mickey mouse criteria

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thats just a flat out lie because lock in (single elim) had more games played than madrid (double elim), stop spreading misinformation and acting like its truth, you look silly


lockin was a 32 team tournament vs madrid which was a 8 team tournament
obviously lockin has more


so then his point on how "double elim is for more games to be played" is false because theres an objective example on how there was a tourney that had less games than lock in and it will be true for all future 1st masters of the year going forward. Bangkok will also have less matches than single elim lock in, making his reasoning how double elim is for "more matches" a straight out lie.


dude u realize hes not comparing double elim and single elim right
and obviously u cant compare an 8 team tourney to a 32 tourney
hes saying if madrid or bangkok was a single elim tourney it will have even less games, double elim= more games played than single elim
ur comparing a 8 team elim to a 32 elim thats where ur logic is flawed


are you slow? he is saying riots reasoning as to why they dont do single elim is because its less games but they already did do single elim and it was more games than madrid and bangkok, making his point factually wrong. So why doesnt riot do 30 team double elims? they want more games correct? its flawed reasoning


because it wouldnt make sense to do double elim 32 teams idk what ur on about
brackets come in 8 16 32 64 so on
lockin had 32 teams and to do 32 teams double elim would drag the tournament on way too long
similarly if u do 16 team single elim it would be too short
therefore 16 team single and double elim formats would have more matches than 32, thats just how brackets work
and 8 double elim would have less than 32
simple logic just think ab it


no, they can easily add more teams to franchising and have more teams with larger brackets, stop being delusional, if they truly wanted more games they would've made more teams in franchising. It is flawed reasoning and doesnt prove that the reason riot does double elim over single elim is because of more games, you are deluded.


but they dont want THAT much games
riot wants just enough
16 game double elim is enough
8 game double elim might be a little less but thats beside the point
its not flawed reason and its also not the only reasoning


"but they dont want THAT much games" oh now they don't want more games? but thats the reason this whole argument came about? if the reason they did double elim over single elim is for more games then they easily could've made more teams in franchising and had larger brackets for more games, see how that reasoning doesnt work? Riot does double elim because it is an objectively better viewing and competitive experience for the teams than single elim flukes


dude what its simple comprehension and logic
want more but not excessive, its that simple no??????
if they want larger brackets they'd need A LOT more teams
the reasoning does work perfectly
u want more games but just enough thats its not too much
"fluke game"
who said u cant fluke 2 times in a row?
oh in that case all double elim games are mickey mouse and only triple elims arent mickey mouse
see how that reasoning doesnt work now
being consistent enough to not lose is part of the game cope

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