My POV on Why Mindfreak underperforms

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as a PRX fan who's been fucking frustrated with this team, there are so many reasons as to why Mindfreak usually botfrags and plays bad.

It's because half the team are so disjointed and don't know where to go or where to attack. He's said it before in the shangai vlog after G2 i think that he doesn't know where to put his smokes because the 3 no-brain aggressive players can't make up their mind on where to go and stuff. The job of the controller is to smoke and block sightlines so that his team can freely execute the site (or on defense its to block attackers from going in)

Jinggg even said it himself that PRX don't even know what they're doing, so that can really confuse the hell out of the only single controller player.
Mindfreak isn't the problem. I do even think that even if Karon were in his shoes, he'd definitely get confused as well and underperform.

a lack of an IGL also is the reason why this team just falls apart so much. There's noone to keep this guys in check in game. Alecks can scream all he wants but he's not in the game so he can't control high-pressure fast paced moments and decisions.

Though now that I think of it, maybe around 20% of the reason he underperforms is because he's not mechanically superior to other players, but the rest of it 80% is just PRX doing PRX things.

This is just what I've seen and if you think that I'm wrong then feel free to correct me.

tldr: mf botfrags because prx players dont know what theyre doing = mf confuse on where to smoke


I disagree


Too much yap for me to read


tldr mindfreak bot frags because the team is so disconnected sometimes that even he can’t focus and his teammates are in a zoo

to people who don’t wanna read this essay which takes less than a minute to lmfao you’ll be fine

Vegaaa [#2]

I disagree

please state your reasons on why you disagree

waxsly [#3]

Too much yap for me to read

if you're having trouble with this tiny amount of text then you won't go far in life lol

armadmeister1 [#6]

if you're having trouble with this tiny amount of text then you won't go far in life lol

This will show him ahh comment


Even if he bottom frags it would not be his fault, he has the hardest role in the team, when you have a team like that, with aggressive plays and players doing whatever they feel like it's very difficult to time the smokes and give your team support


imagine if his playstyle of being the guy who’s always behind all the prx players and generally less aggro is because he quite literally can’t keep up with the pace lol

9zze [#8]

Even if he bottom frags it would not be his fault, he has the hardest role in the team, when you have a team like that, with aggressive plays and players doing whatever they feel like it's very difficult to time the smokes and give your team support

i agree. Smokes is already the hardest role to frag on but add to that your own teammates don't even know where to go and confusing you, its 100% stressful for him

heavensentsaint [#9]

imagine if his playstyle of being the guy who’s always behind all the prx players and generally less aggro is because he quite literally can’t keep up with the pace lol

that is a possibility, but i think even the best smoker in the world can't even keep up with prx because they don't know where to fucking go generally lmao. You can't just smoke and your duelists be like "wait nvm lets go here instead". It's a shame he gets all the hate when prx lose and he botfrags but its the entire team's fault

waxsly [#7]

This will show him ahh comment

im the only sigma here aah reply

waxsly [#7]

This will show him ahh comment

You are the coolest guy


Aleck's is on serious fraud watch love him and don't want him kicked but if he can't control and organize his team enough for his controller player to be able to have clarity on where to use like 4 pieces of util each round something needs to change


I think you may be right. A controller with good comms is always a huge benefit for a team.


having no IGL works because of their playstyle til it doesn’t. I’d be happy to be proven wrong that they CAN win a trophy without an IGL but the moment their momentum gets shut down everything is like so over for them and that in itself is very frustrating. I think someone on PRX should be the “IGL” and make sure everyone else is doing okay. Must be really hard for mindfreak but I hope he and the team can improve from here, funnily enough their opening match is against G2 (they meet again) and that will be the real decider to see if PRX are playing as a team and have W gaming set plays.

I don’t think PRX should remove anyone but someone should take the role as a leader instead of alecks taking timeouts to keep everyone in check

Number1Joshie [#13]

You are the coolest guy

Bro I write a whole ass paragraph for you to read so you can understand why Cgrs sucks go read that mf

catNmouse [#16]

having no IGL works because of their playstyle til it doesn’t. I’d be happy to be proven wrong that they CAN win a trophy without an IGL but the moment their momentum gets shut down everything is like so over for them and that in itself is very frustrating. I think someone on PRX should be the “IGL” and make sure everyone else is doing okay. Must be really hard for mindfreak but I hope he and the team can improve from here, funnily enough their opening match is against G2 (they meet again) and that will be the real decider to see if PRX are playing as a team and have W gaming set plays.

