Flag: United States
Registered: October 26, 2021
Last post: March 7, 2025 at 4:31 PM
Posts: 403
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they still looked dramatically better and more coordinated than they did with SWERL... not seeing the issue here

posted 2 weeks ago

why is everyone down on this move? They looked fantastic with OBONE.

posted 2 weeks ago

He was already huge before he joined SEN. SEN got carried to relevance by him, if anything

posted 3 weeks ago

Awful take. North Korean citizens have no clue what the outside world looks like. People in Nazi Germany had no clue what the rest of the world was like. Most Americans have zero concept of what the greater world beyond North America is like.

Saying that you have better perspective because you're a citizen is completely inaccurate. If anything, it means you have LESS perspective than an outsider.

posted 1 month ago

I'm not sure I get the point you're making. Are you saying that this team should be better than the 2023 100T? If so, I agree - and they are - as are every other team. But they've also made far more than 1 change since 2023 in both coaching and playing staff.

posted 1 month ago

I'm not sure I actually understand all the people freaking out about 100T. They've had their roster for around 110 days, give or take a week, and lost to 2 teams in the top4 of NA VCT in extremely close series in Kickoff - the very first tournament of the year.

Half of the VLR community doesn't even consider LOCK//IN to be a valid win for fnatic because teams had so little time to practice and they were the first superteam to be formed.

EG didn't reach their peak until later in their 2023 season. Heretics didn't reach their peak until later in the 2024 season.

Why exactly are we freaking out about a team who performed well at the very first event of the year, exactly when the meta is shifting, running old comps?

Open to other perspectives

posted 1 month ago

EDG won the most titles of the year - regionally, they are the best. At the world stage, they won Champions. They have the most accolades of any team, objectively

But they aren't the best team of the year

posted 6 months ago

what does money have to do with anything? you think teams try more because there's more money?

the teams care about winning. the prize money is second.

posted 6 months ago

the argument that champs is a more important tournament because Riot allocated more points toward it as part of their circuit is bullshit. it is just another tournament.

it has more teams than Masters tournaments, but EDG was absent in comparison to other top teams at every other international event other than Champions

posted 6 months ago

if China were a more competitive region, I'd understand the case you're making. but let's be realistic - FPX and Trace were the closest to EDG, and the deepest run either of them made were quarters in internationals. they both upset some good teams, but weren't good enough to do it consistently.

that's to say - the argument that their 3 regional wins in VCT CN make them objectively the best is not as big of a win in the international circuit as it may seem

posted 6 months ago

do you have a link to this clip where he said that?

posted 6 months ago

And he overswings too much. 100%. But he domes people. Some of the best aim we've seen - with a bit of experience, he's gonna be a force to be reckoned with.

posted 7 months ago

Did you watch the matches or just look at the stats?

posted 7 months ago

"the legal team has not contacted me" - still tags DRX_VS in her Tweet.

Yeah this is a legal play FOR SURE

posted 7 months ago

Is he ever the solo smoker in those comps?

posted 7 months ago

wym? you take your SAT on one single day, so why would you not be able to watch champs lol

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

are you aware yay has demonstrably MORE games on Duelists than on Chamber? with better entry stats?

the narrative that yay was a Chamber 1 trick is so goofy.

posted 7 months ago

They were in a 2-1-2 so they could reclear space across the map, like garage or mid. 100T outcalled the fuck out of them and made it impossible for them to get info early enough.

SEN doubled short often so they could play retake/off site, but never actually anchored site. They also never flipped KJ over to A which would've done wonders for information, but it's not over for em yet

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Have you even watched a single game of them playing? They were actually extremely good.

posted 8 months ago


posted 9 months ago

I didn't imply that. I implied you didn't understand what I meant.

posted 9 months ago

I've typed like 30 words in the past 3 posts I've made
EDIT: Also, this kid doxxed me, so yeah, my bad for being a little bit pissed off about it.

posted 9 months ago

I didn't imply that you had to translate it at any point.

Your comprehension of my post is the issue, not the words I used.

posted 9 months ago

Just minor differences in the meaning of words based on your understanding of the language. I implied something with my words that may not translate well into your language

posted 9 months ago

#36 - thank you my friend

posted 9 months ago

English isn't your first language. Back in your lane buddy.

posted 9 months ago

Yea this shit was wild. That's how the Internet is sometimes

Ps: if you can report just post where he doxxed me, that'd be appreciated. Thanks brother

posted 9 months ago

I was on CycloneGG you fucking dork. I'm proud of you that you have a modicum of knowledge of history. You're intelligent enough to fact check. Go do some homework.

The fact you so concretely attach your ego to your personality on a forum is unwell.

Someone called you out for acting funny, and I also replied to you saying the way you're speaking and acting is odd. Then you reply with two paragraphs, egoing me, when you're just as much of a nobody as I am in the scheme of tactical FPSs. You also say I have an obsession with FNS - I've literally never posted about him before.

You are the one defending your honor on VLR.gg of all places.

You are the one who needs help. 988lifeline.org - thank me later.

posted 9 months ago

Playing with somebody 10 years ago doesn't mean you know them.

I played with penny back when he was bul. We won ESEA Advanced together.

