tinyVALORANTwatcher [#9]
CIS once had its own secondary league before the war, even equal as EU.
but doesn't like Valve, Riot appears to be faithful to the United States government's sanctions policy, Riot had banned some account from Iran to play LoL.
In secondary leagues, Riot said that there shouldn't be more than two foreigners of the subdivision in a squad. But how could be really enforced in EU?
Yes and so did Turkey. This was never a permanent thing and was basically to buy Riot time in EMEA while they planned a system.
They were never considered a standalone t1 region and were never planned to have favorable treatment compared to any other t2 league in emea.
Going into 2022, as Riot established infrastructure for the eminent Partnership system (find every league a suitable TO and set up t2 leagues), they were added into the pool just like the other emea regions.
Feel free to check out the 2022 System if you want to see how Riot envisioned CIS to be integrated (or just think of current t2 but add a CIS league)
And how they could enforce the import rules in EMEA? Not 100% sure what you mean here. We already have the rule if thats what the question is about.
Different subregion (but still from EMEA)? -> Counts as Import (-> Played last 2 splits in new subregion -> No longer import)