best style? all of them were considered goats of their time
meanie [#2]aspas isn’t safe, demon1 isn’t safe, yay isn’t safe, tenz isn’t safe, none of these are safe duelists.
idk why he put tenz, tenz is even more aggresive as a duelist than zekken lmao
BulkyLettuce [#9]idk why he put tenz, tenz is even more aggresive as a duelist than zekken lmao
all of the players he listed are the main engage for their team when they were on duelist, so how the fuck are any of them “safe”
meanie [#10]all of the players he listed are the main engage for their team when they were on duelist, so how the fuck are any of them “safe”
aspas is 100% safe, thats why hes called a baiter
BulkyLettuce [#12]aspas is 100% safe, thats why hes called a baiter
called a baiter by people who are genuinely too retarded to fact check anything themselves.
BulkyLettuce [#12]aspas is 100% safe, thats why hes called a baiter
whend you become so fucking based
PrincePuma01 [#11]Why is everyone forgetting t3xture?
I felt he was also a relatively safe duelist
agreed he has mechanical skill but he is not going to force himself to make flashy plays every single round.
BLuko [#15]agreed he has mechanical skill but he is not going to force himself to make flashy plays every single round.
Yeah and to me he's like the best 'safe' duelist who does not overheat but turns up when needed. I was pretty surprised to see no one mentioning him!
kamisavitar [#5]KK is the most unsafe duelist I would say in Tier1
not when u have smth and jingg pushing ct every other round when bomb is down
meanie [#10]all of the players he listed are the main engage for their team when they were on duelist, so how the fuck are any of them “safe”
bot1 was the main engage? in what team? in your dreams?
uwukitten [#18]bot1 was the main engage? in what team? in your dreams?
demon1 on duelist = engage player, facts are facts TH retard #283747219375364827252537294948
meanie [#19]demon1 on duelist = engage player, facts are facts TH retard #283747219375364827252537294948
"engage player" that was below average in fkpr compared to other duelists in the events he peaked kkkkkkkk, good joke meanie!
uwukitten [#21]"engage player" that was below average in fkpr compared to other duelists in the events he peaked kkkkkkkk, good joke meanie!
because he shared the duelist role silly billy!!! quick tell me who plays engage when demon1 is on duelist —>
meanie [#23]because he shared the duelist role silly billy!!! quick tell me who plays engage when demon1 is on duelist —>
those were his stats on jett only, entirely unaffected by another person playing duelist. maybe you should use your brain meanie!
uwukitten [#26]those were his stats on jett only, entirely unaffected by another person playing duelist. maybe you should use your brain meanie!
and jett is a what mr genius?
BabyWizard [#27]and jett is a what mr genius?
it means that him sharing duelist doesn't impact his fkpr if you filter by jett only, hope this helps little one! 👍
uwukitten [#29]it means that him sharing duelist doesn't impact his fkpr if you filter by jett only, hope this helps little one! 👍
oh yeah mb g
BulkyLettuce [#9]idk why he put tenz, tenz is even more aggresive as a duelist than zekken lmao
dont think tenz was considered a primary entry duelist when he played duelist or idk
uwukitten [#26]those were his stats on jett only, entirely unaffected by another person playing duelist. maybe you should use your brain meanie!
the evil european mind trying to convince the American that the fabled EG Demon1 on Jett isn’t the main engage for his team is unmoving
xineFso [#33]How tf is Cryo here but no Zmjkk Derke
Did we watch the same guy play????
xineFso [#35]tenz texture
T3xture is safe
He doesn't take flashy duels
Safe ≠ bad
He is a team player
T3xture gets in and gives you like comfortable 2 kills
I will be honest, it's been so long, I don't even remember Tenz on the Duelist role
His Omen was pretty aggressive tho
xineFso [#35]tenz texture
tenz never played first in he always played a second in role or 'baiter' role when he was on duelist. He attempted to play the first in role in 2023 but wasnt that good
uwukitten [#29]it means that him sharing duelist doesn't impact his fkpr if you filter by jett only, hope this helps little one! 👍
actually tho, 2023 was a double duelist year
meanie [#32]the evil european mind trying to convince the American that the fabled EG Demon1 on Jett isn’t the main engage for his team is unmoving
"the evil european mind trying to convince the American that the fabled EG Demon1 on Jett isn’t the main engage for his team is unmoving" 🤓