Why EMEA in valorant isn't as good as the others

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hear me out:

All the talented monster aimers in EU all went to CS2, which is why emea's development (while still PRETTY GOOD) is not as good as cs2's.
Imagine ropz donk b1t zywoo s1mple monesy niko played pro valorant.

Sure we would never know how they would do, but imagine them grinding valorant instead of cs2, they can surely dominate. It's fun to think and imagine.

Also, there are no russian orgs since 2022. We all know that in cs2, russia (rather, the CIS region) has the biggest talent pool in FPS, and why most of them go to cs2 since cs2 is way bigger than valorant there.

But the caveat here is that CS2 just has so much more slots for EU + CIS teams. Barely any asian or chinese teams in cs2 because valorant is just so much more popular, so we'll never know. perhaps if cs2 was much bigger in those regions, and each major/IEM/ESL etc tournament had equal slots to all regions, china, korea, SEA etc maybe could've won something in CSGO and CS2.

if you disagree with me please state why in a calm, polite and reasonable manner ^_^


i agree, all the washed up csgo who couldnt go pro in EU rolled over to val

love that for them since they gave apac and china their first trophies couldnt have done it without them <3


people will hate but this is somewhat true, most of the Europeans are playing CS because it has more chance of growth than valorant here. no sane person would bang their head in this franchise Ascension bullshit




They need to shuffle, just look at TH nows, picking up 4 talents from tier 2 and got a back to back second place

cyk [#5]

They need to shuffle, just look at TH nows, picking up 4 talents from tier 2 and got a back to back second place

yeah, the washed up tier 1 players next year are surely getting replaced by cracked tier 2 young players.


EMEA and NA teams are starting to get exposed. That's it. Valorant was relatively new when they won something meaningful. The competition is only going to get tougher.
Although I agree with you on russian orgs. They have much better talent compared to EU.


ive been saying this,plus orgs just making unfortunate roster moves,so many emea rosters have been managed so badly im convinced i can build a better team,at the start NA had the biggest headstart by far cause they had so many decently skilled cs players switch,now the game is also massive in apac and china ,while emea will be pretty stagnant as long as cs is alive


agree, sadly there is no CIS league so it wil be like that for a while


The only way to make EMEA catch up 'quickly' imo is if CS has some serious problems. Otherwise the only way I see is to target younger audiences with hopes that you can make a bigger shift long term.

I think it was a massive oversight to lock in the teams so strictly for franchising, it means the only CIS teams (barring NAVI) can come through ascension

_Echo_ [#7]

EMEA and NA teams are starting to get exposed. That's it. Valorant was relatively new when they won something meaningful. The competition is only going to get tougher.
Although I agree with you on russian orgs. They have much better talent compared to EU.

na won a major this year and the champs last year, dont include na with frauds from emea

_Echo_ [#7]

EMEA and NA teams are starting to get exposed. That's it. Valorant was relatively new when they won something meaningful. The competition is only going to get tougher.
Although I agree with you on russian orgs. They have much better talent compared to EU.

yup, imagine if gambit didn't get fucked over by the war..




there is not a single case of a good cs player transitioning to valorant and finding immediate success.. a player cannot just switch between these games and own.. not at the highest level.. so no.. even if someone like zywoo comes into valorant, i dont think he will find immediate success


they need russian and turkish to carry their ass trophy.

gg321 [#8]

ive been saying this,plus orgs just making unfortunate roster moves,so many emea rosters have been managed so badly im convinced i can build a better team,at the start NA had the biggest headstart by far cause they had so many decently skilled cs players switch,now the game is also massive in apac and china ,while emea will be pretty stagnant as long as cs is alive

yup, karmine corp was badly managed in 2023, NAVI was badly managed this year because they kicked their damn coach mid season, i really think that fnatic will give boaster 1 last year and if he doesn't get atleast top 4 in any tournaments, he's definitely getting replaced.

Also liquid picked up mistic and enzo which are just so MID. They've already played in tier 1 in 2022 and did not get fnatic anywhere. The only good EMEA org managed this year is heretics.

Vitality were switching up their roles and having sayf NOT on duelist for the 1st split killed the team's chances of making it to any internationals. The moment they put sayf on hard entry duelist, they qualified to champs.

KOI is just so bad. The ex ascend players other than cned are also washed now.

kskm [#14]

there is not a single case of a good cs player transitioning to valorant and finding immediate success.. a player cannot just switch between these games and own.. not at the highest level.. so no.. even if someone like zywoo comes into valorant, i dont think he will find immediate success

What I meant in the post was what if the actual great CS Players played VALORANT first and not switching over from cs. I didn't say anything about switching games. I just said that if these players stuck to valorant only then Emea has the potential to dominate...


it is more probable that a young person in EMEA who is talented enough will try to play cs and have a stable income playing t2/t3 tourneys and from there try their luck to get a t1 spot event/team than test their luck in a horrible t2 environment to MAYBE win ascention or get recognized by the super limited teams in t1 Valorant.

akimb0_ [#18]

it is more probable that a young person in EMEA who is talented enough will try to play cs and have a stable income playing t2/t3 tourneys and from there try their luck to get a t1 spot event/team than test their luck in a horrible t2 environment to MAYBE win ascention or get recognized by the super limited teams in t1 Valorant.

yup agree with this! if ur from EU then the cs2 scene is so much more stable.

But if you're from NA, APAC, SEA and china, valorant is just so much more popular which means more opportunities

Chow1E [#15]

they need russian and turkish to carry their ass trophy.

lowkey yeah

Aayan [#10]

The only way to make EMEA catch up 'quickly' imo is if CS has some serious problems. Otherwise the only way I see is to target younger audiences with hopes that you can make a bigger shift long term.

I think it was a massive oversight to lock in the teams so strictly for franchising, it means the only CIS teams (barring NAVI) can come through ascension

very unfortunate that gambit coulnd't keep their roster together

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