Should EMEA expand to 16 team

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As usual, instead of doing a huge pavay, to summup all my argument here, I prefer make a video because you guys cant read long text :c

This is about EMEA Tier 2 and it 7 regions, not about Tier 1


tldw ; I think TD EMEA could also go to 16 team without sufferring too mush from the expansion, some league are already with 10 teams with full of structure, only noth will have issues to expand.


is the video about amer or emea

kanyefan4238173 [#2]

is the video about amer or emea

EMEA bad link, amer was yesturday vid


Why would they do this? EMEA would still be a 1 team region. Even with more teams EMEA just can't handle having multiple teams at the top and can only produce 1 or maybe 2 teams every year.

nihso [#4]

Why would they do this? EMEA would still be a 1 team region. Even with more teams EMEA just can't handle having multiple teams at the top and can only produce 1 or maybe 2 teams every year.

americas ascension is 2 teams. you can just skip to upper final


I hope there is a MENA representation team in the league

kanyefan4238173 [#5]

americas ascension is 2 teams. you can just skip to upper final



there aren't even 3 good emea teams i think we're good on 16


O gosh he have the strongest french accent I’ve ever encountered


Ok I've been trying hard to not say this, but I think you need to post your script in the description so I can read and listen to what you are trying to say 😅

IonlywatchvcjXD [#10]

Ok I've been trying hard to not say this, but I think you need to post your script in the description so I can read and listen to what you are trying to say 😅

Does subtitile work ?

I took the decision to not fully script, just list looot of point and develop on each one for sponaneous

Anguibok [#11]

Does subtitile work ?

I took the decision to not fully script, just list looot of point and develop on each one for sponaneous

Usually it should work but in this case youtube thinks it's french 😅


imo we really lack nationality teams from a lot of countries, hope SAW goes through just for that, but more team could help about that yeah, like for example NIP with a swedish roster, or ENCE with a finnish etc

IonlywatchvcjXD [#12]

Usually it should work but in this case youtube thinks it's french 😅

This is so fucked up, I literally declared the video was in English ._.


it’s too hard to improve bumea unless you develop CIS and Turkiye

Mataynn [#13]

imo we really lack nationality teams from a lot of countries, hope SAW goes through just for that, but more team could help about that yeah, like for example NIP with a swedish roster, or ENCE with a finnish etc

Totally agree, I hate internationnal roster in T2, just go back to regionnal team

Anguibok [#16]

Totally agree, I hate internationnal roster in T2, just go back to regionnal team

imo we need both, but sometimes i wonder what the best players from a country on the same team would do, but we cant really know for now

Mataynn [#17]

imo we need both, but sometimes i wonder what the best players from a country on the same team would do, but we cant really know for now

Kinda, both can work, maybe the expansion to 16 teams for everyone could allow more orgless team that are usually representating a country

Anguibok [#18]

Kinda, both can work, maybe the expansion to 16 teams for everyone could allow more orgless team that are usually representating a country

or simply more orgs from different countries, like a SAW


Nah that'd be a bad idea (except for Spain since they are 3 regions in 1 now)

  • Talent pool is already really diluted between teams
  • We quite simply dont have 128 proper orgs (and the end goal for all t2 regions should be to have 100% of their slots occupied by vetted orgs. Having to loosen this vetting process is only going to hurt the players in the region)
  • EMEA has t3 in quite a few regions. You dont need such a huge t2 scene if you already have the support structure to develop more talent for t2.
  • Viewer numbers are already a problem. Adding so many stomps/boring games just isnt going to help this. (In t2 the large orgs bring a significant portion of the viewers)

Also regarding your polaris discussion:
While creating a more diverse pool of players (it was very GB focused in the recent years) is definitely a goal, splitting the region further would be catastrophic. That just creates more production overhead, less average viewers (the fans of one team wouldnt have any reason to watch people from the other group) and reduces the competition (which polaris already lacks atm with the majority of notable players of past years being exported to other regions/retiring)

nihso [#4]

Why would they do this? EMEA would still be a 1 team region. Even with more teams EMEA just can't handle having multiple teams at the top and can only produce 1 or maybe 2 teams every year.

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Mataynn [#19]

or simply more orgs from different countries, like a SAW

Sadfully org that represent a country sometime like to pick "best player" and just take import, France is full of French org with imports :/

loneliness [#6]

I hope there is a MENA representation team in the league

fr its just EU rn basically

kanyefan4238173 [#5]

americas ascension is 2 teams. you can just skip to upper final

True, but that's Riot's fault :(

loneliness [#6]

I hope there is a MENA representation team in the league

TU will win it all

K4ziuHa [#21]

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Targu1n [#20]

Nah that'd be a bad idea (except for Spain since they are 3 regions in 1 now)

  • Talent pool is already really diluted between teams
  • We quite simply dont have 128 proper orgs (and the end goal for all t2 regions should be to have 100% of their slots occupied by vetted orgs. Having to loosen this vetting process is only going to hurt the players in the region)
  • EMEA has t3 in quite a few regions. You dont need such a huge t2 scene if you already have the support structure to develop more talent for t2.
  • Viewer numbers are already a problem. Adding so many stomps/boring games just isnt going to help this. (In t2 the large orgs bring a significant portion of the viewers)

Also regarding your polaris discussion:
While creating a more diverse pool of players (it was very GB focused in the recent years) is definitely a goal, splitting the region further would be catastrophic. That just creates more production overhead, less average viewers (the fans of one team wouldnt have any reason to watch people from the other group) and reduces the competition (which polaris already lacks atm with the majority of notable players of past years being exported to other regions/retiring)

"Talent pool is already really diluted between teams" I'm not sure, best structure with more money will buy the best player even if we have 8 or 16 teams, not sure that would change a lot

"We quite simply dont have 128 proper orgs" debatable, some region are already full of structure, especially in Germany of Turkey... And to be fair I like the idea of having some amatory team in T2

"Viewer numbers are already a problem. Adding so many stomps/boring games just isnt going to help this. (In t2 the large orgs bring a significant portion of the viewers)" That part is kinda true, maybe only France can see more stomps with the viewer we have, but in some region more team may mean more country représentation and more people watching val. I think for exemple in east Llenovo Honved could bring viewers.

About polaris i'm not that sure it reduce the competitivity on long terme, more people in T2, mean more experience for them, and increase of level

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