derptz [#3]NRG getting Asuna 2.0
Just me that thinks this team might have similar problems to 2023 unless they get verno
Uncleben [#11]Just me that thinks this team might have similar problems to 2023 unless they get verno
R they not getting Verno too? I thought it was gonna be mada Ethan verno som fns
Shizzle [#10]if ur talking about yesterdays game, they were clearly trolling
aint talking abt yesterday. i watched then during challengers
Demon1_The_GOAT [#14]Nah Mada's Neon will be crazy with a good team, watch.
mxs was a good team who knew how to set their duelists up
Galactc [#17]Why are people forgetting demon1 is on nrg? Surely they don't just get rid of him he had his reasons to leave earlier this year and the roles fit alright
d1 is getting rid of NRG not the other way around.