one specific comp, tejo genuinely feels like a character that with time may actually find himself being used a lot more frequently

we haven’t had an agent like this since gekko, which is ironic because he is also an initiator


I think with this agent double senti and single ini comps might become meta

tserc [#4]

if riot wants to balance the character, one thing I can suggest is reducing the missile dmg from 70 to 50 or make the skills a bit more expensive (example: his drone goes from 300 credits to 400 or 500)

It is nowhere near as good as Sova drone to be more expensive than it

It has 50 hp, is completely visible, and only scans/suppresses within a limited range

justachillguy [#8]

I think with this agent double senti and single ini comps might become meta

No. Solo Tejo is like running solo Kayo. His one little drone is nowhere near enough scouting utility.

bees [#10]

No. Solo Tejo is like running solo Kayo. His one little drone is nowhere near enough scouting utility.

but wouldn't cypher be now more powerful since kj ult can be countered this easily

justachillguy [#11]

but wouldn't cypher be now more powerful since kj ult can be countered this easily

What does that have to do with single ini and double initiator comps

shrike- [#7]

i feel like it’s less about there being a new agent and more about there being an agent that’s actually viable in any given meta

agents like clove vyse deadlock etc all have their uses on certain maps but it never felt as though they had any place in the meta outside of one map or even one specific comp, tejo genuinely feels like a character that with time may actually find himself being used a lot more frequently

we haven’t had an agent like this since gekko, which is ironic because he is also an initiator

The sentinel meta is just permanently fucked up because the best ones will always be Cypher/KJ unless there's someone overpowered.

Passive information is inherently too strong in a tac shooter. That means all the other sentinels, no matter what they do, are relegated either to niche map picks or an awkward secondary role that feels like defensive overkill.

Initiator designs can be a lot more creative because there's so many variations on utility that challenges space.

bees [#9]

It is nowhere near as good as Sova drone to be more expensive than it

It has 50 hp, is completely visible, and only scans/suppresses within a limited range

I would argue that considering the drone can get info way faster, I think the cost should be 350 credits

delighted [#14]

I would argue that considering the drone can get info way faster, I think the cost should be 350 credits

Shouldn't Skye dog be more expensive too with that reasoning?

Sova drone is airborne, farsighted, and has enough HP to reliably tag someone it sees. It's way better than Tejo's little crab which needs time to jump up and explode to be any better than a Fade dog.


I'm actually not sure he's gonna be played much, at least not right away. While it is a relatively simple agent to use it's not easy to fit in a comp at all.

When you really think about it it
Can't really replace a flash initiator like Breach/Skye/Kayo because it doesn't have a flash unless you wanna play a duelist with flashes
Can't really replace an info initiator like a Sova/Fade because of lack of info, just 1 drone is not enough info so it needs to be combined with other agents that help do so.

This means that you either have to choose to modify your gameplan to use no flashes or to have to take info other ways. And that takes time

Mortadelo [#16]

I'm actually not sure he's gonna be played much, at least not right away. While it is a relatively simple agent to use it's not easy to fit in a comp at all.

When you really think about it it
Can't really replace a flash initiator like Breach/Skye/Kayo because it doesn't have a flash unless you wanna play a duelist with flashes
Can't really replace an info initiator like a Sova/Fade because of lack of info, just 1 drone is not enough info so it needs to be combined with other agents that help do so.

This means that you either have to choose to modify your gameplan to use no flashes or to have to take info other ways. And that takes time

I'm only theory crafting here
but my prediction is, if he gets use, it'll be in a double hybrid initiator meta

so something like: Skye + Tejo, or even KAYO + Tejo
alternatively, this could make Yoru stronger for his flash element, It'd be possible to run say Fade/Sova + Tejo + Yoru

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