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why is vlr overrating a player who doesn’t have a single match in T1, especially those suggesting sacy (champions winner, masters winner, proven vet) is dropped for him?

verno is a good player but we shouldn’t be excited if sacy is leaving so verno can replace him imo, we’ve seen players that looked insane in t2 go to t1 and drop the ball. sen had a great year and they’re probably the last team in NA besides lev that could use some changes


just curious, what does a proven vet give the team?


hes the future of na, ive known ever since


if sen make changes, it wont be because they wanted to. it will be because that player wanted to leave.
also, don't doubt verno, be ahead of the curve. he is the second coming of Leo.

kanyefan4238173 [#3]

hes the future of na, ive known ever since

i don’t wanna deny that he could flourish in t1 but i genuinely think he is overrated rn especially with comments saying sacy should be dropped for him


Because people have eyes?

Nef0r0 [#2]

just curious, what does a proven vet give the team?

first word in “proven vet”

they are more experienced in every way, it’s not to say that a player that isn’t proven can’t surpass vets but teams that do choose to take a chance on these players should be teams that have serious issues within their team environment or just have players that aren’t producing results. sen is not one of those teams.


Also.. new season new meta new comps new team synergy and chemistry etc, doesn't mean Verno will perform like he did with OXG and previous year.

Hes a great player but he'll need time to experience and develop regardless. Vyse going to fuck everyones gameplay up anyways.

michaelisupset [#4]

if sen make changes, it wont be because they wanted to. it will be because that player wanted to leave.
also, don't doubt verno, be ahead of the curve. he is the second coming of Leo.

Second coming of leo has already been the runner up in champs
Verno might be the 2nd coming of crashies tho


If we go by your logic no one will be in t1

ycstrip [#7]

first word in “proven vet”

they are more experienced in every way, it’s not to say that a player that isn’t proven can’t surpass vets but teams that do choose to take a chance on these players should be teams that have serious issues within their team environment or just have players that aren’t producing results. sen is not one of those teams.

yet sacy makes the most amount of mistakes. You clearly don't watch the games, just parroting what everyone else say.

donkkomong [#8]

Also.. new season new meta new comps new team synergy and chemistry etc, doesn't mean Verno will perform like he did with OXG and previous year.

Hes a great player but he'll need time to experience and develop regardless. Vyse going to fuck everyones gameplay up anyways.

this is part of my point too. verno could be insane and transition well into t1 right away but whichever team takes verno is likely going to spend time developing him to fit their play style, guaranteed if his numbers are bad initially everyone will say what i’m saying now

michaelisupset [#4]

if sen make changes, it wont be because they wanted to. it will be because that player wanted to leave.
also, don't doubt verno, be ahead of the curve. he is the second coming of Leo.

That's cap and you know it LMAOOOOOOO

Rocky54 [#10]

If we go by your logic no one will be in t1

that’s not the point i’m trying to make at all. if reading comprehension is difficult for you just say that

ycstrip [#7]

first word in “proven vet”

they are more experienced in every way, it’s not to say that a player that isn’t proven can’t surpass vets but teams that do choose to take a chance on these players should be teams that have serious issues within their team environment or just have players that aren’t producing results. sen is not one of those teams.

Sen isn’t doing bad but they aren’t winning everything either so why not upgrade
Verno is clearly the better player when it comes to mechanics and will get more experienced over time

ycstrip [#7]

first word in “proven vet”

they are more experienced in every way, it’s not to say that a player that isn’t proven can’t surpass vets but teams that do choose to take a chance on these players should be teams that have serious issues within their team environment or just have players that aren’t producing results. sen is not one of those teams.

two most experienced players for sen went low tab on abyss

Rey55 [#11]

yet sacy makes the most amount of mistakes. You clearly don't watch the games, just parroting what everyone else say.

sacy showed up when it mattered the most and had the highest clutch % in champs and the second highest % in assists right behind s1mon as an info initiator which is way more difficult to achieve, idk where your “parroting” comment is coming from my opinions are my own


yeah T2 players are trash and should not be hyped up, like that bum johnqt when everyone and their mother was begging for him to save SEN last off-season

ycstrip [#14]

that’s not the point i’m trying to make at all. if reading comprehension is difficult for you just say that

Buddy it's 2024 they was m80 scrim just last week smoking 100t 18-4 you can easy spot talent
Look at Karon look at woot and riens and miniboo first year Karon won master and the others went to the finals 2 times

Nef0r0 [#16]

two most experienced players for sen went low tab on abyss

they also went insane on madrid map 5 and their whole run up to EDG

Araise [#15]

