Yuh_aye [#28]
you have a really broad interpretation of 'enabling' if just simply watch-partying and laughing about the crazy shit that was in the chat is 'enabling' (if you genuinely think there wasn't anything funny you are a prude)
even if a few people were from his stream, it's not on him for the stuff they do unless he literally told them 'yo everyone go spam the n-word in Soop's chat' or something like that
If he gets the blame for Soop, then its only fair he should also get the credit for there being normal chats in 99% of the games he watchparties
Fair, I think we're both on the understanding that obviously the blame lies within the actual chatters themselves than Shanks. I just think it comes from that, assuming most people in these chats are young and immature, they see Shanks laughing and in turn feel the need to contribute. I guess I wouldn't say Shanks share direct responsibility since, as you brought up, it wasn't as if he straight up told anyone to say what they did. Tbh, I'm sure much of my thoughts are coming from an overall point of view on how I feel about the internet, as there are 100% people far worse than Shanks and intentionally try to contribute to the issue, but yeah most of the time ppl do it for attention and seeing someone laugh about it might add to the encouragement. Then again, a VLR thread about the issue also counts as a form of attention towards the matter so ig I'm part of the problem.