Cabo_ [#2]SA fans are delusional
Their "best" team lost to Furia, and they still dare to say this nonsense.
Azzelastia [#3]Their "best" team lost to Furia, and they still dare to say this nonsense.
FURIA would 2-0 EG
gambusia1302 [#11]Furia vs NRG sounds 🔥🔥🔥 I wanna see that
Also I love how your bracket has KRU losing to G2, if it really happens that would be our 5th loss against them TnT
6th actually, technically 7th if you wanna count GC
gambusia1302 [#15]Lmaoo absolute dominance
eliminated by G2 EU at berlin 😭 kru winning everything if they beat g2 for once