I don’t think PRX should remove anyone but someone should take the role as a leader instead of alecks taking timeouts to keep everyone in check

Maybe a captain instead of igl? Someone needs to be the defined authority on the team, who can actually pull weight and make decisions at important moments even if he doesn't actively direct the game

waxsly [#17]

Bro I write a whole ass paragraph for you to read so you can understand why Cgrs sucks go read that mf

too much yap for me to read

armadmeister1 [#11]

that is a possibility, but i think even the best smoker in the world can't even keep up with prx because they don't know where to fucking go generally lmao. You can't just smoke and your duelists be like "wait nvm lets go here instead". It's a shame he gets all the hate when prx lose and he botfrags but its the entire team's fault

yeah bruh this team changes comps 5 mins before the official match starts its insane, there's a gap between playing differently or unique and just straight up inting in an official tourney

Number1Joshie [#19]

too much yap for me to read

True you fucking suck

catNmouse [#16]

having no IGL works because of their playstyle til it doesn’t. I’d be happy to be proven wrong that they CAN win a trophy without an IGL but the moment their momentum gets shut down everything is like so over for them and that in itself is very frustrating. I think someone on PRX should be the “IGL” and make sure everyone else is doing okay. Must be really hard for mindfreak but I hope he and the team can improve from here, funnily enough their opening match is against G2 (they meet again) and that will be the real decider to see if PRX are playing as a team and have W gaming set plays.

I don’t think PRX should remove anyone but someone should take the role as a leader instead of alecks taking timeouts to keep everyone in check

I really think they should do the following 2 things:

  1. Have davai on PURE initiator and let him IGL the team. He's the calmest, oldest, and most consistent player on PRX and it makes sense for him to Lead the team
  2. this means have Jingg flex on killjoy or other agents on non raze maps. On icebox they could go kayo,gekko,jett,kj, and viper. On haven they can have double init + jett + jingg as kj. On ascent, its 100% the same thing, double init and jingg as kj.

It would help SO MUCH

waxsly [#17]

Bro I write a whole ass paragraph for you to read so you can understand why Cgrs sucks go read that mf

you are losing to elementary kids if you can't even read this properly.

armadmeister1 [#23]

you are losing to elementary kids if you can't even read this properly.

I didn’t say I can’t read it bro I just won’t read it because I don’t want to wtf

armadmeister1 [#5]

please state your reasons on why you disagree

mf bottom frags because his skill issue. he should be able to keep up with the talent the rest 4 bring to the table.

heavensentsaint [#20]

yeah bruh this team changes comps 5 mins before the official match starts its insane, there's a gap between playing differently or unique and just straight up inting in an official tourney

especially changing their bind comp in a goddamn champs grand final vs EG. Like why are you fixing something that's not broken?? you literally won against EG in the match before. Alecks said that the comp doesn't work on scrims but real matches are so much more different than scrims.

armadmeister1 [#23]

you are losing to elementary kids if you can't even read this properly.

And like your take makes no fucking sense he is playing like this since benkai left and something came and at Tokyo la and Madrid he was doing well idk why hes playing shit but its his fault

armadmeister1 [#5]

please state your reasons on why you disagree

I'm good

Asunas_Chinese_Teacher [#25]

mf bottom frags because his skill issue. he should be able to keep up with the talent the rest 4 bring to the table.

did you even read my post? it doesn't matter how good you are a player. It doesn't matter if you're the best smoker in the world. if your team has no CLEAR game plan, then as a smoker, your job is harder to execute and you waste your smokes. if your duelist changes their mind mid-exec then the plan fails apart and as a smoker you can't just call your smokes back and redo the execute.

think clearly please. His skill isn't the entire problem.

armadmeister1 [#26]

especially changing their bind comp in a goddamn champs grand final vs EG. Like why are you fixing something that's not broken?? you literally won against EG in the match before. Alecks said that the comp doesn't work on scrims but real matches are so much more different than scrims.