Sen isn’t doing bad but they aren’t winning everything either so why not upgrade
Verno is clearly the better player when it comes to mechanics and will get more experienced over time

replacing sacy for a player that hasn’t played a single match in T1 is risky and calling it an upgrade is a reach, he definitely has the potential to develop into a better player than sacy but i think he’s being overrated rn that’s all

ycstrip [#17]

sacy showed up when it mattered the most and had the highest clutch % in champs and the second highest % in assists right behind s1mon as an info initiator which is way more difficult to achieve, idk where your “parroting” comment is coming from my opinions are my own

yeah, keep telling yourself that. WATCH THE GAMES with ur eyes. If u wanna talk stats, he had the most horrible stats during both regular splits. I am tired of this sacy propaganda. Everyone acts like hes second coming of jesus when he isn't even a top 10 initiators currently.

ycstrip [#21]

replacing sacy for a player that hasn’t played a single match in T1 is risky and calling it an upgrade is a reach, he definitely has the potential to develop into a better player than sacy but i think he’s being overrated rn that’s all

demon1 didn't play t1 until he did, your goat yay didn't play t1 until he did. That's how a pro career progresses. Are you legit that daft or just trolling? Has to be trolling cz there's no way!

Rocky54 [#19]

Buddy it's 2024 they was m80 scrim just last week smoking 100t 18-4 you can easy spot talent
Look at Karon look at woot and riens and miniboo first year Karon won master and the others went to the finals 2 times

no one is saying verno isn’t talented it’s okay if you can’t comprehend what im trying to say though

Rey55 [#23]

demon1 didn't play t1 until he did, your goat yay didn't play t1 until he did. That's how a pro career progresses. Are you legit that daft or just trolling? Has to be trolling cz there's no way!

#7 it’s okay if reading comprehension is difficult for you


verno definitely isn't gonna perform how he did in T2 but he'll for sure be better than sacy. hes a fraud

Rey55 [#22]

yeah, keep telling yourself that. WATCH THE GAMES with ur eyes. If u wanna talk stats, he had the most horrible stats during both regular splits. I am tired of this sacy propaganda. Everyone acts like hes second coming of jesus when he isn't even a top 10 initiators currently.

0/10 rage bait try again

ycstrip [#24]

no one is saying verno isn’t talented it’s okay if you can’t comprehend what im trying to say though

You saying overrating a player who hasn't played on t1 well let him get to t1 first and talk about overrating bc he in t2 and he proved his talent but your argument is just dogshit respectfully

Rey55 [#22]

yeah, keep telling yourself that. WATCH THE GAMES with ur eyes. If u wanna talk stats, he had the most horrible stats during both regular splits. I am tired of this sacy propaganda. Everyone acts like hes second coming of jesus when he isn't even a top 10 initiators currently.

i’m not trying to glaze sacy and regular season stats don’t matter but it’s okay if u can’t read

meowchan [#9]

Second coming of leo has already been the runner up in champs
Verno might be the 2nd coming of crashies tho

verno clears riens

ycstrip [#29]

i’m not trying to glaze sacy and regular season stats don’t matter but it’s okay if u can’t read

Regualar season gets you to the LANs you talk about. If Aspas didn't save your boy s0cy once again, he woulda been watching champs from home. 'ReGuLaR sEaSon doN'T maTtEr' LOL

Rocky54 [#28]

You saying overrating a player who hasn't played on t1 well let him get to t1 first and talk about overrating bc he in t2 and he proved his talent but your argument is just dogshit respectfully

i agree verno should be in t1 my entire point is that it’s a reach to say sacy should be dropped for him because it’s a risk sen don’t need to take given their good showings this year, there are other teams that desperately need players like verno because they didn’t have decent results this year but sen isn’t one of those teams. i’m not exactly saying verno is overrated im saying in this context he is

michaelisupset [#30]

verno clears riens

LOL yeah right buddy

Rey55 [#31]

Regualar season gets you to the LANs you talk about. If Aspas didn't save your boy s0cy once again, he woulda been watching champs from home. 'ReGuLaR sEaSon doN'T maTtEr' LOL

there’s a few players in the top 10 stats stage 2 list that didn’t even make it to champs so yes regular season stats don’t matter as much as tournament stats

ycstrip [#25]

#7 it’s okay if reading comprehension is difficult for you

get your logic straight then. 5/10 champs finalists this year didn't play t1 before.

ycstrip [#34]

there’s a few players in the top 10 stats stage 2 list that didn’t even make it to champs so yes regular season stats don’t matter as much as tournament stats

you need to learn how to read stats then. Champs highest rated and highest ACS player is derke. What's your point?

