Flag: United States
Registered: August 6, 2021
Last post: December 21, 2024 at 5:26 PM
Posts: 10

the lobotomized children that watch his stream do ig

I imagine its the same type of freak that watches westjett... should barely even count as "people"

posted 2 months ago

yeah it was just a total coincidence that the chat was spamming based on what he said and were named after him...

and it wasnt fine after first map, it was fine after first MATCH, when he stopped watching lol (btw its obviously not 100% him, thats why i said 80%)

also every time ive every watched pirated streams chat is either dead asf or has like 2-5 ppl being racist, not thousands of ppl being freaks

posted 2 months ago

Everyone is complaining abut how dogshit the soop chat was (very true) but no one is mentioning or acknowledging that legit 80% of the freaks in that stream were from shanks' chat/community...

like dude is dying laughing, talking about how hilarious the chat is and asking if he can pull it up on his stream while they are spamming slurs and shit about SAing kyedae (the chat wasnt even mentioning kyedae or tenz like that until he started talking about them btw).

Then when he stops watching chat becomes so much more normal I legit thought they added mods lol

i get the chat reflects the streamer but holy fck

posted 2 months ago

we all cooked happiness but happiness might've lowkey cooked...


posted 5 months ago