APAC doesn’t need PRX anymore

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which is a sad reality if I’m gonna be honest. APAC has GENG now to do all the work, kinda like how in 2023, EU had FNC while NA had EG. PRX had too many chances to bring the first trophy to APAC and they failed many times, they’re kinda just an extra now, who even cares about them anymore no?

I’m looking into all this hype by their fans and it’s like, who actually cares about the team now that GENG is here to be the actual representative of APAC. I’m I the only one who feels this way? I just watched PRX’s champs hype vid and they’re making it seem like they’re once again APAC’s only hope when that narrative is dead as fuck now

PRX is like, the BLG of APAC now while GENG is EDG.


Oh no... Hide before he comes...


imagine if t1 fielded a competent roster so now the apac top 3 is just all 3 kr teams


this is a good thing bro. prx fans on twitter and youtube are atrocious


What did you say? You insolent brat
You think APAC doesnt need us? What nonsense. You think they are anything without us? We are APAC. Everything APAC stands for is due to us. We put APAC on the map. Most consistent team. Y'all were nothing without us. Now that you have a team which is slightly good and has been so for like 6 months, you think you don't need us?
APAC doesn't deserve PRX. Put some respect on our names.

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#5]

What did you say? You insolent brat
You think APAC doesnt need us? What nonsense. You think they are anything without us? We are APAC. Everything APAC stands for is due to us. We put APAC on the map. Most consistent team. Y'all were nothing without us. Now that you have a team which is slightly good and has been so for like 6 months, you think you don't need us?
APAC doesn't deserve PRX. Put some respect on our names.

you don't deserve prx

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#5]

What did you say? You insolent brat
You think APAC doesnt need us? What nonsense. You think they are anything without us? We are APAC. Everything APAC stands for is due to us. We put APAC on the map. Most consistent team. Y'all were nothing without us. Now that you have a team which is slightly good and has been so for like 6 months, you think you don't need us?
APAC doesn't deserve PRX. Put some respect on our names.

this is actually sad reading this because this would be somewhat true before Shanghai.

Harapan845 [#6]

you don't deserve prx

No one on this site defends and represents PRX like me. Ofcourse I deserve PRX.


Here's my two cents.
I do feel like apac still needs PRX. Even after all that GenG has done and it's incredible what they have done, 2 times masters finalist, one time winner, on path to having the greatest season ever but at the end of it all, it's still Paper Rex. They are iconic. Yes they are not as good as GenG or even DRX at this point and have looked honestly bad over the past few weeks and I have criticized them over the past weeks a lot but I just can't count them out ever. It's this feeling. You think about Pacific and you think about Paper Rex. It's synonymous.

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#5]

What did you say? You insolent brat
You think APAC doesnt need us? What nonsense. You think they are anything without us? We are APAC. Everything APAC stands for is due to us. We put APAC on the map. Most consistent team. Y'all were nothing without us. Now that you have a team which is slightly good and has been so for like 6 months, you think you don't need us?
APAC doesn't deserve PRX. Put some respect on our names.

the two new bait accounts are having a mid off 😭

Denjisideals [#9]

Here's my two cents.
I do feel like apac still needs PRX. Even after all that GenG has done and it's incredible what they have done, 2 times masters finalist, one time winner, on path to having the greatest season ever but at the end of it all, it's still Paper Rex. They are iconic. Yes they are not as good as GenG or even DRX at this point and have looked honestly bad over the past few weeks and I have criticized them over the past weeks a lot but I just can't count them out ever. It's this feeling. You think about Pacific and you think about Paper Rex. It's synonymous.

I think you can count them out now lol


PRX still SEA representative, and apac is not only korea, so apac still need prx.

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#5]

What did you say? You insolent brat
You think APAC doesnt need us? What nonsense. You think they are anything without us? We are APAC. Everything APAC stands for is due to us. We put APAC on the map. Most consistent team. Y'all were nothing without us. Now that you have a team which is slightly good and has been so for like 6 months, you think you don't need us?
APAC doesn't deserve PRX. Put some respect on our names.

apac with prx= 1 trophy and 2.5 good teams
apac without prx= 1 trophy and 1.75 good teams
decide yourself

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#8]

No one on this site defends and represents PRX like me. Ofcourse I deserve PRX.

no one on this site baits like me and b0lkylett0ce, there u go fixed it for u

butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#14]

no one on this site baits like me and b0lkylett0ce, there u go fixed it for u

We know that you and B0lkylettuce are baiters. No need to repeat what we already know.

JingggsFamilyLawyer [#15]

We know that you and B0lkylettuce are baiters. No need to repeat what we already know.


heavensentsaint [#3]

imagine if t1 fielded a competent roster so now the apac top 3 is just all 3 kr teams

Hoping apac always will have tough competition among every region. Would be boring to watch with just one region dominating.

butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#14]

no one on this site baits like me and b0lkylett0ce, there u go fixed it for u

i need a bulkylettuce and jinggsfamilylawyer interaction


Yeah prx will continue farming their region and getting 3rd to 6th place in internationals


Please bro, my hopium is already dead, you don't need to do this to me

catNmouse [#18]

i need a bulkylettuce and jinggsfamilylawyer interaction

b0lkyl0ttuce is j0nggsfamilylawyer's side hoe, lawyer is married to c00tiep0ej0ngj0ng but isn't a faithful husband

Denjisideals [#9]

Here's my two cents.
I do feel like apac still needs PRX. Even after all that GenG has done and it's incredible what they have done, 2 times masters finalist, one time winner, on path to having the greatest season ever but at the end of it all, it's still Paper Rex. They are iconic. Yes they are not as good as GenG or even DRX at this point and have looked honestly bad over the past few weeks and I have criticized them over the past weeks a lot but I just can't count them out ever. It's this feeling. You think about Pacific and you think about Paper Rex. It's synonymous.

' here's my two cents ' aye haye teri english mukesh

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