Is it still open? I cant seem to find a way to play it anywhere
your friend that have deadcock have to invite u. And wait for valve to accept
how would a friend get it though? random luck?
They worship lord gaben ofc
i went into babybays chat well he was playing asked for a key and he gave me one after i added him on discord you could try and find a streamer whos willing
well he also got it from someone else
Thats the thing. I dont have any friends on steamπ
u can go to deadlock on steam store. And there is a deadlock forum there. Tons of people are willing to invite others.
I can give if anyone wants. Got mine from VALVE randomly
I've dmed you my steam id.
You need an invite from a friend but i heard somewhere that they aren't letting more people in right now get a friend to invite you.
look up on twitter deadlock intel or stuff like that accounts that still post, they add you on steam send you an invite, takes 1/2 days