Dodonut or enerii?
enerii clears
i still think Jett is the best female duelist
NEON clears
I think Raze will be better
flor, bstrdd and enerii
flor, srn bstrd, mary, enerii, dodonut
"female" srn is not female
idk anymore lmao
Why people saying flor? Question is best female duelist not best gc duelist.
they won't stop that agenda ALso Flor is already in a different competition
NEON !!!
y'all got baited, its sage u know
dodo is very solid, enerii is just the goat but streets must not forget about prime mary
bro tried to sneak in dodonut 💀 she's not even the best duelist in her team suzu enerii rezq bstrdd mary m1Nt clears unfortunately
mint is a good call, is she old enough to play yet GCC? ranked demon for sure either way
Flor. Then enerii, rezq, and bstrdd
Female as in has a shlong or dosent have a shlong?