astra outclasses omen in this map

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we might see astra back in the meta with pearl


astra will never be meta when its exec/ retake meta
omen flash is just way too strong for this meta
either one of omen's tp need to be removed or they need to buff astra / brim


Nah Astra is just underwhelming in proplay
Omen has 3/4 smokes per round, 2 tps and Paranoia which is broken so its basically 6/7 pieces of util (if you dont count tps its still 5/6 but tp is broken af as well)
Astra on the other hand only has 4 pieces of util, either you use smokes and no other skills, or you have only 2 smokes and 2 really mediocre skills (pull can be blocked and is really slow to work as well as stun)

They just need to buff Astra really

sad_gambit_fan [#2]

astra will never be meta when its exec/ retake meta
omen flash is just way too strong for this meta
either one of omen's tp need to be removed or they need to buff astra / brim

in abyss she is already better than omen, and we know how good astra is in pearl
i meant meta in those maps not in the entire game

milostoj [#3]

Nah Astra is just underwhelming in proplay
Omen has 3/4 smokes per round, 2 tps and Paranoia which is broken so its basically 6/7 pieces of util (if you dont count tps its still 5/6 but tp is broken af as well)
Astra on the other hand only has 4 pieces of util, either you use smokes and no other skills, or you have only 2 smokes and 2 really mediocre skills (pull can be blocked and is really slow to work as well as stun)

They just need to buff Astra really

Astra is probably the ONLY agent in the game thats balanced.

sad_gambit_fan [#2]

astra will never be meta when its exec/ retake meta
omen flash is just way too strong for this meta
either one of omen's tp need to be removed or they need to buff astra / brim

removing omen's tp won't affect his pick rate whatsoever, it's not the reason he's being picked

Kxtqqh [#4]

in abyss she is already better than omen, and we know how good astra is in pearl
i meant meta in those maps not in the entire game

Well maybe but I think that they played her back than because her smoke is just bigger than every other controller (except Viper as well) so she could use one smoke on B site entrance + her Ult is really good there and you play postplant
But now as you can see they have learned to block pull and the entrance is smaller so other smokes can cover it as well
They will probably play her there tho cus she was played before and we like to comebcak to things we know (and thats prob her best map together with Abbys)

milostoj [#3]

Nah Astra is just underwhelming in proplay
Omen has 3/4 smokes per round, 2 tps and Paranoia which is broken so its basically 6/7 pieces of util (if you dont count tps its still 5/6 but tp is broken af as well)
Astra on the other hand only has 4 pieces of util, either you use smokes and no other skills, or you have only 2 smokes and 2 really mediocre skills (pull can be blocked and is really slow to work as well as stun)

They just need to buff Astra really

Would Astra having a rechargeable star fix her? Or is the problem even bigger

asd7 [#8]

Would Astra having a rechargeable star fix her? Or is the problem even bigger

Everyone has been begging for 1 more star since her massive nerf, no need to be rechargeable either. Riot seems to hate the idea.

jiayou0813 [#9]

Everyone has been begging for 1 more star since her massive nerf, no need to be rechargeable either. Riot seems to hate the idea.

Yea I feel like 5th star would help but Riot dont wanna do it because she had 5 stars on release and was broken
I didint play nor watched Valo back then so I cant say why, but thats what I've heard and Riot not wanting to reverse this nerf feels like Riot really

uwukitten [#6]

removing omen's tp won't affect his pick rate whatsoever, it's not the reason he's being picked

i mean yea his flash is the reason , but his stall potential on sites like ascent / split / haven / lotus where he can tp out after stalling the flash for a long time makes him strong in the hands of the pros

milostoj [#3]

Nah Astra is just underwhelming in proplay
Omen has 3/4 smokes per round, 2 tps and Paranoia which is broken so its basically 6/7 pieces of util (if you dont count tps its still 5/6 but tp is broken af as well)
Astra on the other hand only has 4 pieces of util, either you use smokes and no other skills, or you have only 2 smokes and 2 really mediocre skills (pull can be blocked and is really slow to work as well as stun)

They just need to buff Astra really

I think a good buff would be changing the pull a bit, instead of it pulling it to the middle it should pull to one side (think of a conveyor belt). I think that alone will be good enough to increase her pick rate


god i hope not

sad_gambit_fan [#2]

astra will never be meta when its exec/ retake meta
omen flash is just way too strong for this meta
either one of omen's tp need to be removed or they need to buff astra / brim

please don't nerf omen, he is THE balanced agent - like, I just want them to finally do buffs instead of nerfs

Sk00d [#14]

please don't nerf omen, he is THE balanced agent - like, I just want them to finally do buffs instead of nerfs

balanced is a relative term tho and relative to the other controllers he is pretty strong

but i agree just buff other controllers and sentinels and kill this exec double initator boring ass meta

milostoj [#10]

Yea I feel like 5th star would help but Riot dont wanna do it because she had 5 stars on release and was broken
I didint play nor watched Valo back then so I cant say why, but thats what I've heard and Riot not wanting to reverse this nerf feels like Riot really

I think what made her broken before was that her cooldowns were also low. Astra also can't really play the mid-game with only 4 stars. If she uses 1 star in the opener and 1 star in the mid-game, she now has 2 stars left for entry and nothing for post (assuming she's solo). This is also assuming she's only using smokes and neglecting the pull and stun.

Aayan [#12]

I think a good buff would be changing the pull a bit, instead of it pulling it to the middle it should pull to one side (think of a conveyor belt). I think that alone will be good enough to increase her pick rate

Yea they should maybe try that, buff something just do something to make her better, step by step
If thats not enough then make another small shift

sad_gambit_fan [#15]

balanced is a relative term tho and relative to the other controllers he is pretty strong

but i agree just buff other controllers and sentinels and kill this exec double initator boring ass meta

yeah what I meant is like, they should balance the game around omen because his power level is most ideal tbh


they should use you as reference for astra's suck hitbox size because u are HUGEE

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