alecks is a good coach but holy shit his map vetos and strats have been questionable in 2024

waxsly [#21]

True you fucking suck

Crash out and kick rocks buddy

waxsly [#27]

And like your take makes no fucking sense he is playing like this since benkai left and something came and at Tokyo la and Madrid he was doing well idk why hes playing shit but its his fault

it's because he doesn't have an IGL and CLEAR GAMEPLAN ffs. Everything that i mentioned can be helped if the team had a clear IGL who has protocols if some plans don't work, and the one who leads the team with a clear game plan.
My take makes fucking perfect sense if you see PRX's shanghai vlog.

and it makes perfect sense if you can use that miniscule brain of yours to think and read my post clearly.
you said it yourself "He is playing like this since benkai left"

well that solves it huh? there is no structure and IGL in this team which makes the controller player's job a lot more hard to do = poor performances

edit: sure he did well in tokyo and champs la, but did PRX win a trophy? no! they will never win anything because their playstyle and hivemind + no IGL is not suited for a bo5.


I was part of the “mindfreak is the weak link” crowd, but now that you mention it being PRX’s controller must be the hardest job in the game

lorenzopajaroFC [#33]

I was part of the “mindfreak is the weak link” crowd, but now that you mention it being PRX’s controller must be the hardest job in the game

see, i'm telling you! it's not his fault that PRX are losing.

lorenzopajaroFC [#33]

I was part of the “mindfreak is the weak link” crowd, but now that you mention it being PRX’s controller must be the hardest job in the game

D4v4i should become a fighter pilot with how he's had to use his flashes to support his team and mind freak should work for an artillery team with his smoke placement not being troll while his team goes in 6 different directions

lorenzopajaroFC [#33]

I was part of the “mindfreak is the weak link” crowd, but now that you mention it being PRX’s controller must be the hardest job in the game

how is that a hard work, u just need stay in the back, use basic smoke here & there...then leave the rest to your 4 teamate and hope they win the aim duels lmao

armadmeister1 [#32]

it's because he doesn't have an IGL and CLEAR GAMEPLAN ffs. Everything that i mentioned can be helped if the team had a clear IGL who has protocols if some plans don't work, and the one who leads the team with a clear game plan.
My take makes fucking perfect sense if you see PRX's shanghai vlog.

and it makes perfect sense if you can use that miniscule brain of yours to think and read my post clearly.
you said it yourself "He is playing like this since benkai left"

well that solves it huh? there is no structure and IGL in this team which makes the controller player's job a lot more hard to do = poor performances

edit: sure he did well in tokyo and champs la, but did PRX win a trophy? no! they will never win anything because their playstyle and hivemind + no IGL is not suited for a bo5.

Bro no igl has been a problem for prx but that doesn’t explain why Mindfreak is underperforming because this issue was still a thing when Mindfreak was still doing well and idk if you watched masters tokyo champs 2023 and masters madrid but Mindfreak was still doing good when this issue was still happening no igl thing is usually why prx loses but that doesn’t explain why mindfreaks shit



SleepyBear [#36]

how is that a hard work, u just need stay in the back, use basic smoke here & there...then leave the rest to your 4 teamate and hope they win the aim duels lmao

is this sleepybear trolling or are you just insanely dumb? did you not read my post? do you think pro matches is as easy as ranked games?


Honestly sometimes he's really just not hitting his shots, or the opponents are better with utils or swinging him together. But when he can hit those shots damn he's insane.

But regardless of how well he plays going forward, he's still a huge inspiration for me when he levelled up massively from 2022 Reykjavik to 2022 Copenhagen (and continued to prove he can clutch rounds)

armadmeister1 [#29]

did you even read my post? it doesn't matter how good you are a player. It doesn't matter if you're the best smoker in the world. if your team has no CLEAR game plan, then as a smoker, your job is harder to execute and you waste your smokes. if your duelist changes their mind mid-exec then the plan fails apart and as a smoker you can't just call your smokes back and redo the execute.

think clearly please. His skill isn't the entire problem.

how does f0rsaken top frag on harbor?

Asunas_Chinese_Teacher [#41]

how does f0rsaken top frag on harbor?