Rey55 [#36]

you need to learn how to read stats then. Champs highest rated and highest ACS player is derke. What's your point?

i expanded on my point in a few comments on this thread, i don’t really understand what your point is though because your original comment was just ragebait

ycstrip [#32]

i agree verno should be in t1 my entire point is that it’s a reach to say sacy should be dropped for him because it’s a risk sen don’t need to take given their good showings this year, there are other teams that desperately need players like verno because they didn’t have decent results this year but sen isn’t one of those teams. i’m not exactly saying verno is overrated im saying in this context he is

I get it but overall in my opinion hes Mechanically better and he's first language is English so I would help more my opinion tho if you think sacy should not be dropped or whatever it's cool but next time type in context bc you did say people are overrating verno I say he proved his talent to be overrated

Rey55 [#35]

get your logic straight then. 5/10 champs finalists this year didn't play t1 before.

let me just get this straight as i already said it multiple times im not saying t2 players cant perform in t1 or shouldn’t be in t1 as their are definitely frauds in t1 and incredible players in t2 that deserve to be in t1

#32 explains my main point clearly, if you still disagree then we can agree to disagree

Rocky54 [#38]

I get it but overall in my opinion hes Mechanically better and he's first language is English so I would help more my opinion tho if you think sacy should not be dropped or whatever it's cool but next time type in context bc you did say people are overrating verno I say he proved his talent to be overrated

i should’ve correlated it to the last sentence in the original post better. ppl prolly just read the first words “verno is overrated” and wanted to attack

i’m only saying he’s overrated in the context that ppl are saying he should be dropped for sacy like it’s a no brainer

other than that he should 100% be in t1 and other teams need him just not sen necessarily

Rey55 [#35]

get your logic straight then. 5/10 champs finalists this year didn't play t1 before.

4/10 benjy player last year

Hyopic [#41]

4/10 benjy player last year

joined mid season so technically he didn't join the prev year


why is vlr overrating a player who doesn’t have a single match in T1

because nobody expected s1mon, s0m, n4rrate, wo0t, riens, benjyfishy, hiro, izu, cauanzin, daveeys, cloud, marteen, tomaszy, yetujey, johnqt, eeiu, meiy, karon, flashback, beyn, primmie or other unproven players to be tier 1 material just because they were good mechanically and they proved everyone wrong, and verno literally is like the best player of tier 2 mechanically and i dont even mean on americas only, he might be the best or top 3 itw in terms of tier 2 players rn.

ycstrip [#5]

i don’t wanna deny that he could flourish in t1 but i genuinely think he is overrated rn especially with comments saying sacy should be dropped for him

if he was replacing trent or eeiu then I could understand your point honestly but if anything you overrate sacy. He is definitely the weakest link on SEN and easily the worst initiator player in a major Americas team. Only reason he is rated is because SEN performed decent even without his input/contribution. Bonecold and starxo won a major, doesn't mean they are irreplicable players.

ycstrip [#24]

no one is saying verno isn’t talented it’s okay if you can’t comprehend what im trying to say though

I love how eveyone is calling out the bullshit you wrote and you are telling everyone they can´t read. hilarious, maybe don´t have a braindead take next time

koromast [#43]

why is vlr overrating a player who doesn’t have a single match in T1

because nobody expected s1mon, s0m, n4rrate, wo0t, riens, benjyfishy, hiro, izu, cauanzin, daveeys, cloud, marteen, tomaszy, yetujey, johnqt, eeiu, meiy, karon, flashback, beyn, primmie or other unproven players to be tier 1 material just because they were good mechanically and they proved everyone wrong, and verno literally is like the best player of tier 2 mechanically and i dont even mean on americas only, he might be the best or top 3 itw in terms of tier 2 players rn.

all this yap just to show that you didn’t understand the point of the post, i never said verno doesn’t deserve to be in t1, just that he is overrated in the context of people saying sacy should be dropped for him, if you disagree with that part then that’s fine

Booster [#45]

I love how eveyone is calling out the bullshit you wrote and you are telling everyone they can´t read. hilarious, maybe don´t have a braindead take next time

can you explain the “bullshit”

ycstrip [#46]

all this yap just to show that you didn’t understand the point of the post, i never said verno doesn’t deserve to be in t1, just that he is overrated in the context of people saying sacy should be dropped for him, if you disagree with that part then that’s fine

you said "specially for those who want him over sacy", but "specially" implies you think he is overrated in general to be a t1 player and more if they want him over sacy, using the word specially is wrong if this is not what you mean because specially is a word that adds to the previous text where you already called him overrated because he hasnt played t1 matches (this is a lie because he has played against t1 teams on pracs and there is t1 teams on t2 such as m80 and guard last year mostly known as current g2) to start with, you have to explain things right from the start instead of blaming other people for not being able to redact properly thank you

Rey55 [#42]

joined mid season so technically he didn't join the prev year

yea but he still played tho is what I mean, I agree with u im jus saying


Americas fans hyping Verno up is primmie levels of hype


when has a champion ever joined a roster and they ever won anything. The only time i could think of is chronicle to fnc but he also came with leo. Most winning teams are made up of players that are unproven and they prove it when they win

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