I scrimmed against Zellsis back when he was in Main frequently. I scrimmed against FNS, crashies, food, yay, literally all of the old CS players.

No one cares. That was years ago. How can you genuinely attempt to say you 'know someone personally' when you actually don't

posted 9 months ago

in marketing/the public sphere, a person IS a brand, as much as a brand IS a brand.

Zellsis is a brand. Jordan Montemurro is a person.

Sentinels is a brand. Sentinels is not a person.

The content published on Zellsis's platform is held to the same standards on content posted on Sentinels' platforms or G@'s platforms.

posted 10 months ago

Is TenZ in contention for top5? I feel like it could be argued but he just fell off too hard for too long. Think he's probably HM or top10 still

Shao/ANGE1 deserve a mention for sure. Top level for so long, just have been goofy and fucked up getting to intnl stage

Stax surely gets a mention. Consistently top 1-2 in APAC up until the past few months, IGLing at a high level, extremely flexible, seemingly the vocal guy on his team

posted 10 months ago

it was their orb?

posted 10 months ago

mald more. post your tracker

posted 11 months ago

skill gap

posted 11 months ago

You act like Vitality didn't look good

posted 11 months ago

his Breach util was actually exemplary. only one match though, excited to see how good he looks on non duelist roles

posted 11 months ago

he's an interesting choice. played with him in ranked and he's very vocal, but iirc from the CS days, he had a reputation for being toxic. that felt to be the same when we played - that being said, he's got good gamesense and is confident. give him some time

posted 11 months ago

Yes, because having a tournament every 15 days on average is good for the ecosystem. Bigger number = BIGGER BETTER!

posted 11 months ago

...it's a scrim?

posted 11 months ago

Have you seen DSG bro? C'mon bro they're winning Polaris bro wtf man

posted 11 months ago
  1. cut out slop - fast food every once in a while is fine, a recent review of a large pool of research on seed oils claims it's not actually bad for you, which doesn't make it good, but in general, get rid of junk food and stop eating at places you know you shouldn't. except for people genetically fucked over, you get acne or rashes or feel tired because the fuel you consume is not serving your body. why else would your pores leak pus, inflame, why else would you feel tired?

  2. sleep more - get a bit more sleep than you do right now. or, if you have poor sleep hygiene, work on that.
    -no phone within 1 hr (and preferably 3 hrs of bed) - blue light destroys your circadian rhythm.
    -no eating within 1 hr (and preferably 5 hrs of bed) - processing food is THE MOST metabolically-intensive process for the body. there's a reason you sleep like shit after eating food at 2am.

start there - if you can't dial those two things in, there's no point in 'looksmaxxing' and getting mastic gum or getting serums - you just lack discipline.

posted 11 months ago

Finally actualizing his potential. good for him - he looks FUCKING INSANE. alongside t3xture, they may be the scariest duelist combo out there right now - any other competitors? marteen + N4RRATE potentially, but they rarely do double duelist

posted 11 months ago

I fucking love him as a person and as a player. He is EXTREMELY clutch - I wish we saw him more on sentinel because I think he would fry on that role.

But, his fragging output is still inconsistent.

posted 11 months ago

nah he's right. they consistently place well, which OP is indeed correct about, but all of the players except forsaken have massively differing performances. even look at this tournament as an example

something has looked like a god in some situations, and a bot in others. i don't know why alecks thought it a good idea to put one of the best Jetts in the world on Gekko, but that's a different story.

davai has always had crazy inconsistency. i'm thinking back to vct regular season 2023 where he was shredding hard in playoffs - but on LANs, sometimes he doesn't perform. and sometimes he does, like against Gen.G yesterday.

monyet - he has insane potential. but there's a lot of pressure on him and i don't think the team is supporting him in the right ways to help him succeed. they seemingly want to mold him into jingg in some ways and it ain't the move.

mindfreak and forsaken - both of them are actually p consistent.

so it's the other 3 that fluctuate wildly.

posted 11 months ago

OPs rationale just makes no sense. I haven't seen other people saying that KC will get worse though, but I'm not very active here

posted 11 months ago


they beat fnatic. fnatic played well. not to 100%, probably to 85%, but KC looked dominant. they won on fnatic's best map while losing both pistols in regulation. if they have the skill to beat fnatic, then they have the skill to beat anyone in the world.

re: this tournament - marteen, tomaszy, N4RRATE have not played an international LAN before (correct me if I'm wrong), and this is magnum's first return to a big stage since 2021 (again, correct me if I'm wrong) - I expected them to lose here, but I guarantee they will be top2 by champs, and I can easily see them winning champs.

N4RRATE is the best player in the world. magnum's calling will improve with time. everyone will get more consistent, ESPECIALLY with ENGH at the helm. your proposition that they will get worse because they 'worry more' about 'playing right' doesn't really track - when anyone learns a new agent at a high level, they study the fuck out of how the tippity top-level players use their kits, and mimic that until they've refined it.

then, they slightly tinker around until they create their own playstyle with the agent(s). that is to say - they will not be in their heads with 'OMG am I making the right play?!?!'; they will be thinking 'okay, can't do that!' and just iterate upon previous mistakes.

posted 11 months ago

goo goo ga ga, people have opinions. get over it

posted about a year ago
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