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I wanna be early and name the nicknames/titles for their players if they surprise everyone next year.

Zap "The Warlord"
This is due to his loud and aggressive leadership and behaviour

Silentzz "Sword Child"
This is a reference to swords having two cutting sides, a reference to him playing both the defense agent and attacking agent

Spikezin "Young Lightning"
This is due to him being the youngest and is a reference to both his mains, Kayo and Neon, who both have electric based themes

Pryze "Warmonger"
This is a reference to him being very old in the scene and being Zap's teammate since the start of Valorant

Lzz "The Everyman"
This is a reference to his middle of the pack performance during groups, but then had a huge step up during playoffs, becoming a sort of literary Everyman player, from John doe to Main Cast


2G fanfic already?

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