Flag: United States
Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 19, 2024 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 832
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Anyone else see the video? That’s such a scary moment to be in man I can’t imagine it. I would not wish that on anyone.

posted 3 weeks ago

I agree !

posted 3 weeks ago

I wish I met drake when I was still a wee lad

posted 3 weeks ago

thank you guys for giving birth to drake

posted 3 weeks ago

classic Canadian having no culture of their own

posted 3 weeks ago

who’s the eg fan tho

posted 3 weeks ago

oh my god that was so hot

posted 3 weeks ago

that’s the point? are you stupid? I think you’re stupid

posted 3 weeks ago

Boaster got less frags than some players who only played 3 matches compared to his 6

posted 3 weeks ago

Alfajer, Derke, and Chronicle in the top 10 yet they got 6th, I wonder what’s up with that? Derke is 1st even, it’s so weird.

posted 3 weeks ago

stop bothering me

posted 3 weeks ago

Maryland ain’t in Pakistan, he’s American

posted 3 weeks ago

haha a movie that was good that was good one

posted 3 weeks ago

isn’t that a movie

posted 3 weeks ago

has Pakistan and Sentinels ever been in the same sentence until now

posted 3 weeks ago

he is in fact incapable of hitting shots

posted 3 weeks ago

this is a harmful comment to people who take prescription drugs

posted 3 weeks ago

he’s their biggest representative bar none and he plays like a juggalo who refuses to get carried for multiple matches in a row. No one in his team wants him to stay, it’s actually sad. UK will forever be a joke to the game thanks to him, a complete contrast to American Valorant

posted 3 weeks ago

he starts with a fucking B for the last time

posted 3 weeks ago

the victim is still in the process of being hanged, so my reasoning is still correct. Stop coping

posted 3 weeks ago

why is it called hangman if he isn’t already hung? what do you call the game if you successfully win before being hanged? unhanged man? case closed

posted 3 weeks ago

I already told you bro boaster starts with a fucking B

posted 3 weeks ago

think of it this way, how can the body of the stickman appear body part by body part on the rope? Wouldn’t it make sense for him to already be on said rope, and then taken off limb by limb after every wrong guess?

my logic is perfect, yours is flawed. It’s time to wake up sheep.

posted 3 weeks ago

no I’m right stop lying

posted 3 weeks ago

that’s not true stop lying

posted 3 weeks ago

that link is scary what does it say

posted 3 weeks ago

no it isn’t it starts with a B

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

no that’s not true

posted 3 weeks ago

you’re fucking dumb why would you guess that

posted 3 weeks ago

starts with a B

posted 3 weeks ago

I swear that link was porn for a second

posted 3 weeks ago

he isn’t a toaster oh my god bro

posted 3 weeks ago

—oaster starts with a fucking B man he isn’t a toaster

posted 3 weeks ago

no there isn’t it’s —oaster with a B you idiot

posted 3 weeks ago

they’re so cute together ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


hint: oaster

failed letters: T, T again
failed numbers (?): 0
failed guess: “b0tster”, “ardiis”, “tarik”


posted 3 weeks ago

wait you fucking baited me that T was a B

posted 3 weeks ago

I will forever think anyone who took that post seriously here is genuinely stupid

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

you’re misunderstanding here, I really did go 0 +/- overall in champs, I’m not making up shit.

posted 4 weeks ago

I leaked a bit after reading that

posted 4 weeks ago

Demon1, Jawgemo, and C0M deserve to be here for sure. Demon1 and Jawgemo for peak performance, C0M for the back to back greatest on EG and now LEV

posted 4 weeks ago

I think they should keep him as a starter and continue losing, I like that plan

posted 4 weeks ago


  • Boaster: -15 +/-
  • amovie: 0 +/-

FNC vs G2

  • Boaster: -11 +/-
  • amovie: 0 +/-


  • Boaster: -22 +/-
  • amovie: 0 +/-


  • Boaster: -3 +/-
  • amovie: 0 +/-


  • Boaster: -13 +/-
  • amovie: 0 +/-

I’m +64 on Boaster this champions and I’m not even the one with the personal performance coach here, maybe FNC should look my way

posted 4 weeks ago
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