x_knowitall39_x [#7]
not a single ot yet its the greatest game, also 13-9 is not close. sure they weren't sweeps but it wasnt close
2 sweeps, --- two 13-9s, -- one 13-11 - wasnt a very competitive watch
13-9 was close to watch visually. the only reason EDG closed out those maps was because of huge plays during 11-9 where heretics were favoured. (kk gaurdian eco frag 4k and s1Mon lockdown swing) had these not happened heretics wouldve been favoured to take those maps.
Its not about scores but how the rounds play out, there are many times where you just dont know who will win the round. its much better to watch a 13-9 with insane rounds than a 19-17 but every round has a clear winner.
And the sweeps add more flavour to the viewer. At first you think heretics would sweep EDG as on the their map pick they demolished EDG and the second map is heretics best map so you expect a quick 3-0, but as EDG pull together more and more rounds you start hyping up the possibility of a 13-0 which is ridiculas because you thought EDG would barely get 5 rounds in. and throughout the games there was never a clear winner for the whole series. there is no true favorite. Which made every person who wanted the other team to win seem valid and possible letting everyone feel hyped every single round thay went on.