Give me suggestions for ranked

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This is my valorant tracker, I usually play controller for my team but could flex on various agent for my team. Most played agents on are brim, omen, astra, sova, viper.

My KD ratio is 0.97 and I feel like that is trapping me in silver since it is apparently bottom 43% for valorant tracker users. I never had any FPS experiences in my life prior to valorant and I think my aim and especially my game sense improved in the term of one and a half year.
Sometimes I struggle in reacting fast during crucial moments (example: failing to reposition during midround/endround fights) and i would really like to fix this to improve my individual fragging and calling)

All help appreciated thank u <3 :3


Watch yay play, and copy it. Sentinels are easier to rank up if you play alot lot.
Don't think much, just have a plan and stick to it


i recommend watching od26's coaching content, hes pretty decent


I'm not saying it's the only thing holding you back necessarily, but given you've played 80+ matches I can defo say you can work on your mechanics, so that's what I would make my first priority.
imo you could theoretically throw every other round but if you have good aim and movement at least half the time you can hit gold/plat if you leave a large enough sample size (i.e. if you play enough, which I think you do). It's good to hear you say that you think you're mechanics are better than they were before, in that case just keep on working on them and you should be good.


I was in this exact same situation when I was in bronze. Here's my honest advice:

  1. Learn one agent per one map, and learn them very well. The more second nature your util becomes, the more brainpower you can allocate for things like gunfights and macro. I used to play 17 or 18 agents an act and you wouldn't believe how much playing just 1 or 2 per map helped.
  2. Don't worry so much about tracker stats, especially top/bottom %. You shouldn't be comparing yourself to other people... you should only be comparing yourself to your past self. Your tracker score this act is 471. Last act it was 207. That's a MASSIVE improvement.

spend MUCH more time on mechs until ur at least gold, i'd say even plat for u. ur DM hours are horribly low, ur tdm is a bit higher but looking at it im assuming ur using it more as a warmup than training, cuz im seeing a lot of once per day and then a couple big chunks. i'd follow just somebody's low elo guide, woohoojin's guide to gold helped me but ik some people don't like him cuz of the boosted drama.

goodluck and u got this!

edit: also maybe fill a little less, im sorry but a 36% on ur main is not that justifiable esp considering ur viper and astra wr's. you need more time on omen fs and sure u might do better in the short term elo wise if you fill (tbh u prob won't because ur sova wr and how little team comp matters in ur elo) but you won't be getting better at the agents you want to play


i had a quick look through and honestly your stats aren't even bad. k/d isnt always everything and your kast is pretty good.
imo if you wanna rank up fast play as much as you can in a duo/trio because lower ranked teammates can be strange.
also if you like smokes but want to farm kills clove is broken in ranked if you wanna pick them up
keep playing and having fun :)


Get good mechanics = higher confidence = more wins/kills

IHaveAnswers [#2]

Watch yay play, and copy it. Sentinels are easier to rank up if you play alot lot.
Don't think much, just have a plan and stick to it

I dont play sentinels much bc even tho i play lurks a lot i often miss timings to crack open enemies defenses but ty for the advice

Aayan [#4]

I'm not saying it's the only thing holding you back necessarily, but given you've played 80+ matches I can defo say you can work on your mechanics, so that's what I would make my first priority.
imo you could theoretically throw every other round but if you have good aim and movement at least half the time you can hit gold/plat if you leave a large enough sample size (i.e. if you play enough, which I think you do). It's good to hear you say that you think you're mechanics are better than they were before, in that case just keep on working on them and you should be good.

Thank you for that mechanics should be my top priority on my list rn since i believe i have pretty much solid aim for my lobbies

cloudberry [#5]

I was in this exact same situation when I was in bronze. Here's my honest advice:

  1. Learn one agent per one map, and learn them very well. The more second nature your util becomes, the more brainpower you can allocate for things like gunfights and macro. I used to play 17 or 18 agents an act and you wouldn't believe how much playing just 1 or 2 per map helped.
  2. Don't worry so much about tracker stats, especially top/bottom %. You shouldn't be comparing yourself to other people... you should only be comparing yourself to your past self. Your tracker score this act is 471. Last act it was 207. That's a MASSIVE improvement.

