GC solution

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Just add another league for trans people then problem solved ez pez


Why is there a solution for something that isn’t a problem

I think if there’s a problem in gc it’s that it’s too lucrative and is better to play in than tier 2, even tho the level is lower


Yeah but aren't people arguing every few posts about how people are faking being trans to farm in GC?
This post was actually gonna be a reply to the thread where they were arguing about the brazil GC person being misogynistic


I don’t think no one has ever argued anyone faking being trans to play in GC. The 2 arguments are people saying transgender people is not a thing, and that they should’ve be allowed because they have a competitive advantage


yeah mb maybe I misunderstood some of the posts but yeah if they have a competitive advantage I do think they should just get a league of their own.


They can’t just make leagues for trans people to avoid a non issue

There’s so many issues behind your idea it is actually impossibly


You just pointed out that gaming communities are myogynistic and transphobic hence disencouraging these people from picking up the game and grinding. The point of GC is to provide friendly conditions for them to assimilate into the "regular community", not because women and queer people's brain are tinier than males. There are not such thing as "competitive advantages".
It's literally better to play in T2 than play in GC with less salary.
Dudes easily finding dude gamers to create premier teams with, T1, challengers having better coaches, scrimming good teams more often, bunch of dudes reportedly not wanting to play with girls,... are the "competitive advantages" . If these supposedly existing faking people you're talking about can't even qualify for T2, you would only assume they would be able to "farm" Vania Mimi Mel who have a "more fair condition to grow" if you think females are intellectually inferior.
Riot is already planning a GC with mixed genders.


Who care what "people are arguing about". What's next people are opposing to imports being allowed so you want suggest a league where teams must have players from 4 regions.


As a trans people, if you dare faking being trans for this kind of things, then you probably are and you aren't true to yourself

Only real trans think they fake being trans

Litterrally the point of half of meme in eggIRL "Hahah, I fake being trans but it's not I like that nu nu nuuu"


The thing is, Riot can't do much to hunt them for their past, HOWEVER they can react to the present. If people do claim to be non-binary exclusively to farm GC, eventually someone will rat them out or they will rat themselves out.

There's a saying here "Lies have short legs" and if srN is actually there with malicious intent, all you have to do it sit and wait to see it proven. After all, keenc also claimed non-binary then got exposed for faking it and receipts of girls being harassed came out.

Claiming you are trans is a bit harder as Riot has some strict rules with that and they require actual documents to back this up. Not sure if same aplies for NB.


I argued yesterday but I realized although it is true it might stop some women from competeing now it’s more important to give the competitive experience to all of those girls so that we don’t get 1 girl in tier 2 and that’s it. It needs to be in bigger scale and more sustainable and for that it still needs more time

But for example in Brazil they’re gonna start introducing GC teams into the VCL. There’s intermediate steps you can take too, like allowing 1 or 2 guys into GC


There are like very few trans people in the world itself, let alone those who play video games at a high level

I don't think there will be enough teams for a trans people circuit to exist


Trans people in separated league = less teams, less professional orgs = small scene for trans people. If you do that, they could just abandon the whole scene and neglect trans people, meaning that there's no point in doing so. Only players that are complaining, that are salty cuz they lost to a "biological male" and can't comprehend that their worse. Riot surely won't exclude a group of people simply because some players are salty


More they are people in GC, more the talent pool is big, more cis woman have their chance to go in T2. The day every topteam are 80% trans people maybe we will rethink about it, but lets be honest: today they are enough cis woman in top team to show to every cis woman they can be pro too

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