Is he ever the solo smoker in those comps?


i love how people still defending mindfreak when he not even hit his shot, underperform the whole year and his peak was backthen in 2021/2022, and people defend him crazy yapping here n there

imagine if that Monyet, people gonna send him a death thread at this point 😂

being good looking benefits you in life is real i guess ?

Asunas_Chinese_Teacher [#41]

how does f0rsaken top frag on harbor?

  1. He's playing a SECOND smoker + which means he can be more aggresive as a smoker = more kills
  2. The matches he top frags with harbor is with mid-bad teams, ofc he can top frag vs fucking talong
  3. If you watch his matches vs DRX and GENG (actual GOOD teams) then he's not top fragging at all lmao (and even if he does, his team lost vs drx)
SleepyBear [#36]

how is that a hard work, u just need stay in the back, use basic smoke here & there...then leave the rest to your 4 teamate and hope they win the aim duels lmao

what is this analogy 😭😭😭 you ain't getting out of iron lil bro

Dattadri_sai [#43]

i love how people still defending mindfreak when he not even hit his shot, underperform the whole year and his peak was backthen in 2021/2022, and people defend him crazy yapping here n there

imagine if that Monyet, people gonna send him a death thread at this point 😂

being good looking benefits you in life is real i guess ?

bro can't read my post and dismisses it as yapping instead lmaoo

armadmeister1 [#46]

bro can't read my post and dismisses it as yapping instead lmaoo

you are the one who yapping making whole sentence ? the fuck

its okay mindfreak is your idol i get it

Dattadri_sai [#47]

you are the one who yapping making whole sentence ? the fuck

its okay mindfreak is your idol i get it

you can't even speak english properly lmaoooo (you're definitely not from singapore) or you're just hard trolling
you're not worth having a discussion with.


He also has a pretty casual approach sometimes is what I feel

Dattadri_sai [#43]

i love how people still defending mindfreak when he not even hit his shot, underperform the whole year and his peak was backthen in 2021/2022, and people defend him crazy yapping here n there

imagine if that Monyet, people gonna send him a death thread at this point 😂

being good looking benefits you in life is real i guess ?

OP literally made a post to give their opinion on why he underperforms, but defending a player = dickriding apparently, also what does looks have to do with any of this??

armadmeister1 [#48]

you can't even speak english properly lmaoooo (you're definitely not from singapore) or you're just hard trolling
you're not worth having a discussion with.

damn look guys i can speak english properly am so cool

i didnt know there were english classes & teachers here mb


i think alecks start giving smth and jingg to call that also probably make his job more confusing and hard


I think mindfreak "underperforms" because his teammates are literally some of the greatest shooters in the game rn. Like how do expect a man to frag out when he's providing support and everyone is already dead. He's good for clutches tho so you know your gonna get that out of him


alright I had to make an account upon seeing so much stupidity from PRX fans. you guys make me want to stop enjoying PRX games sometimes. He does not "underperform" even if you're short-sighted enough to only think kills = game impact he does just fine most games. Look at their recent loss to DRX and by only looking at kill numbers identify which one is the "underperforming" mindfreak lol

his ACS is generally lower because he plays smokes and lurks on such a hyper aggressive team that very often feasts (kills everyone very quickly) or famines (all die, mindfreak the lurk in 1v3). He plays his role and is also one of the most clutch players in VCT. He executes what needs to get done in his role very well. If you speed up your lurk you get caught, if you don't you run crazy risk of being too slow given how fast PRX play and how much they contest space/take aggressive gunfights. He has a damn hard job and still generally performs very well particularly when the team needs him most. Coldest clutcher on PRX no question

I'm sure you guys are the same ones who only have duelists on your "top 5 players" lists and quite frankly I feel like he only gets this much hate because he isn't one of the more likeable outspoken guys on the roster compared to someone like jingg. I invite you to consider that there are other ways to impact the game other than just getting frags (which he still does reasonably well btw) particularly when your team consists of batshit crazy explosive/fast players

His k/d for this season hovers around 1.00 (+/- tiny bit depending on agent) which isnt even an underperformance at all when you consider his teammates so I genuinely have no idea how people consider him the weak link either even if you're a k/d merchant

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