Thank you for the advice goat i learn lots of agents per maps cause there are a lot of one tricks and instantlockers in silver lobs and i often have to fill


shoot back u dont need a brain its silver anyone recommending coaching or strat vids are braindead. change ur sens to something "standard" (seems dumb but it made me whole lot better) are just play tdms for a bit, hell I dont even play ranked anymore I just boot up and play tdms all day and log off. mechs can get u all the way to like diamond cause thats when people start unmuting

oh and I cant count the amount of times if solo queued in valorant as a whole on my hands. get a duo. solo queue is hell

oshifudge [#7]

i had a quick look through and honestly your stats aren't even bad. k/d isnt always everything and your kast is pretty good.
imo if you wanna rank up fast play as much as you can in a duo/trio because lower ranked teammates can be strange.
also if you like smokes but want to farm kills clove is broken in ranked if you wanna pick them up
keep playing and having fun :)

Thank you for ur advice fam I like to play controllers other than clove bc her smokes lacks so short and im not really an explosive player so but thank you for the suggestion


Tip, fuck agent, fuck lineups.
This things its irrelevants if you lack aknowledge of FPS, for now, focus in shooting, and i am not talking about HS, i am talking about of using timing, rotations, opening with a teamate, and holding angles.

Focus on you own gameplay, and watche videos about basic FPS, after a time, you will get "game knowledge", aka, instinct.

Laundry [#6]

spend MUCH more time on mechs until ur at least gold, i'd say even plat for u. ur DM hours are horribly low, ur tdm is a bit higher but looking at it im assuming ur using it more as a warmup than training, cuz im seeing a lot of once per day and then a couple big chunks. i'd follow just somebody's low elo guide, woohoojin's guide to gold helped me but ik some people don't like him cuz of the boosted drama.

goodluck and u got this!

edit: also maybe fill a little less, im sorry but a 36% on ur main is not that justifiable esp considering ur viper and astra wr's. you need more time on omen fs and sure u might do better in the short term elo wise if you fill (tbh u prob won't because ur sova wr and how little team comp matters in ur elo) but you won't be getting better at the agents you want to play

Thank you for the advices man I play around 1 tdm per day bc im too lazy to play warmup matches but i will def look into that Thank you :)

Prasinos [#14]

Tip, fuck agent, fuck lineups.
This things its irrelevants if you lack aknowledge of FPS, for now, focus in shooting, and i am not talking about HS, i am talking about of using timing, rotations, opening with a teamate, and holding angles.

Focus on you own gameplay, and watche videos about basic FPS, after a time, you will get "game knowledge", aka, instinct.

Thank you brother ur advices are very good and detailed <3

H3ENnZ [#16]

Thank you brother ur advices are very good and detailed <3

Np, you can be suck at aim, but if you have FPS knowledge, you can rank up.

H3ENnZ [#15]

Thank you for the advices man I play around 1 tdm per day bc im too lazy to play warmup matches but i will def look into that Thank you :)

Goodluck! U got this I believe 🫶 :)

H3ENnZ [#11]

Thank you for the advice goat i learn lots of agents per maps cause there are a lot of one tricks and instantlockers in silver lobs and i often have to fill

Most people will pick either duelist or sentinel, to my knowledge. So your best bet is to learn one controller per map, and lock Sova/Breach if you need to fill initiator


You are silver , frankly speaking even with good game sense , stratergy etc is pointless unless you shoot ur enemies back.

Just completely focus on your mechanics , since you main omen I recommend you to watch Zander. Dude is cracked on omen.

Right now i recommend you to completely stick on one role only. A silver player who is good on one role>> A guy who can play average on all roles

I would suggest you to watch Woohojin as well , his videos are very informative.

GL on grind :D

H3ENnZ [#9]

I dont play sentinels much bc even tho i play lurks a lot i often miss timings to crack open enemies defenses but ty for the advice

Bait your shitty teammates. If you are the shitty teammate then get better and then bait


below gold any agent other than reyna jett iso phoenix or chamber is completely troll
i'd recommend reyna iso or chamber to get good at mechanics
at like plat change to actual agents

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