Oceania Valorant

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Remove dfm and the views will suffer , remember that CR screwed up the paperworks so DFM had to fill in in the end.
And CR is the Far popular org by all metrics. Not to mention you have orgs like murash and riddle still lurking in Tier2(although they lacked the business and history like dfm and zeta).

You have at least 40k loyal fans who will watch zeta and dfm and that's not even talking about watch parties or if any of zeta and dfm even qualify for masters. These numbers are nothing to sneeze at, even in T2 Valorant you will get similar if not more than t1 itself

After all that investments into the Jp t1 and t2 I doubt the japanese fans would like it if their spot got reduced to 1 and riot probably knows that.


Yes, I also think it's hard to not keep 2 T2 JP team.

So what would be the best solution that give a spot to OCE team and why ?


My urge tells me to relegate global esports because aside from Skrossi and LightningFast, they did absolutely nothing about representing India and South Asia as a whole.


Hard to relegate a team that represent a region that have the population of a full T1 region :/
India also need representation


That's the thing, they practically never did. What's the use of huge population when none of them ever shows up in viewerships. I can also say the same about RRQ tbh, but at least they did their job of representing ID(partially) even though their viewership sucks.

Or if we are hellbent on keeping the South Asian demographic, relegate GE and get another Indian org who's willing to do their job unlike GE.


Worst idea to have a structure named "Global" when you want to target something specific X.X
Dropping GE would be a horrible sign for the most juicy market in the near future, Riot cant do that :/
RRQ in another hand...

What about expanding to 16 ? (Sometime, I wonder if the solution would be to split every region in 2 with 8 team JP-KR/SEA, EU/MENA-CIS-TR, NA/SA, no Idea what to do with CN it can be either an expansion with TW and MN team and 2 Cn T2, or a contraction where Wolves that kind represent TW considering their player, can go to JP-KR / east Asia (But that would mean drop 3 teams)


Not really a good idea tbh :

  1. Riot can't sustain that, they had to cut funding for partnered teams so there's no chance they're making more partnered teams lol.
  2. It devalues tier 1 , too many T1 regions e.g JP-KR/SEA, EU/MENA-CIS-TR, NA/SA will make T1 look like a joke(?)
  3. The views will suck even more, getting a TW and MN team will worsen the viewership if they aren't already.
  4. Not enough infrastructure, this is just me yapping lol but I don't think riot's existing infrastructure is ready to handle 8 separate regions

Just my opinion tho someone mail John Needham.


-1. They made a cut, not because the lack of money but because the lack of efficiency, that mean they have a little bit more money to invest.
-2. Not really, the format would be almost the exact format we have, but with 2 team more per group, and group would no longer be based on luck but on region.
-3. New market can mean potential new viewer that will care about the game they are not them, giving a spot to smaller market is a double-edged sword, this team will have under average viewer, but this will also bring more viewer to other game, so average might actually go up. (MN may be too small I admit, maybe a MN-RU team can be doable)
-4. BR have infrastructure (Riot used it for LoL), SG may have infrastructure, MENA-TR-CIS it's a little bit more tricky, but I don't see how MENA couldn't have infrastructures, r

Additional note : If having 4 full separate region make you afraid, you can have group based on region but a regrouped playoff.


I can also say the same about RRQ tbh, but at least they did their job of representing ID(partially) even though their viewership sucks.

ID viewership are far from sucks.. ID viewership are neck to neck with TH (Thailand) and both ID and TH are 2nd and 3rd after JP viewership (even its a far margin between JP to ID/TH), even KR T2 view are lower than ID and TH.


The best solution is to win through ascension and prove it. Since they have a small market and limited talent, don’t sacrifice the ID team. We may have the most liberal supporters, but we still need RRQ as our representative. PRX represents MY & SG, and ID is not that close with them. we only support them bcs our country man, but when they're facing RRQ, most of indos will be in the RRQ side.


Is it really though ?
VCT ID's viewership only skyrocket when it's PRX and even if RRQ does rise it's clearly far far lower tha the level of PRX.


no, it's not far lower, PRX has higher viewership globally because of their better performance compared to RRQ.. but RRQ would reach the Indonesian market better if they have strong performance. Personally, I have lost hope in PRX and am more excited about RRQ for the upcoming year.


That's the thing about these teams(not just RRQ), their viewerships are tooooo dependent on their performance, and that is not sustainable. If RRQ performed greatly the views would rise and if they didn't the views would drop, and not to mention the demographic who does this are probably the Indo PRX fans, so RRQ did very little effort to increase their market, their simply "borrowing" them from PRX

They need something consistent to hang on to. that's what separates ZETA and DFM (to a lesser degree) alike from other orgs.

Say what you want about idol culture, but it is the one saving grace the teams that do have it have when there's nothing more the team can show for.


ID deserves 1 representative team spot. imagine having 2 or 3 ID players but still known as MY&SG representative (while we're not that bro with them).


that's thee point


You really don't support PRX ? Even if half of roster was always from ID ?

And OCE need also team as a representative, they are other option than sacrifice RRQ, what is the one you think is the most reasonable ?

Winning ascension will not be a sustainable position


Create a (Death season) after 3 or 4 years, and whoever finishes at the bottom of the table in that season, riot can introduce a new franchise team (OCE).


Totally unfair, and could lead to same problam that OCE face now

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